Vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of evaporation and heat loss in a cup of coffee with a lid on it. It is mentioned that the relative humidity will be 100% and a chart can be consulted to find the maximum amount of water vapor that can be held per unit volume. The conversation also touches on the rate of heat loss and the dynamics of the cup before reaching equilibrium. It is suggested that the dominant method of heat transfer is evaporation/condensation and the stability of the condensate layer is debated. The conversation ends with a question about how long it takes to reach equilibrium.
  • #1
Just wondering - if you have one of those cups of coffee with a lid on it, how much of the liquid would evaporate (assuming reasonable figures for the size of the cup and temperature of the liquid or whatever other variables are relevant)? Since it's essentially a sealed container, I'd assume there'd have to be some kind of equilibrium reached. What kind of figure would you be looking at in terms of the heat that the liquid loses to the air? Is this a big factor in the overall loss of heat from the coffee compared to conduction and radiation? Thanks in advance!
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  • #3
I saw this page. But how do we calculate the mass or moles of particles in the vapour state? How do we equate pressure to actual amount of substance?
  • #4
Musimatician said:
I saw this page. But how do we calculate the mass or moles of particles in the vapour state? How do we equate pressure to actual amount of substance?
Hi Musimatician.
Knowing the temperature and pressure, and recognizing the relative humidity will be 100%, you consult a chart relating those parameters to the maximum mass of water vapour that can be held per unit volume.

This will be a useful start:

You will have to approximate your data, because there will be a thermal gradient in the space above your coffee—near the coffee will be hotter than adjacent to the colder lid.

It is surprising just how much water is held as gas in our ambient air. Even in the middle of the Sahara and its low relative humidity, there is ample water for any household, and it's nearing feasiblity to extract it using a solar powered compressor (think of it collecting the drips from an array of air conditioners).
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  • #5
Hmm... I've calculated that the space in the cup will hold 3.2g of water/coffee vapour. But now, is there a way to calculate the rate of heat loss? The speed at which the liquid evaporates?
  • #6
Musimatician said:
Hmm... I've calculated that the space in the cup will hold 3.2g of water/coffee vapour. But now, is there a way to calculate the rate of heat loss? The speed at which the liquid evaporates?
Once it reaches an equilibrium, such as it is, I was thinking there would be no further evaporation. The plastic lid will become covered with a relatively stable layer of condensate. Heat loss from the drink will be from its surface by circulating "air currents" convection, plus radiant losses, conveying heat to the condensate layer on the lid, which transfers it by conduction and radiation through the plastic lid. That's how I picture it, anyway. Feel free to differ.
  • #7
Yeah, that sounds right. But what about before equilibirum? I mean, it doesn't reach that state instantly, does it?
  • #8
Musimatician said:
Yeah, that sounds right. But what about before equilibirum? I mean, it doesn't reach that state instantly, does it?
I have no idea how to analyze the dynamics while the cup equilibrates. Sorry.
  • #9
ah, thanks anyway. Know any way to get the attention of those who do?
  • #10
Musimatician said:
Hmm... I've calculated that the space in the cup will hold 3.2g of water/coffee vapour. But now, is there a way to calculate the rate of heat loss? The speed at which the liquid evaporates?

How big is that cup?

The density of air is 1.09 kg/m^3 at 50 degrees celsius, that's only 1.09 mg/(cm)^3.

partial pressure of water vapour at 50 degrees is 0.125 bar, and a water molecule is lighter than an average air mole cule by a factor of about 18/29, so I get only 0.084 mg for each cubic cm. You'd need 40 litres or more than 10 gallons to get 3.2 grams of water vapour.
  • #11
NascentOxygen said:
Once it reaches an equilibrium, such as it is, I was thinking there would be no further evaporation. The plastic lid will become covered with a relatively stable layer of condensate. Heat loss from the drink will be from its surface by circulating "air currents" convection, plus radiant losses, conveying heat to the condensate layer on the lid, which transfers it by conduction and radiation through the plastic lid. That's how I picture it, anyway. Feel free to differ.

I picture it differently.

I do not agree that the condensate layer will be stable. It will be dripping down into the hot coffee below. The dominant method of heat transfer will be evaporation/condensation.
  • #12
I think that it's stable BECAUSE of the condensation/evaporation cancelling out, isn't it? That's the point of a saturated vapour pressure? But anyway, how long does it take to get to this stage?

FAQ: Vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup

1. What is vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup?

Vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup is the process by which the liquid coffee inside a sealed cup is converted into vapor or steam. This occurs when the coffee is heated to a high enough temperature, causing the molecules to gain enough energy to escape into the air.

2. How does vaporisation occur in a sealed cup?

Vaporisation occurs in a sealed cup due to the high temperature of the coffee, which causes the water molecules to move faster and eventually escape into the air as vapor. The sealed cup prevents the vapor from escaping, causing it to collect inside the cup.

3. What factors affect the rate of vaporisation in a sealed cup of coffee?

The rate of vaporisation in a sealed cup of coffee can be affected by several factors, such as the temperature of the coffee, the surface area of the liquid, and the air pressure inside the cup. Higher temperatures, larger surface area, and lower air pressure can all increase the rate of vaporisation.

4. Is vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup a physical or chemical change?

Vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup is a physical change. This means that the chemical composition of the coffee remains the same, but its physical state changes from liquid to gas.

5. Can vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup be reversed?

Yes, vaporisation of coffee in a sealed cup can be reversed by cooling down the vapor to its original temperature. This process is known as condensation, where the vapor turns back into liquid form. This can be seen when steam on a mirror or window turns back into water droplets.

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