Vatican Offers Course on Demonic Possession to Tackle Shortage of Exorcists

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In summary, the Vatican is offering a course on demonic possession. 100 priests attended the course. The shortage of exorcists is a serious problem in the United States.
  • #1
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Faced with a shortage of skilled clerics, Vatican is offering a course on demonic possession.

By Tracy Wilkinson, Times Staff Writer

ROME — The Roman Catholic Church is facing a shortage you may not have heard about: qualified exorcists.

And so, on Thursday about 100 priests stood, prayed for protection, then sat down to begin an eight-week study of how to distinguish and fight demonic possession.

In Italy, the number of official exorcists has soared during the last 20 years to between 300 and 400, church officials say. But they aren't enough to handle the avalanche of requests for help from hundreds of tormented people who believe they are possessed. In the United States, the shortage is even more acute.

Nowhere is the shortage of exorcists considered more serious than in the U.S., where skepticism about the practice abounds. There are fewer than a dozen official exorcists at U.S. dioceses, and it is a topic most American priests seem to avoid.

Father Christopher Barak traveled from his headquarters in Lincoln, Neb., to Rome to attend the course. Priests in Nebraska have recently heard troubling accounts from parishioners, including unexplained noises in homes and sightings of ghostlike figures, he said.

"There are a lot more behaviors and lifestyles that are not of God," he said. "There's a lot of relativism. Whatever goes, goes. There's a big surge in New Age, pantheism, young people playing with Satanism, a lot of drug use, black magic, psychics are so big, pornography, MTV…. People are not searching for holiness."

OK, but it get's even better . . . .

Gorilla Foundation rocked by breast display lawsuit
Former employees say they were told to expose chests

Two former employees of the Gorilla Foundation, home to Koko the "talking" ape, have filed a lawsuit contending that they were ordered to bond with the 33-year-old female simian by displaying their breasts.

The lawsuit goes into more detail.

One example: "On at least two incidents in mid-to-late June 2004, Patterson intensely pressured Keller to expose herself to Koko while they were working outside where other employees could potentially view Keller's naked body. ... On one such occasion, Patterson said, 'Koko, you see my nipples all the time. You are probably bored with my nipples. You need to see new nipples. I will turn my back so Kendra can show you her nipples.' "
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  • #2

Darn, if they're increasing the number of exorcists, that means I'm going to have to work twice as hard now. You know what they say, no rest for the wicked. :devil:
  • #3
Good grief. What is the world coming to when even the pope tries his hand at spinning the pottery wheel?
  • #4
Real Friday news, if it's only an 8 weeks course ... it would look really awesome in my resume, or could apply as a test subject ... well, .
  • #5
im an expert demon hunter myself. i wasnt trained by the vatican though. my teacher was
  • #6
I wouldn't mind a class on demon possession, but exorcism is out of the question! :devil: :smile:
  • #7
Moonbear said:
I wouldn't mind a class on demon possession, but exorcism is out of the question! :devil: :smile:

What...?Possses a demon??And where are u going to keep it...?In leash like Tribdog...?? :-p What are u going to feed with??Tribdogs...? :-p :smile:

  • #8
Oh, hadn't thought of it from that perspective. No, didn't really want to possesses a demon, was thinking more along the lines of a how-to guide for demons. :devil:
  • #9
"how-to guide for demons" as in demon-sitting...?:-pWhat about (that)thread-sitting...?Is it no longer viable...?:cry:


Related to Vatican Offers Course on Demonic Possession to Tackle Shortage of Exorcists

1. What is the Vatican's course on demonic possession?

The Vatican's course on demonic possession is a training program offered to clergy members to equip them with the knowledge and skills to perform exorcisms. It is designed to address the shortage of trained exorcists in the Catholic Church.

2. How long is the course and what does it cover?

The course is one week long and covers a range of topics related to demonic possession, including the history and theology of possession, the signs and symptoms of possession, and the proper procedures for conducting exorcisms.

3. Who can attend the course?

The course is primarily designed for Catholic priests, but it is also open to other clergy members and laypeople who are recommended by their bishop. Participants must have a strong knowledge of Catholic theology and be in good standing with the Church.

4. Is the course mandatory for all priests?

No, the course is not mandatory for all priests. However, the Vatican encourages all dioceses to have at least one trained exorcist to address the growing demand for exorcisms.

5. What is the purpose of offering this course?

The purpose of offering this course is to address the increasing demand for exorcisms and to ensure that those who perform them are properly trained and equipped to handle cases of demonic possession. It is also seen as a way to combat the rise of occult practices and beliefs in society.

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