VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow. Houghton and Brock Tables

In summary, the speaker has shared a set of Excel functions for solving compressible flow problems, which they have developed as part of their compressible flow class. The functions are accurate and efficient, and can easily handle iterative problems using the SOLVER add in. They also mention that the post may be better suited for a resources thread or sticky, and that they have recently fixed a couple of issues with the functions.
  • #1

This is my first post on this forum and I hope you find it usefull!

Attached are complete set of Excel functions for

*Isentropic Flow
*Prandlt Meyer Expansion
*Raleigh Flow
*Fanno Flow
*Plane Normal Shock
*Plane Oblique Shock

They are contained in the attached workbook (zipped as it is bigger than 100kB).

For my compressible flow class I began writing some VBA functions to solve the implicit area ratio mach number formula for Isentropic compressible flow.
The project morphed into a complete VBA implementation of the equations presented in 'Tables for the Compressible Flow of Dry Air 3rd Ed' by E.L. Houghton and A.E. Brock.

The functions allow problems to be set up and solved in the same way a student would using a book of flow tables but with the accuracy produced by the analytical equations.

Iterative problems can easily be solved using the SOLVER add in.

Flow tables for gases with different gamma can be easily be produced.

The iterative functions are typically accurate to around 7 significant figures.

AndyPS, Moderators: This post may belong on some sort of 'resources' thread or a sticky if you think its worth it.


  • Compressible Flow Workbook VBA V6.zip
    132.8 KB · Views: 635
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Found I did not implement a couple of the inverse functions for Oblique shock properly. This is fixed now


  • Compressible Flow Workbook VBA V7.zip
    155.8 KB · Views: 459
  • #3

Hi there! Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing these Excel functions. They seem really useful for solving compressible flow problems. I'll definitely check them out and see if they can help me in my studies. Great job on implementing all the equations from the Houghton and Brock book. It's always nice to have an accurate and efficient tool for solving these types of problems. And thanks for the heads up about the SOLVER add in, I'll definitely give it a try. Keep up the good work! And yes, I agree that this post could be a great resource for others, so hopefully the moderators can make it a sticky or add it to a resources thread. Thanks again for sharing!

Related to VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow. Houghton and Brock Tables

1. What is VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow?

VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow is a set of functions that can be used in Microsoft Excel to calculate properties of compressible fluids, such as air, at different conditions.

2. Who are Houghton and Brock?

Houghton and Brock are the authors of the "Tables for Compressible Flow of Dry Air" which serve as the basis for the VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow. They are renowned scientists in the field of compressible flow and their tables are widely used in engineering calculations.

3. How can I access the VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow?

The VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow can be accessed by downloading the Excel file from a reliable source, such as the official Microsoft website, or by creating your own functions using the equations provided by Houghton and Brock.

4. What properties can be calculated using VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow?

Some of the properties that can be calculated using VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow include density, temperature, pressure, enthalpy, entropy, and speed of sound.

5. Are there any limitations to using VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow?

While VBA Excel Functions for Compressible Flow are accurate for a wide range of conditions, they may not be suitable for extreme conditions or for fluids other than dry air. It is always recommended to cross-check your calculations with other sources and to use caution when dealing with critical applications.
