Using stokes theorem to find magnetic field

In summary: You can't just substitute in B(r) like that.In summary, the conversation discusses using Stokes theorem to find the magnetic field induced by current in space. The equations for the magnetic field (B) and current density (J) are given, and the attempt at a solution involves using the integral and closed integral equations for stokes theorem. The answer is evaluated in terms of R, r, and p (ρ), but it is unclear what the difference between these variables is. The evaluation of the closed integral is incorrect as the substitution of B(r) is not valid.
  • #1

Homework Statement

magnetic field is azimuthal B(r) = B(p,z) [tex]\phi[/tex]
current density J(r) = Jp(p,z) p + Jz(p,z) z
= p*exp[-p] p + (p-2)*z*exp[-p] z

use stokes theorem to find B-filed induced by current everywhere in space

Homework Equations

stokes - {integral}dS.[curl A] = {closed integral}dl.A
curl B(r) = J(r)

The Attempt at a Solution

={integral}dS.[curl B(r)] = {closed integral}dl.B(r)
={integral}dS.J(r) = {closed integral}dl.B(p,z) [tex]\phi[/tex]

{integral}dS.J(r) = {integral}dS.p*exp[-p] p + (p-2)*z*exp[-p] z = {closed integral}dl.B(p,z) [tex]\phi[/tex]

dl = pd[tex]\phi[/tex] [tex]\phi[/tex]
dS = pd[tex]\phi[/tex]dz p + pd[tex]\phi[/tex]dp z

{closed integral}pd[tex]\phi[/tex].B(p,z) [tex]\phi[/tex] - with limits 0-2pi
= B(p,z)*2pi*p

{integral}dS.p*exp[-p] p + (p-2)*z*exp[-p] z
do in 2 parts:
{integral}pd[tex]\phi[/tex]dz.p*exp[-p] p - with limits 0-2pi and 0-R
= 2pi*p2*R*exp[-p]

{integral}pd[tex]\phi[/tex]dp.(p-2)*z*exp[-p] - with limits 0-2pi and 0-r
= -2pi*r2*exp[-r]

so B(p,z)*2pi*p = 2pi*p*R*exp[-p] - 2pi*r2*exp[-r]
= B(p,z) = p*R*exp[-p] - r2/p*exp[-r]

is this answer right?
Physics news on
  • #2
What's the difference between R, r, and p (by which I think you mean ρ)? That's the first thing you need to clear up.

You didn't say what surface S you're integrating over. In any case, I think your evaluation of

[tex]\oint_S (\nabla\times\textbf{B})\cdot d\textbf{S}[/tex]

is incorrect.

FAQ: Using stokes theorem to find magnetic field

1. How does Stokes theorem help in finding the magnetic field?

Stokes theorem is a mathematical tool that relates the line integral of a vector field to the surface integral of its curl. This allows us to convert a difficult line integral into a more manageable surface integral, making it easier to find the magnetic field.

2. What are the necessary conditions for using Stokes theorem for finding the magnetic field?

The vector field must be continuous and differentiable, and the surface being integrated over must have a closed boundary. Additionally, the surface must be orientable, meaning that an outward normal vector can be assigned at every point on the surface.

3. Can Stokes theorem be used for any shape or surface?

Yes, as long as the necessary conditions are met, Stokes theorem can be applied to any shape or surface. This makes it a versatile tool for finding the magnetic field in different situations.

4. How is Stokes theorem related to other mathematical theorems?

Stokes theorem is closely related to the fundamental theorem of calculus and the divergence theorem. In fact, the fundamental theorem of calculus is a special case of Stokes theorem when the surface being integrated over is flat.

5. What are some real-world applications of using Stokes theorem to find magnetic field?

Stokes theorem is commonly used in electromagnetism and in engineering, particularly in the design and analysis of electrical circuits and motors. It is also used in fluid mechanics to study the flow of fluids and in aerodynamics to analyze the lift and drag forces on objects.
