Using Light to Make Processors with Features Smaller than It's Wavelength?

In summary, photolithography is a complex process used to create processors with sub-wavelength features. Despite the challenges of using light with a wavelength smaller than the desired feature size, various techniques such as phase masks, near-field contact mode, and numerical aperture can be used to achieve smaller focal spot sizes. This involves moving away from traditional optical assumptions and instead utilizing full-wave electromagnetic solutions.
  • #1
I've been reading up on photolithography trying to understand how processors with sub-wavelength features can be made through photolithography, but I just don't get it.

Can someone please help me by explaining in a conceptual way how light with a wavelength of, say, 200nm can be used to make a processor with 65nm features? Even with a large lens used to focus the light, you still can't make a point smaller than the wavelength of the light being focused, right?

Thank you so much!

Also, what is meant by numerical aperture in regards to a lens? Wikipedia didn't help me understand this.
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  • #2
The photolithography guys use a lot of tricks- using a phase mask (as opposed to intensity masks) is one technology, near-field contact mode is another. There are more exotic technologies under development. The mechanisms by which these technologies work are quite complex.

Loosely speaking, numerical aperture is a relationship between the focal length and diameter of a lens. Recall that diffraction occurs as a result of limiting the spatial extent of a wavefront. Collecting more of the wavefront (by increasing the diameter of the lens) means that diffraction effects are reduced, leading to a smaller spot size.
  • #3
Basically, use a big lens, plus some other tricks, for projection lithography. There is nothing limiting a focal spot size to the dimension of a wavelength, though in practice it becomes increasingly challenging to do this.
  • #4
When you go to sizes smaller then a light beam's wavelength, the electromagnetic fields of the light do not just disappear and become unusable. Rather, at sub-wavelength sizes, our neat intuitive picture of light being a bundle of rays traveling in straight lines and bouncing off things like billiard balls breaks down. For example, the air molecules in the sky are sub-wavelength to most of sunlight's spectrum, yet we have no problem seeing the blue sky. All that is required at sub-wavelength sizes is to return to full-wave electromagnetic solutions to Maxwell's equations and avoid assumptions or mental constructs from the world of optics (easy to do in principle, hard to do practice). When you go sub-wavelength, you have to really know what the electromagnetic fields are doing (typically using numerical em codes), and not just ray-trace.
  • #5

I can understand your confusion about how light with a larger wavelength can be used to create smaller features on a processor. Let me try to explain it in a simple way.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the wavelength of light used in photolithography is not the limiting factor for creating smaller features on a processor. Instead, it is the resolution of the lithography system that determines the size of the features.

In photolithography, a pattern is created on a mask, which is then transferred onto a photosensitive material on the surface of the processor. This pattern is created using a process called photoresist, where light is used to expose specific areas of the photosensitive material. The exposed areas then undergo a chemical reaction, making them either soluble or insoluble, depending on the type of photoresist used.

Now, coming to your question about how light with a wavelength of 200nm can be used to create features with 65nm size, it is important to note that the resolution of a lithography system is not limited by the wavelength of light, but by the numerical aperture of the lens used to focus the light.

Numerical aperture is a measure of how much light can be collected and focused by a lens. It is determined by the refractive index of the material through which the light is passing and the angle at which the light enters the lens. A higher numerical aperture means a greater ability to focus light and thus, a higher resolution.

In photolithography, the numerical aperture of the lens is increased by using specialized lenses and techniques such as immersion lithography, where the lens is placed in a liquid with a higher refractive index than air. This allows for a higher resolution and smaller features to be created.

In summary, the key to creating smaller features on a processor is not the wavelength of light, but the resolution of the lithography system, which can be improved by increasing the numerical aperture of the lens. I hope this explanation helps to clarify your doubts.

FAQ: Using Light to Make Processors with Features Smaller than It's Wavelength?

What is the concept behind using light to make processors with features smaller than its wavelength?

The concept is based on the use of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light, which has a shorter wavelength than traditional lithography techniques, to create smaller features on computer processors. By using EUV light, the resolution of the lithography process can be increased, allowing for the creation of smaller and more intricate features on processors.

Why is it important to make processors with features smaller than their wavelength?

Smaller features on processors allow for more transistors to be packed onto a single chip, increasing the overall processing power and efficiency of the chip. This is crucial in keeping up with the demand for faster and more powerful computing devices.

What are the challenges of using light to create such small features on processors?

One of the main challenges is developing the technology to produce EUV light with the necessary intensity and precision required for lithography. Additionally, the process of creating and directing the light onto the processor requires complex and expensive equipment.

How does the use of light impact the speed and accuracy of the lithography process?

Using light, specifically EUV light, allows for faster and more accurate lithography compared to traditional techniques. The shorter wavelength of EUV light means that it can create smaller features with higher precision, resulting in faster and more efficient processing of the chip.

What are the potential applications for processors with features smaller than their wavelength?

Processors with smaller features can be used in a wide range of applications, from more powerful and energy-efficient smartphones and computers to advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and self-driving cars. They also have the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare and finance with faster and more accurate data processing.
