Using finite difference to solve DE

In summary: As it happens, this is possible.)I guess the rest is simple programming. In summary, the conversation discusses the process of solving a differential equation using algebraic approximations for the differential elements and nodes. The resulting equations are represented in matrix form, with the matrix for the second derivative being tridiagonal. The solution is found by finding the inverse of the resulting matrix.
  • #1

Homework Statement

d2T/dx2 = 5*(dT/dx) - 0.1*x = 0
T(0) = 50
T(10) = 400
(Δx) = 2I've figured out how to do these problems when Δx = 1, but when it equals any other number it goes wrong.
I know you start by plugging in the algebraic approximations for the differential elements, I think maybe my problem is the nodes?

Homework Equations

d2T/dx2 = (Ti+1 * Ti + Ti-1)/((Δx))
dT/dx = (Ti+1 - Ti-1)/(2*Δx)

The Attempt at a Solution

node1 = 2; node2 = 4; node3 = 6; node4 = 8;

For node1:
(T2 - 2*T1 + T0)/(22) + 5*((T2 - T0)/(2*2)) - 0.1*(2) = 0

End up with ======> -0.5*T1 + 1.5*T2 = 50.2

For node2:
(T3 - 2*T2 + T1)/(22) + 5*((T3 - T1)/(2*2)) - 0.1*(4) = 0

End up with =======> -T1 - 0.25*T2 + 1.5*T3 = 0.4

For node3:
(T4 - 2*T3 + T2)/(22) + 5*((T4 - T2)/(2*2)) - 0.1*(6) = 0

End up with ========> -T2 - 0.5*T3 + 1.5*T4 = 0.6

For node4:
(T5 - 2*T4 + T3)/(22) + 5*((T5 - T3)/(2*2)) - 0.1*(8) = 0

End up with ========> -T3 - 0.5*T4 = -724.2

I put all the coefficients into a matrix and its tridiagonal, which is good I think. But when I try to plot it in MATLAB it gives me a crazy looking zigzag, which I'm pretty sure isn't correct.

If someone could point out what I'm doing wrong I would really appreciate it! :)
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  • #2
For arbitrary ##\Delta x## you have: ##x_n = x_0 + n\Delta x## ... this is the lynchpin.
Tri-diagonal matrix is correct: that's what you get for a second derivative.

If you only had the second derivative, then the matrix would have (1,-2,1) on the diagonal, multiplied by a constant.
You should be able to write out the matrices for each term and just add them up.
  • #3
I still don't really understand.
  • #4
jdawg said:
I still don't really understand.
It is best to understand the techniques you are applying instead of just going through the motions by rote.

Note: post #1, under "relevant equations", check that first expression.

If ##D^2_iy## indicates the second derivative of ##y(x)## evaluated at point ##x=x_i : i\in\mathbb{Z}## then:
$$D^2_iy \approx \frac{y_{i+1}-2y_{i}+y_{i-1}}{h^2}: y_i=y(x_i)$$
... here I used ##h=\Delta x## to avoid typing lots of deltas.

However, this expression may be inconsistent with the second expression in the same section.
If ##D_iy\approx\frac{1}{2h}\big(y_{i+1}-y_{i-1}\big)## then: ##D_i^2y \approx \frac{1}{4h}\big(D_{i+1}y-D_{i-1}y\big)##
... so it kinda helps to know where you are coming from.

This would make the matrix for a second order DE potentially quin-diagonal. But I don't think it's a fatal problem since these are only approximations anyway.

Now, using this notation...
I can define a vector ##\vec x = \big(x_0,x_1,x_2,\cdots x_n,\cdots x_{N-2},x_{N-1}\big)^t : x_n=x_0+nh## ... for the N discrete points you want to do your evaluation over. (The "##^t##" indicates a transpose so this is defined to be a column vector.)

I can derive, from that, other vectors like: ##\vec y = \big(y_0,y_1, \cdots y_n, cdots y_{N-1}\big)^t:y_n=y(x_n)## and, similarly ##\vec y' = \big(y'(x_0)\cdots\big)^t## etc.

You follow me so far?

When I look at the relationships, I can see that ##\vec y' = D\vec y## where ##D## is a matrix that looks like this:
0 & 1 & 0 &\cdots\\
-1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & \cdots\\
0 & -1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & \cdots\\
\cdots & 0 & -1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & \cdots\\
& & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & &\\
\end{bmatrix}$$ ... ie, this is a tri-diagonal matrix where the diagonal elements are (-1,0,1) times a constant (1/2h).

This follows from your definition in post #1 (section 2, 2nd equation). You should check, if you have not already.
OTOH: If we follow the definition of the derivative given in math textbooks you get a tri-diagonal matrix with elements (0,-1,1)/h.

... however you do it, it also follows that ##\vec y'' = D\vec y' = D(D\vec y) = D^2\vec y##

Thus any DE can, with a bit of care, be rewritten as a matrix equation.

Yours is (from post #1):
d2T/dx2 = 5*(dT/dx) - 0.1*x = 0
Which is ##D^2\vec T = 5D\vec T - 0.1\vec x ##
Where ##h=2, T(0)=T(x_0)=T_0=50, T(10)=T(x_{175})=T_{175} = 400##

Rearrange, you get ##A\vec T = \vec x## where ##A=50D-10D^2##.
The solution, therefore, amounts to finding the inverse of the matrix A.
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Related to Using finite difference to solve DE

What is finite difference?

Finite difference is a numerical method used to approximate the solution to a differential equation by replacing the derivatives in the equation with their corresponding finite difference approximations.

How does finite difference work?

To use finite difference to solve a differential equation, the domain of the equation is divided into a set of discrete points. At each point, the differential equation is approximated using the values of the function at neighboring points. The resulting system of equations can then be solved using algebraic methods.

What types of differential equations can be solved using finite difference?

Finite difference can be used to solve a wide range of ordinary and partial differential equations. However, it is most commonly used for equations with one or two independent variables and derivatives of first or second order.

What are the advantages of using finite difference to solve DE?

Finite difference is a flexible and versatile method that can be applied to a variety of differential equations. It is also relatively simple to implement and does not require advanced mathematical knowledge. Additionally, finite difference can handle nonlinear and time-dependent equations, which may be difficult to solve analytically.

What are the limitations of finite difference?

Finite difference is a numerical approximation method, so the solutions obtained may not be exact. The accuracy of the solution depends on the number of discrete points chosen and the approximation scheme used. Additionally, finite difference may not be suitable for solving equations with complex boundary conditions or highly nonlinear terms.

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