Vector addition; spherical coordinates

In summary, vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors to create a new vector. Spherical coordinates are a system of coordinates used to locate points in three-dimensional space, using a radius, inclination angle, and azimuth angle. To add vectors in spherical coordinates, they must first be converted into Cartesian coordinates. Vector addition can be applied to any type of vector, including vectors in spherical coordinates. Spherical coordinates are commonly used in physics and engineering due to their simplification of mathematical equations and visualization of three-dimensional problems.
  • #1
Should be quite easy, really, given that it's just adding things together, hey ho.

a position vector of point (1), identified by sherical coordinates, is 5m away from point (2).
I have a unit vector R1,2 identified by spherical coordinates [Aex - Bey +Cez], giving the direction to point 2.
How do I find the position vector of point 2

Do I just add 5.0m to each element? Of course not, but how do I do it, please?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
No, multiply your unit vector by 5 and add that.

FAQ: Vector addition; spherical coordinates

1. What is vector addition?

Vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors to create a new vector. It involves finding the sum of the individual components of the vectors in both magnitude and direction.

2. What are spherical coordinates?

Spherical coordinates are a system of coordinates used to locate points in three-dimensional space. They use a radius, inclination angle, and azimuth angle to describe the position of a point.

3. How do you add vectors in spherical coordinates?

To add vectors in spherical coordinates, you first convert the vectors into Cartesian coordinates. Then, you can use the regular methods of vector addition, such as the parallelogram law or the head-to-tail method.

4. Can vector addition be applied to any type of vector?

Yes, vector addition can be applied to any type of vector, including vectors in spherical coordinates. As long as the vectors have the same number of dimensions, they can be added together.

5. Why do we use spherical coordinates in physics and engineering?

Spherical coordinates are useful in physics and engineering because they simplify the mathematical equations used to describe physical phenomena, such as electromagnetism and fluid dynamics. They also allow for easier visualization of three-dimensional problems.

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