Variation of g with altitude and depth

In summary, according to the equations quoted in the homework, the value of gravity decreases with increased altitude and increased depth.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement [/
The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) at an altitude (h) is gh = g (1 - 2h/R).
Similarly the value of g at a depth (d) is gd = g(1 - d/R), where R is the radius of the earth.

Homework Equations

In both the cases, my book says the value of g decreases with increase in altitude and increase in depth, by quoting these equations. I don't know how to interpret this result by mere equations. Revered members can help in this regard

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
logearav said:
1. Homework Statement [/
The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) at an altitude (h) is gh = g (1 - 2h/R).
Similarly the value of g at a depth (d) is gd = g(1 - d/R), where R is the radius of the earth.

Homework Equations

In both the cases, my book says the value of g decreases with increase in altitude and increase in depth, by quoting these equations. I don't know how to interpret this result by mere equations. Revered members can help in this regard

The gravitation of attraction of a spherical object is equal to the case when ALL the material "under you feet" is completely concentrated at the center. So just imagine the part of the Earth which is closer to the center than you are, completely collapse to the center.

When you are above Earth's surface (at attitude), the amount of material "under your feet" do not change: it consists of the whole earth, but you are moving further away, you are moving further away from the center (where they "collapsed").

When you are below Earth's surface (at depth), the amount of material "under your feet" is only a portion of the whole earth, and the portion gets smaller as you get closer to the center. So gravity also gets weaker.
  • #3
Sir, i can't understand. Also i want to know how can we say the value of g is deceasing by the given mathematical equations. Thanks for the reply sir
  • #4
The "universal law of gravity" is [itex]F= -(GmM)/r^2[/itex] where G is the "universal gravitational constant" (NOT "g") , m and M are the masses of the two attracting bodies and r is the distance between the centers of the two bodies. In particular, if we take M to be the mass of the Earth and R to be the radius of the earth, F= -(GM/R^2)m= -gm so that g= GM/R^2. If r= R+ h, then we have F= -GmM/(R+ h)^2.

We can, using the "generalized binomial formula", write [itex](R+h)^{-2}= R^{-2}- 2R^{-3}h+ [/itex] higher order terms in h so if h is small compared to R, we can approximate [itex]-GmM/(R+ h)^2[/itex] by [itex]-GmM(R^{-2}- 2R^{-3}h= -GmM/R^2+ 2[GmM/R^{-2}](h/R)= -g(1- 2h/R).

And, of course, both of the formulas have g(1 minus something) so as that "something" increases, g decreases.
  • #5
Thanks for the reply HallsofIvy.

FAQ: Variation of g with altitude and depth

1. What is the concept of "g" in relation to altitude and depth?

"g" refers to the acceleration due to gravity, which is a measure of the force exerted by a planet's mass on objects near its surface. As altitude and depth change, the distance from the center of the planet also changes, causing a variation in the force of gravity.

2. How does "g" vary with altitude?

As altitude increases, the distance from the center of the planet also increases, resulting in a decrease in the force of gravity. This is because the mass of the planet is distributed over a larger distance, causing a weaker gravitational pull on objects near the surface.

3. Is there a difference in "g" between altitude and depth variations?

Yes, there is a difference in "g" between altitude and depth variations. While altitude affects the distance from the center of the planet, depth affects the distance from the surface of the planet. Therefore, the force of gravity at different depths will also vary due to the distribution of mass within the planet.

4. How is "g" measured at different altitudes and depths?

"g" is typically measured using an instrument called a gravimeter, which measures the acceleration of a test mass due to gravity. These measurements can then be used to calculate the force of gravity at different altitudes and depths.

5. What are some factors that can affect the variation of "g" with altitude and depth?

Some factors that can affect the variation of "g" with altitude and depth include the mass and density of the planet, as well as the shape and rotation of the planet. Other factors such as local variations in topography and geology can also play a role in the variation of "g" at a specific location.
