V: Comparing Plasma & Vacuum - ICP Instrument

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of an ICP instrument and a phenomenon where plasma can seal a vacuum hole. The vacuum chamber has an inlet that is closed when the plasma is off, but opens when the plasma is on, creating an intermediate stage of vacuum. The speaker initially thought that plasma, being high temperature, would eliminate the vacuum, but it actually does the opposite. The other person then clarifies that plasma is not necessarily high pressure and can still seal the vacuum hole.
  • #1
I used to work with a ICP instrument for a while. There's a phenomenon which I tried to explain but it seems not clear enough.
In the instrument, just imagine there are a vacuum chamber and a plasma torch. The vacuum chamber has an inlet with a diameter of about 1mm. If the plasma is off, the inlet is shut. Only when the plasma is on, the inlet is open and the vacuum can hold, otherwise, there's no vacuum. This vacuum is not so high, it's the intermediate stage.
I always thought plasma is high pressure, high temp, so it shoud elimilate the vacuum, but it does the opposite!.
Thanks for reading the thread.

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  • #2
Plasma is high temperature, not necessarily high pressure.
  • #3
You are right, plasma may not be high pressure, but how can I explain that plasma can seal the vacuum hole?

FAQ: V: Comparing Plasma & Vacuum - ICP Instrument

1. What is the difference between plasma and vacuum in an ICP instrument?

Plasma and vacuum are two different states of matter. In an ICP instrument, plasma is created by ionizing argon gas using a high-frequency electromagnetic field. Vacuum, on the other hand, refers to a state of low pressure or absence of matter. In an ICP instrument, vacuum is used to create a path for the ions to travel from the plasma to the detector.

2. How does plasma affect sample ionization in an ICP instrument?

Plasma plays a crucial role in ionizing the sample in an ICP instrument. The high temperature of the plasma (up to 10000°C) breaks down the sample into its constituent atoms and ions. These ions are then accelerated through the vacuum to the detector, where they are detected and measured.

3. Can both plasma and vacuum be adjusted in an ICP instrument?

Yes, both plasma and vacuum can be adjusted in an ICP instrument. The power and gas flow rate can be adjusted to control the properties of the plasma, such as temperature and stability. The vacuum can also be adjusted to optimize the ion path and reduce any interference from background gases.

4. How does the use of plasma and vacuum in an ICP instrument improve sample analysis?

The use of plasma and vacuum in an ICP instrument improves sample analysis in multiple ways. The high temperature of the plasma ensures complete ionization of the sample, leading to accurate and precise results. The vacuum helps to eliminate background interference, resulting in a cleaner and more accurate signal from the sample ions.

5. Are there any disadvantages of using plasma and vacuum in an ICP instrument?

While plasma and vacuum are essential components of an ICP instrument, there are some disadvantages to consider. The high temperature of the plasma can cause certain elements to form oxides, leading to inaccuracies in the results. Additionally, maintaining a vacuum can be challenging and requires regular maintenance and calibration.

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