Using the conservation of energy equation

In summary, the problem involves two blocks connected by a string over a pulley, with block A on a frictionless slope and block B hanging below the pulley. The system is released from rest, causing block A to accelerate up the slope and block B to accelerate down. When block B has fallen 2m, its speed is 6m/s. The question asks to identify which term in the energy conservation equation is equal to zero and solve for the mass of block B. The non-conservative force of tension can be ignored and the system begins from rest, making KEo equal to zero. Using the explicit data for both blocks in the energy conservation equation, we can determine that the mass of block B is 30kg. Alternatively
  • #1
Here is the problem I am given,

Two blocks are connected by a string that passes over a massless, frictionless pulley. Block A, with a mass of 2.0 kg, rests on a ramp measuring 3.0m vertically and 4.0m horizontally. Block B hangs vertically below the pulley. Use g = 10 m/s^2 for simplicity.
When the system is released from rest, block A accelerates up the slove and block B accelerates straight down. When block B has fallen through a height h=2.0m, its speed is v=6.0m/s

Using Wnc = (KE + PE) - (KEo + PEo)
I am asked first to identify which term is equal to zero.

Since there is a non conservative force (tension), Wnc does not equal 0
However, the system begins from rest, so KEo = 0

I am then asked to solve for the mass of Block B using the equation above.

with KEo = 0, I know that,
Wnc = KE + PE - PEo, However, I am unsure of how to solve for m since it appears in
all the terms. How can I isolate it?

Am I simply overthinking the problem?

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  • #2
Knowing the mass of A and the height fallen and velocity given for B, one should be able to determine the mass of B.

The tension does not play a role in the KE or PE. The string simply constrains A to move with B.

Note that the speed of A must equal the speed of B, but A is on a slope, so does not displace vertically as B does.

Presumably the slope is frictionless?

A more general reference -
  • #3
Yes, the slope is frictionless. I realized the error with tension last night. It should be neglected because it does postive work to Block A and negative work to Block B. I believe I am running into a problem when trying to incorporate both blocks into the conservation of energy equation. Can I use the explicit data from both in the equation at the same time? If so, how do I arrange the equation?

I was under the impression that if I use,
Wnc = (KE + PE) - (KEo + PEo)
I can only use data from either Block B, or Block A, not both together. Is this true?

Additionally, if tension is ignored, there are no non conservative forces involved, and thus Wnc = 0 correct? However the question asks me to identify the one term that equals 0 in the equation of Wnc = (KE + PE) - (KEo + PEo). Since there is no work done by a non conservative force, Wnc = 0, but the system starts from rest, so doesn't KEo = 0 as well?

  • #4
Determine the correct form of the conservation of energy and realize that,

B is going down, so its PE is decreasing while A is going up to its PE is increasing and both A and B have increases in KE. Also one already knows the mass of A.
  • #5
I understand what is happening to the KE and PE of each block, but I believe my understanding of the energy of conservation equation is limited. I reviewed my book (Cutnell Physics), but I can't find an explenation of how to use this equation with two blocks, and this seems to be what is required.

Also, for Block B

If KEo = 0 and Wnc = 0

Wnc = (KE + PE) - (KEo + PEo)
0 = (KE + PE) - (0 + PEo)
--> 0 = KE +PE - PEo
--> 0 = 0.5(m)(v)^2 + 0.5(m)(g)(final height) - 0.5(m)(g)(initial height)

But m (the mass of block b) cannot be isolated

I appologize if my inablity to see something obvious is frustrating.Thanks!
  • #6
Using the conservation of energy equation Reply to Thread

KE of the block B = 1/2(Mv^2) = 1/2(Mx6^2 )= 18M.
The block B is attached to A through a string. When the block B falls through 2 m block A moves upwards through 2 m along the slope.
The length of the ramp is 5 m.If you take the sine of the angle of ramp,
you get 3/5.
When the block A and B are moving, the acceleration of both the blocks must be the same and the tension in the string must be the same.
The acceleration of the block A= [T-mg(sine of angle of ramp)]/m
= [T- 2x10x3/5]/2
The acceleration of block B = [Mg - T]/M, where M is the mass of Block B.
There fore [10M - T ]/M= [T-12]/2. solving this we get T = 32M/(M + 2)
Work done on the block B = KE of the block B
Displacement of the block B is 2m.And force on the block B is Mg-T
(10M - T)2 = 18M
10M - 32M/(M+2) = 9M or M - 32M/(M+2)= 0 or 1 = 32/(M+2)
M + 2 = 32 or M = 30kg
  • #7
You can solve the problem using conservation of energy equation.
In this case change in the total energy of A must be equal to the change the total energy of B. In A both KE and PE increase, whereas in B KE increases and PE decreases.
When B moves 2m vertically downwards A moves 2m along the ramp. The sine of the angle of ramp is 3/5. Hence A rises through a height 6/5m, and it aquirs the same velocity as that of B, i.e. 6m/s. Hence change in the total energy of A is 2x10x6/5 + 1/2(2x6^2) and that of B is -10Mx2 + 1/2(Mx6^2). When you simplify you get 24+36 = -20M + 18M = -2M. Since total energy cannot be negative we get 60 = 2M or M = 30kg.
  • #8
Using the conservation of energy equation Reply to Thread

rl.bhat said:
You can solve the problem using conservation of energy equation.
In this case change in the total energy of A must be equal to the change the total energy of B. In A both KE and PE increase, whereas in B KE increases and PE decreases.
When B moves 2m vertically downwards A moves 2m along the ramp. The sine of the angle of ramp is 3/5. Hence A rises through a height 6/5m, and it aquirs the same velocity as that of B, i.e. 6m/s. Hence change in the total energy of A is 2x10x6/5 + 1/2(2x6^2) and that of B is -10Mx2 + 1/2(Mx6^2). When you simplify you get 24+36 = -20M + 18M = -2M. The nagative sign indicates that the total energy of B decreases when the total energy of A increases so that the total energy of the system containing A and B remains constant.Hence 60 = 2M or M = 30kg.
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FAQ: Using the conservation of energy equation

1. What is the conservation of energy equation?

The conservation of energy equation is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. It is often written as E = mc^2, where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light.

2. How is the conservation of energy equation used in scientific research?

The conservation of energy equation is used in scientific research to analyze and understand the flow of energy in various systems. It is used to calculate the amount of energy present in a system, as well as to predict how energy will be transformed and distributed within the system.

3. Can the conservation of energy equation be applied to all types of energy?

Yes, the conservation of energy equation can be applied to all types of energy, including kinetic, potential, thermal, and electromagnetic energy. This is because it is a universal law that applies to all forms of energy.

4. How does the conservation of energy equation relate to the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This is consistent with the conservation of energy equation, as it also states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

5. Can the conservation of energy equation be violated?

No, the conservation of energy equation is a fundamental law of physics and has been observed to hold true in all known cases. If the equation appears to be violated, it is likely due to a lack of understanding or measurement error.
