Using Index Theory to show a system has no closed orbits

In summary, the conversation is about an exercise in a nonlinear dynamics course where the goal is to show that a system has no closed orbits using index theory. The attempt at a solution involves finding 4 fixed points and showing that the sum of their indices must equal 1 for there to be a closed orbit. However, one of the fixed points is a stable spiral, which could potentially have a closed orbit around it. The author of the conversation plots the system in Mathematica and concludes that there are no closed orbits, but is not convinced by the argument provided in the exercise. They suggest using the iteration method to find the global unstable manifold, but also acknowledge that this might not be helpful. They suggest drawing pictures to convince oneself that there cannot
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Homework Statement

I'm doing a course in nonlinear dynamics using Strogatz. One of the exercises in the book is "Using index theory show that the system has no closed orbits"

Homework Equations

[itex] \dot{x} = x(4-y-x^{2}) , \dot{y} = y(x-1) [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Turns out there are 4 fixed points and we know that the sum of the indices of the fp within the closed orbit must equal 1.
No problem, except for the fp (1,3) which is a stable spiral(hence index of 1), which could in theory have a closed orbit around it.
Strogatz argues there can't be a closed orbit around it due to the saddle at (2,0) which has an unstable manifold in the direction of the spiral and the cycle can't cross the manifold as it would intersect another trajectory.
But as I understand things at the moment, the unstable manifold is only valid in the region close to the saddle, very clearly demonstrated by homoclinic orbits where the trajectory runs away on the unstable manifold but loops around and returns on the stable manifold.

I plotted the system in mathematica(see attachment) and it's clear that there indeed are no closed orbits, but Strogatz' argument doesn't convince me that what I drew in on the plane isn't possible.


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I agree, as is, this isn't terribly convincing, unless Strogatz is talking about the global unstable manifold. Is this perhaps one of those rare examples where you can explicitly calculate the global unstable manifold? Sometimes this happens; the iteration method for finding the unstable manifold might converge after a finite number of steps. I haven't read Strogatz mind you, so I don't know if he covers the iteration method.

EDIT: Also, this probably wouldn't be very helpful, since then there's the matter of just making the closed orbit "smaller" so it avoids the unstable manifold.

You might be able to convince yourself by drawing a few pictures. I know, it's a bit of a cop-out, but try it. Draw a circle for your closed orbit, and draw a saddle nearby. Extend the saddle to some global unstable and stable manifold in the configuration that you think would cause a problem. Now, try to fill the phase portrait with arrows. Can you find any points for which the trajectory couldn't be continued backwards? I think you'll find that you run into problems for some points that are near the closed orbit.

Related to Using Index Theory to show a system has no closed orbits

What is "Index Theory" and how is it used in this context?

Index Theory is a mathematical theory that allows us to analyze the properties of certain systems, such as dynamical systems. In this context, Index Theory is used to determine the number of fixed points or closed orbits in a system, which can provide valuable information about the behavior of the system.

What is a "closed orbit" in the context of dynamical systems?

A closed orbit in a dynamical system is a path or trajectory that a point follows in a repeated manner, eventually returning to its starting point. In other words, a closed orbit is a periodic solution to the system's equations of motion.

How can Index Theory be used to show that a system has no closed orbits?

Index Theory allows us to calculate the number of fixed points or closed orbits in a system. If this number is equal to zero, then we can conclude that the system has no closed orbits. This is because the number of fixed points or closed orbits is directly related to the topology or structure of the system, and an index of zero indicates that there are no such structures present.

Can Index Theory be applied to any type of dynamical system?

While Index Theory can be applied to a wide range of dynamical systems, it is most commonly used for systems that are continuous and have a finite number of dimensions. Additionally, certain assumptions and conditions must be met in order for Index Theory to be applicable, such as the system being smooth and well-behaved.

Are there any limitations to using Index Theory to analyze systems with closed orbits?

While Index Theory can provide valuable insights into the behavior of a system, it does have some limitations. For example, it may not be able to detect certain types of closed orbits, such as chaotic or unstable orbits. Additionally, the results obtained from Index Theory may not always accurately reflect the true behavior of a system, as it relies on certain assumptions and approximations.

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