Vacuum in qft, what are we refering to?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of vacuum in quantum field theory and whether it refers to the lowest state vector of the Fock space or the lowest energy field configuration. It is also mentioned that the vacuum expectation value of the (scalar) quantum field is zero. There is confusion about whether the ground state energy of a free field also minimizes the energy of the Hamiltonian and how it relates to the Fock space ground state ket|0>.
  • #1
When we talk about the vacuum in qft, what are we referring to? The lowest state vector of the Fock space or the lowest energy field configuration that minimize the Lagrangian?

Also related, when we sandwich the free field between two vacuum states, we get zero plus quantum fluctuations. But the same applies, of course, when we sandwich the lowest field configuration (which is zero) between two vacuum states. So does the vacuum consist of unmeasurable/ unphysical free fields plus fluctuations, or zero field plus fluctuations?thanks in advance for any replies
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  • #2

<0|psi(x,t)|0> = 0

The vacuum expectation value of the (scalar) quantum field is zero. But for what psi(x,t)? It is certaintly zero for the free field. But the free field is not the field configuration that minimizes the Hamiltonian, that is psi(x,t) = zero.

So can we say, the quite obvious, that psi(x,t)= 0 is the vacuum?

I ask since I am confused because every qft book says |0> is the vacuum state and that the vacuum expectation value of the free field is zero. Furthermore, we can renormalized interacting fields, which then give zero expectation values for the renormalized interacting fields in the so-called physical vacuum.

As it seems, classically only psi(x,t) = 0 is the lowest energy configuration, but quantum physically in the vacuum the expectation values of every field (zero, free, interacting) gives per defintion zero.

Is that correct? If not, what got me confused?
  • #3

The vacuum state is defined to be the state in which there are no particles present, i.e. nothing available to be destroyed. In momentum representation, a(k)|0> = 0. In position representation define the positive frequency part ψ(+)(x) = ∫eik·x a(k) d3k. Then ψ(+)(x)|0> = 0.
  • #4

Thanks for answering, Bill!

What you wrote is certaintly true, and something I also found in the textbooks.

But what the textbooks also say, especially in those sections that treat spontaneous symmetry breaking, is that the vacuum is calculated to be the state of least energy. Here ψ is treated as classical field that minimizes the Hamiltonian, and by that giving us the ground energy state of the theory. For example, for a scalar field theory with a quartic interaction term, the minimum energy is achieved for ψ = 0, and if the sign of the mass term is flipped, we have two vacuum states, achieved by ψ = v and ψ = -v, where v is some constant.

I assume that the ground state energy of the free Klein-Gordon scalar-field Lagragian is also achieved by the configuration ψ = 0.

But why then is the vacuum expectation value <0|ψ|0> for a free field also zero? Does it also minimize the energy of the Hamiltonian of the theory?

How is the Fock space ground state ket|0> and the ground state energy of a Hamiltonian/ Lagrangian connected?
  • #5

I think that's generally right, for a self-interacting field you find the vacuum states by treating Ψ as a classical field and looking for the values that minimize the energy.

This is unrelated to <0|Ψ|0> = 0, I think. The field operator Ψ always creates or annihilates a particle, i.e. it changes the number of particles. So in general for any state |λ> with a finite number of particles, <λ|Ψ|λ> = 0.
  • #6
thanks, Bill! much appreciated

FAQ: Vacuum in qft, what are we refering to?

1. What is the vacuum in quantum field theory (QFT)?

The vacuum in QFT refers to the lowest energy state of a quantum field, where there are no particles or excitations present. It is often described as the "empty" or "ground" state of the field.

2. How is the vacuum defined in QFT?

The vacuum state is defined as the state with the lowest possible energy, known as the vacuum energy. This energy is not zero, but it is the minimum energy that a quantum field can have. The vacuum state is also a quantum superposition of all possible particle states.

3. How is the vacuum in QFT different from the vacuum in classical physics?

In classical physics, the vacuum is considered to be completely empty and devoid of any particles or energy. In QFT, the vacuum is a dynamic and fluctuating state, with virtual particles constantly popping in and out of existence. This is due to the inherent uncertainty in quantum mechanics.

4. What is the role of the vacuum in QFT?

The vacuum plays a crucial role in QFT as it sets the baseline for all other possible states of the quantum field. Vacuum fluctuations also contribute to the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift, both of which have been experimentally observed and verified.

5. Can the vacuum be modified or manipulated in QFT?

Yes, the vacuum can be modified or manipulated in QFT. This is often done through processes such as renormalization, where the vacuum energy is subtracted from calculations to account for its effects. The vacuum can also be perturbed by external fields, resulting in new particle creation and annihilation processes.
