Valuations and places - decomposition and inertia group

In summary, the author feels very uncomfortable with some aspects of the theory of valuations, places, and valuation rings. He has two problems: first, if k'/k is not separable, the decomposition group D of F' over F is not the same as e(F'/F); second, if f(F'/F) is defined to be [k' : k]sep, then the formula [L:K] = e f g does not hold.
  • #1
I feel very uncomfortable with some aspects of the theory of valuations, places, and valuation rings.
Here is one of my problems :
Assume that L/K is a finite Galois extension of fields, and that F is a place from K to its residual field k, whose associated valuation ring is discrete.
F extends to a place F' of L, from L to a finite algebraic extension k' of k, which we suppose to be the residual field of F'.
According to the litterature (Bourbaki, "commutative algebra", chap VI, Fried and Jarden, "Field arithmetic"), if e(F'/F) is the ramification index of F' over K, f(F'/F) is the residual degree of F' over K, and g is the number of non equivalent places extending F to L, there holds [L:K] = e f g.
Also, if D is the decomposition group of F' over K and J is its inertia group over K, then e(F'/F) = |J| and |D| = e(F'/F)f(F'/F).
Everything seems to be nice. Well, let see : I agree with everything as long as k'/k is separable, which is always the case if K is a number field (since then k is a finite field). But suppose that k'/k is not separable.
The decomposition group D of F' over F is the set of all automorphisms s of Gal(L/K) that leaves the valuation ring associated to F' globally invariant: this means that F's is equivalent to F' for all s in D (two places A and B are equivalent if there exists an automorphism s' of k'/k such that B = s'A, hence the place As is equivalent to A by the definition of the decomposition group). Since the natural homomorphism from D to Aut(k'/k) is surjective (Frobenius theorem), it is clear that Aut(k'/k) is isomorphic to D/J (J is the kernel of the said epimorphism). So, |D|/|J| = |Aut(k'/k)|, and there holds |D| = |J|.|Aut(k'/k)| = |J|.[k' : k]sep. Consequently, |D| is different from e(F'/F)f(F'/F) since f(F'/F) = [k' : k] and e(F'/F) = |J|, in contradiction with the literature.
Everything would have been OK if f(F'/F) had been defined to be equal to [k' : k]sep, but then the formula [L:K] = e f g would not hold anymore.

Every help will be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Well, I have asked the same question in math overflow, and get the answer here. In fact, it is false that D = ef if k'/k is not separable.
  • #3
coquelicot said:
Well, I have asked the same question in math overflow, and get the answer here. In fact, it is false that D = ef if k'/k is not separable.

Sorry, this is a mistake. It is always true that D = ef, but it is false that J = e if k'/k is not separable.
  • #4
I trust that you now have a satisfactory reply, so I will not try to respond but simply wish to thank you for having reminded me
of a lovely film called "king of hearts" in which one of the characters has the name Coquelicot.
  • #5
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. As a scientist, it is important to question and examine theories and concepts in order to gain a deeper understanding and potentially find areas for improvement.

In this case, it seems that the issue lies in the definition of f(F'/F) when k'/k is not separable. This could potentially be addressed by redefining f(F'/F) to be equal to [k' : k]sep, as you suggested. However, this may also require redefining other related concepts and formulas.

It may be helpful to further explore this issue and discuss it with other experts in the field. By doing so, we can work towards finding a solution or clarification to this problem and potentially improve the theory of valuations and places.

Related to Valuations and places - decomposition and inertia group

1. What is a valuation in the context of decomposition and inertia group?

A valuation is a mathematical concept used to assign a numerical value to a mathematical object, such as a polynomial or a matrix. In the context of decomposition and inertia group, a valuation is used to measure the complexity or the size of an algebraic structure, particularly in the study of algebraic number fields.

2. What is the decomposition group in relation to valuations?

The decomposition group is a subgroup of the Galois group of a given field extension that preserves the decomposition of prime ideals in the extension field. In the context of valuations, the decomposition group plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of valuations under field extensions.

3. What is the inertia group and how does it relate to valuations?

The inertia group is another subgroup of the Galois group that describes the inertia of a prime ideal in a field extension. It is related to valuations in the sense that it reflects the behavior of valuations under field extensions, particularly in terms of how the valuations of elements in the extension field are related to those in the base field.

4. What is the significance of studying valuations and their decomposition and inertia groups?

Studying valuations and their decomposition and inertia groups is important in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry as it provides a way to understand the structure and behavior of algebraic objects, such as number fields and algebraic varieties. It also allows for the classification and comparison of different algebraic structures, leading to important results and applications in these fields.

5. Are there any practical applications of valuations and their decomposition and inertia groups?

Yes, there are several practical applications of valuations and their decomposition and inertia groups in fields such as cryptography, coding theory, and error-correcting codes. These mathematical concepts provide a framework for constructing and analyzing efficient and secure coding schemes for data transmission and storage.

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