Vacuum energy and Energy conservation

  • #1
Ebi Rogha
TL;DR Summary
I understand from Noether's theorem, energy is not conserved in big scale space-time (because space-time is not static in big scales).
Also, I have heard from physicists that vacuum energy fluctuation (creation and destruction of virtual particles) violates energy conservation. The reason, they justify, is based on uncertainty principle (energy-time form of uncertainty principle), energy can exist and disappear for a very short period of time.
Could somebody explain this in simple words please?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Ebi Rogha said:
I have heard from physicists

This is not an acceptable referende. How are we to track that down and figure out where the misunderstanding is.

Ebi Rogha said:
Casimir experiment energy conservation violate energy conservation
They do not.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
They do not.
Thanks Vanadium 50
How about vacuum fluctuation, does it violate energy conservation?
  • #4
Ebi Rogha said:
I have heard from physicists
As has already been pointed out, this is not a valid reference. Without a valid reference we have no basis for a discussion.

For that reason, I am closing this thread. @Ebi Rogha, if you have a reference, please PM me and I will look at it, and if it looks OK, I will reopen the thread so you can post it.

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