Variation of the metric tensor

In summary, the conversation discusses the various notions of derivative in differential geometry, including the covariant derivative and the Lie derivative. It also explores the use of the \delta quantity in calculus of variations and how it can be defined mathematically using the Gateaux-derivative. The conversation also touches on the Einstein-Hilbert action in General Relativity and how the functional derivative of this object is calculated.
  • #1
I'm currently working through General Relativity and I'm wondering how you would express the variation of a general metric tensor, or similarly, how you would write the total differential of a metric tensor (analogous to how you would write the total derivative for a function)? Also, on a related note, does the covariant derivative of the metric always vanish, regardless of the metric chosen?
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  • #2
There are various notions of derivative in differential geometry. There is the covariant derivative. Given a metric, there is a unique connection "compatible with it" and by definition or characterisation, this compatibility condition is presicely the fact that the covariant derivative of the metric vanishes identically. (Note that this answers your second question: given a fixed connection D, a metric g is such that Dg=0 iff g is compatible with D.)

There is also the notion of the Lie derivative.. which differentiates a tensor with respect to some vector field. For instance, the flow of some vector field X is a 1-parameter family of isometries iff L_Xg=0. In this case, X is called a Killing vector field.

Or, if your metric depends on a real parameter t, you can just differentiate it in the usual manner wrt t and you get a new symmetric tensor.
  • #3
I'm not talking about the covariant derivative of the metric, I simply mean how does one define this quantity: [itex]\delta[/itex][itex]g^{\mu\nu}[/itex]? I've seen it used countless times in many derivations, i.e. deriving the Einstein equations from the appropriate action relies heavily on this, but I've never seen it properly defined. I understand the geometric concept, but have no way of mathematically defining it.
  • #4
Oh! Then I don't know. I've read a bit on wikipedia but don't really get it.
  • #5
Hi there. These [itex]\delta[/itex] quantities are commonly used in Physics literature to be "small" changes in calculus of variations. It is indeed not so easy to define them in a mathematically rigorous way, because they can sometimes be treated like ordinary differentials in calculus, but they are something different.

I think they appear in context of the variation of the Einstein-Hilbert action in General Relativity. The action is a functional, i.e. a map depending on the metric [itex]g_{ab}[/itex] and its first and second partial derivatives [itex]g_{ab,c}[/itex], [itex]g_{ab,cd}[/itex] with values in [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]. Now if one calculates the functional derivative of such an object one looks how the functional changes if one changes the metric by "small" amounts. These small amounts are then called [itex]\delta g_{ab}[/itex].

This can be defined mathematically by using the Gateaux-derivative:" . In this Wikipedia article the [itex]\delta g_{ab}[/itex] correspond to the [itex]\psi[/itex] used in the definition of the Gateaux-derivative.
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  • #6
Thanks a lot, that helped very much.
  • #7
unchained1978 said:
I'm currently working through General Relativity and I'm wondering how you would express the variation of a general metric tensor, or similarly, how you would write the total differential of a metric tensor (analogous to how you would write the total derivative for a function)? Also, on a related note, does the covariant derivative of the metric always vanish, regardless of the metric chosen?

In the calculus of variation, we subject the relevant function (or in your case the metric) to a small change and write
[tex]g(x) \rightarrow \bar{g}(x) = g(x) + \delta g(x)[/tex]
Now, if this small change is brought about by infinitesimal coordinate transformation
[tex]x \rightarrow \bar{x} = x + f(x),[/tex]
then one can define two type of variations :
[tex]\delta g(x) = \bar{g}(\bar{x}) - g(x)[/tex]
This compares the transformed metric with original one at the same geometrical point P which has two different coordinate values [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]\bar{x}[/itex]. Some people call this type of variation “local variation” other call it “total variation”.
The other, more important, variation is defined by
[tex]\bar{\delta}g(x) = \bar{g}(x) - g(x)[/tex]
Here, we compare the transformed metric [itex]\bar{g}[/itex] at point [itex]\bar{P}[/itex] (with coordinate value equal to [itex]x[/itex]) with the original metric [itex]g[/itex] at point [itex]P[/itex] with coordinate value [itex]x[/itex]. This means that [itex]\bar{\delta}[/itex] refers to two different points having the same coordinate values, i.e., it is the Lie derivative along the vector field [itex]f(x)[/itex] which generates the coordinate transformation. Notice that the two variations are related by
[tex]\bar{\delta}g = \delta g - f(x)\partial_{x}g[/tex]



Related to Variation of the metric tensor

1. What is the metric tensor?

The metric tensor is a mathematical object that describes the geometry of a space by assigning a distance or interval between points in that space.

2. How does the metric tensor vary in different coordinate systems?

The metric tensor varies in different coordinate systems because it is a tensor, which means it has components that change depending on the chosen coordinate system. This allows for the description of the geometry of a space in different coordinate systems.

3. Why is the variation of the metric tensor important in general relativity?

In general relativity, the metric tensor is used to describe the curvature of spacetime, which is related to the distribution of matter and energy. The variation of the metric tensor is important because it allows for the description of this curvature in different reference frames.

4. How is the variation of the metric tensor calculated?

The variation of the metric tensor is calculated using the concept of covariant differentiation, which takes into account the change in basis vectors in different coordinate systems. This allows for the calculation of the metric tensor in any chosen coordinate system.

5. Can the variation of the metric tensor be used to describe other physical phenomena?

Yes, the metric tensor can be used in other areas of physics, such as electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, to describe the geometry of the underlying space. It is a fundamental concept in the study of the nature of the universe and its properties.

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