Varying an Action in Zee's GR Book

  • Thread starter dm4b
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In summary: Zee discusses a variation on this action, where you use the Minkowski metric instead of the GR metric and X changes with each iteration. He shows how to derive the same result as in the variation using the full GR metric, but then goes on to mention that you can exploit the freedom in choosing the parametrization by choosing a length parametrization, making L=1.
  • #1

I'm reading Zee's new GR book right now and ran across an action I am having trouble "varying". It's the first term in Eq (9), page 244. Looks like this:

[itex]S=-m\int d\tau \sqrt{-\eta _{\mu \nu }\frac{dx^{\mu }}{d\tau }\frac{dx^{\nu }}{d\tau }}[/itex]

I'm familiar with the trick that gets rid of the square root as outlined by guys like Carrol, as well as Zee. But, I want to tackle this thing head on the hard way w/o the trick ;-)

But, I'm getting stuck reproducing what Zee has in Eq (10)

[itex]\delta \left ( -m\int d\tau \sqrt{-\eta _{\mu \nu }\frac{dx^{\mu }}{d\tau }\frac{dx^{\nu }}{d\tau }} \: \right )=m\int d\tau \; \eta _{\mu \nu }\frac{dx^{\mu }}{d\tau }\frac{d\delta x^{\nu }}{d\tau }[/itex]

I get the same thing, but with a 1/L included, because the root won't go away.

Anybody know the trick? Or does Zee have a typo? Can't be me, right? ;-)
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  • #2
I think I figured out what is going on here, but it only raised another question.

On page 128 he varies the exact same action, but with the Minkowski metric replaced with the full-blown GR metric dependent upon X.

Sure enough, he has the 1/L factor here and the exact same result I get when I start to vary this action too.

But he then goes on to say we should exploit the freedom in choosing the parametrization, by choosing length parametrization, thereby making L=1.

I don't get why that makes L = 1, in either problem. Although, I guess it explains where it went to in the equations I cited in the OP.

Anybody know why L=1 here?
  • #3
I don't know, but maybe this helps...
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  • #4
I actually ended up figuring this out, the answer was in the beginning of Chapt 2. Page 125.
  • #5
[tex]d \lambda = \left( d x_{ \mu } d x^{ \mu } \right)^{ \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } }[/tex]
\delta ( d \lambda ) = \frac{ d x_{ \mu } }{ d \lambda } \ \delta ( d x^{ \mu } ) = \frac{ d x_{ \mu } }{ d \lambda } \ \frac{ d }{ d \lambda } \left( \delta x^{ \mu } \right) \ d \lambda
Now, (because of reparameterization invariance of the action) you can set [itex]\lambda = \tau[/itex] in the integrand on the RHS.


FAQ: Varying an Action in Zee's GR Book

What is "varying an action" in Zee's GR book?

"Varying an action" refers to the process of taking a mathematical function, known as the action, and changing it slightly to see how it affects the overall system or theory being studied. In the context of Zee's GR book, this typically involves varying the Einstein-Hilbert action to derive the equations of motion for gravity.

Why is varying an action important in general relativity?

Varying an action is important in general relativity because it allows us to derive the equations of motion for gravity, which describe how matter and energy interact with space and time. These equations are essential for understanding the behavior of massive objects in the universe, such as planets and stars.

How is varying an action related to the principle of least action?

Varying an action is closely related to the principle of least action, which states that a system will always follow the path that minimizes the action. By varying the action, we can determine the equations of motion that describe the path of a system in the most efficient way possible.

Can varying an action be applied to other fields of physics?

Yes, varying an action is a fundamental concept in theoretical physics and can be applied to many different fields, such as quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and particle physics. In each case, the specific action being varied will be different, but the overall process remains the same.

Are there any limitations to varying an action in Zee's GR book?

There are some limitations to varying an action in Zee's GR book, as it is a simplified approach to understanding general relativity. For more complex or realistic scenarios, additional terms or factors may need to be included in the action. Additionally, the equations of motion derived from varying the action may not always accurately describe the behavior of gravity in extreme conditions, such as near a black hole.
