Using the Euclidean Algorithm to Find Values for x and y in Linear Combinations?

In summary, Euclidean Linear Combination is a mathematical concept used to combine two or more vectors in a specific way to obtain a new vector in the same plane. It differs from regular linear combination by only applying to vectors in a Euclidean space. This concept is significant in mathematics as it allows for the representation of various concepts and has real-world applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. Additionally, Euclidean Linear Combination can be applied to any number of vectors as long as they are in the same Euclidean space.
  • #1
I need to be able to plug in appropriate x and y values for:

154x + 260y = 4

I guess this is done by working the euclidean algorithm backwards. But how do you do that?
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  • #2
Well, it's been like forever and a day since I did problems like this, but I think it goes something like this:

154x + 260y = 4

260 = (1)*154 + 106
154 = (1)*106 + 48
106 = (2)*48 + 10
48 = (4)*10 + 8
10 = (1)*8 + 2
8 = (4)*2

4 = 2*2 = 2*(10-8) = 2*(10-(48-4*10))
= 10*10 - 2*48
= 10*(106 - 2*48) - 2*48
= 10*106 - 22*48
= 10*(260 - 154) - 22*(154-106)
= 10*260 - 32*154 + 22*106
= 10*260 - 32*154 + 22*(260-154)
= 32*260 - 54*154

so x = -54 and y = 32
  • #3

To find appropriate values for x and y in the equation 154x + 260y = 4, we can use the Euclidean algorithm to work backwards. This algorithm involves finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two coefficients, 154 and 260. The GCD of 154 and 260 is 2.

Next, we can divide both sides of the equation by the GCD to simplify it and get rid of any common factors. This gives us 77x + 130y = 2.

Now, we need to express the GCD, 2, as a linear combination of 77 and 130. This can be done by using the extended Euclidean algorithm. The extended Euclidean algorithm involves finding the coefficients, s and t, such that the GCD can be expressed as s(77) + t(130).

In this case, the extended Euclidean algorithm gives us s = -1 and t = 1. This means that we can express 2 as -1(77) + 1(130).

Substituting this value for 2 into our simplified equation, we get -1(77x) + 1(130y) = -1(77x + 130y) = -1(2) = -2.

Therefore, we can plug in x = -1 and y = 1 to satisfy the original equation of 154x + 260y = 4. This is just one possible solution, as there are infinitely many solutions to this equation. Other values of x and y that satisfy the equation include x = -3 and y = 2, x = 4 and y = -3, etc.

In summary, to find appropriate values for x and y in a Euclidean linear combination, we use the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD, then express the GCD as a linear combination of the coefficients in the equation, and finally plug in the values for s and t to get a solution.

FAQ: Using the Euclidean Algorithm to Find Values for x and y in Linear Combinations?

1. What is Euclidean Linear Combination?

Euclidean Linear Combination is a mathematical concept that involves combining two or more vectors in a specific way to obtain a new vector that lies in the same plane as the original vectors.

2. How is Euclidean Linear Combination different from regular linear combination?

Euclidean Linear Combination differs from regular linear combination in that it only applies to vectors in a Euclidean space, which is a space with a fixed number of dimensions and a defined distance metric. Regular linear combination can be applied to any type of vectors.

3. What is the significance of Euclidean Linear Combination in mathematics?

Euclidean Linear Combination is significant in mathematics because it allows for the representation of many mathematical concepts, such as transformations, rotations, and projections, using a combination of simpler operations.

4. How is Euclidean Linear Combination used in real-world applications?

Euclidean Linear Combination has various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It is used to calculate forces, simulate motion, and create visual effects, among other things.

5. Can Euclidean Linear Combination be applied to more than two vectors?

Yes, Euclidean Linear Combination can be applied to any number of vectors, as long as they all lie in the same Euclidean space. The resulting vector will still lie in the same plane as the original vectors.

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