Variational principle & Emden's eqn

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses an attempt at deriving Emden's equation using a variational principle. The proposed approach involves rewriting the expression for the mass of a self-gravitating gas cloud and proposing a variational principle, but it does not take into account the fundamental principles of hydrostatic equilibrium and mass conservation. Therefore, it is not a valid approach for deriving Emden's equation.
  • #1
I once tried to come up with a variational principle that would lead to Emden's equation. I think this is instructive. Start with the mass

[tex]M = - 4 \pi a^{3} \rho_{c} \xi^{2} \Theta'[/tex]​

rewrite this as

[tex]M / 4 \pi a^{3} \rho_{c} + \xi^{2} \Theta' = 0[/tex]​

but just let

[tex]X = M / 4 \pi a^{3} \rho_{c} + \xi^{2} \Theta'[/tex]​

the "variational principle" for Emden's eqn is just

[tex]\delta X = 0[/tex]​

you have to use

[tex]\delta M = 4 \pi a^{3} \rho \xi^{2} \delta \xi [/tex] and [tex]\rho / \rho_{c} = \Theta^{n}[/tex]​

this lead straight to

[tex]\delta X = ( \xi^{2} \Theta'' + 2 \xi \Theta' + \xi ^2 \Theta^{n} ) \delta \xi = 0[/tex]​

Voila! The stuff in the parenthesis is emden's eqn and must equal zero.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your attempt at deriving Emden's equation using a variational principle. I appreciate your efforts and would like to provide some feedback on your approach.

Firstly, it is important to note that Emden's equation is a differential equation that describes the density profile of a self-gravitating, spherically symmetric gas cloud. It is derived from the equations of hydrostatic equilibrium and mass conservation. Therefore, any variational principle that leads to Emden's equation should also be based on these fundamental principles.

In your derivation, you start with the expression for the mass of the cloud, which is written in terms of the density and velocity profile (M = -4πa^3ρ_cξ^2Θ'). However, this expression does not take into account the effects of gravity and pressure, which are crucial in the formation of the density profile described by Emden's equation.

Next, you rewrite the expression as X = M/4πa^3ρ_c + ξ^2Θ', where X is a new variable. This step is not very clear and it is not clear how this new variable relates to the original mass expression.

Finally, you propose the variational principle \delta X = 0, where X is a function of ξ and Θ. However, this principle does not take into account the physical constraints of the system, such as mass conservation and hydrostatic equilibrium. Therefore, it is not a valid approach for deriving Emden's equation.

In order to derive Emden's equation using a variational principle, one would need to start with the fundamental principles of hydrostatic equilibrium and mass conservation, and then use variational techniques to find the density profile that satisfies these principles. This approach has been successfully used by several scientists in the past to derive Emden's equation.

In conclusion, while your attempt at deriving Emden's equation using a variational principle is interesting, it is not a valid approach. I would encourage you to continue exploring different methods and techniques in your scientific pursuits.

FAQ: Variational principle & Emden's eqn

1. What is the Variational Principle?

The Variational Principle is a mathematical concept that states that the solution to a problem can be found by minimizing a certain functional. In other words, it is a way to find the most efficient or optimal solution to a problem.

2. How is the Variational Principle used in physics?

In physics, the Variational Principle is used to find the equations of motion for physical systems. It allows us to find the path or trajectory that a system will follow by minimizing the action functional, which is the integral of the Lagrangian over time. This principle is a fundamental tool in many areas of physics, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and field theory.

3. What is Emden's Equation?

Emden's Equation is a nonlinear second-order differential equation that describes the behavior of a self-gravitating, spherically symmetric system. It is used in astrophysics to model the structure of stars and other self-gravitating objects. The equation is named after the German mathematician Robert Emden, who first derived it in the early 1900s.

4. How is Emden's Equation related to the Variational Principle?

Emden's Equation can be derived from the Variational Principle by applying the principle to a particular Lagrangian function that describes the gravitational potential energy of a self-gravitating system. By minimizing the action functional, we can obtain Emden's Equation, which describes the radial density profile of the system.

5. What are some applications of Emden's Equation?

Emden's Equation has various applications in astrophysics, such as modeling the structure of stars, galaxies, and other self-gravitating objects. It is also used in cosmology to study the evolution of the universe. In addition, the equation has been applied in other fields, such as fluid dynamics, where it describes the behavior of viscous fluids.

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