Using dummy variable to integrate (formal solution of rad. trans eqn)

In summary: This is called the integration constant.f(\tau) = c_0 + \int_0^\tau S e^t \, dtYou can also write the integration constant on the other side of the equation, as you did in your attempt:f(\tau) = \int_0^\tau S e^t \, dt + c_0So the main thing to take away from this is that the integration constant is just a constant added to the integral. It is needed because when you differentiate your result, you will get Se^τ, which is not the same as your original equation, which was Seτ.In summary, the equation of radiative transfer is dI/dτ = -I + S.
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Homework Statement

(Everything here is frequency dependant, but I have left off the v from all the variables to minimise chance of typos - hopefully that is ok but please let me know if not and I will try and retype!)

The equation of radiative transfer is

dI/dτ = -I + S

We guess that I(τ) = f(τ)e

Taking the derivative of this gives

dI/dτ = fbe + edf/dτ

which is just the same as

dI/dτ = bI + edf/dτ

Substituing this back into the first equation gives

bI + edf/dτ = -I + S

So b = -1 and

S = edf/dτ

I have been able to follow all this but the next step is where I get lost - my lecture notes go straight to

f = ∫Setdt + c0 (Integral limits from 0 to τ)

"where t is a dummy variable".

Homework Equations

All given above I think

The Attempt at a Solution

My approach was to go from

S = edf/dτ

df/dτ = Seτ

Separate variables

df = Seτ

Then integrate from 0 to f and from 0 to τ

f = ∫Seτ

But I'm not sure how to do that integral and (according to my notes) it is the wrong approach anyway! If someone could fill in the gaps and take me step-by-step through the method used in the notes it would be really helpful. I don't get how this other variable t is allowable or useful? Or where the c0 comes from?
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  • #2
ck99 said:
df/dτ = Seτ (*)

Separate variables

df = Seτ

Then integrate from 0 to f and from 0 to τ
You can't just choose different integration limits on both sides of the equation. You are allowed to integrate both sides but you should choose consistent limits, so let's choose 0 to τ:

[tex]\int_0^\tau \frac{df(t)}{dt} \, dt = \int_0^\tau S e^t \, dt[/tex]

You will see that I picked your equation which I marked by (*), as I'm not too fond of writing df = ... dt.

As τ is an integration limit, you need another variable in the integration, if the use of t and τ confuses you, you are also allowed to call it x:
[tex]\int_0^\tau \frac{df(x)}{dx} \, dx = \int_0^\tau S e^x \, dx[/tex]

Or you can give the integration limit a different name, e.g. x:
[tex]\int_0^x \frac{df(\tau)}{d\tau} \, d\tau = \int_0^x S e^\tau \, d\tau[/tex]

Let's use the first equation. I hope you're still with me.
On the left hand side, we have the fundamental theorem of calculus saying we will get f(τ) - f(0).
On the right hand side, well, we can't really do much with that integral. So now we have
[tex]f(\tau) - f(0) = \int_0^\tau S e^t \, dt[/tex]
so you can pull f(0) over to the right hand side and call it c0.

FAQ: Using dummy variable to integrate (formal solution of rad. trans eqn)

1. What is a dummy variable in the context of integrating the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation?

A dummy variable is a variable that is used to represent a specific condition or state in a mathematical equation. In the context of integrating the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation, a dummy variable is often used to represent the path length of the radiation through a medium.

2. Why is a dummy variable necessary for integrating the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation?

A dummy variable is necessary because it allows for the integration of the radiative transfer equation over a range of values. This is important because the equation describes the transfer of radiation through a medium and the path length can vary. Using a dummy variable allows for a more general solution that can be applied to different scenarios.

3. How is a dummy variable chosen in the integration of the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation?

The choice of a dummy variable is typically based on the physical meaning of the variable in the context of the radiative transfer equation. For example, if the equation describes the transfer of radiation through a medium with varying density, the dummy variable may represent the density of the medium.

4. Can a dummy variable be used in other equations besides the radiative transfer equation?

Yes, dummy variables can be used in other equations to represent specific conditions or states. They are commonly used in integrals to allow for the integration over a range of values.

5. Are there any limitations to using a dummy variable in the integration of the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation?

One limitation is that the choice of a dummy variable may not always be obvious and may require some physical insight into the problem. Additionally, using a dummy variable may result in a more complex solution that is difficult to interpret. It is important to carefully consider the use of a dummy variable and its implications for the final solution.
