Vector Cross Product: R4 Vectors & Permutation Symbol

In summary, there is a cross product for R4 vectors, but it involves three vectors and results in a vector perpendicular to each of them. It can be expressed using the determinant and the alternating symbol. However, it is important to note that in higher dimensions, the cross product is not defined in the same way as in R3. Instead, there is a generalization of the cross product using the exterior product and the Hodge star. For more information, resources such as Flanders' book on differential forms and Frankel's book on the geometry of physics can be helpful. Additionally, it is worth noting that the vector product only exists in 1, 3, and 7 dimensions.
  • #1
Is there such a thing as a cross product for R4 vectors? Can you use the permutation symbol to express it in the same way that it can be expressed in R3?
Would the correct way to write it be: e _{i,j,k,l} u _{j} v _{k}?
Physics news on
  • #2
There is such a thing, but in R4 the cross product will involve three vectors u, v, and w given by the determinant

[tex]\left| \begin{array}{cccc} \hat \imath & \hat \jmath & \hat k & \hat \ell \\ u_1 & u_2 & u_3 & u_4 \\ v_1 & v_2 & v_3 & v_4 \\ w_1 & w_2 & w_3 & w_4 \end{array} \right|[/tex]

The resultant vector (call it z) has a direction perpendicular to each of u, v, w, and has a magnitude equal to the signed volume of the parallelopiped spanned by u, v, w.

In terms of the alternating symbol, you would have

[tex]z_i = \epsilon_{ijkl}u_jv_kw_l[/tex]

Look up "exterior algebra" for more fun related to concepts like this in higher dimensions. :D
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  • #3
jbowers9 said:
Is there such a thing as a cross product for R4 vectors? Can you use the permutation symbol to express it in the same way that it can be expressed in R3?
Would the correct way to write it be: e _{i,j,k,l} u _{j} v _{k}?
Your construction gives an order two tensor instead of a vector.
Recall that the scalar triple product gives the signed volume of the parallelepiped spanned by 3 vectors in R3. This is the inner product of uxv, denoting the orientation and area of the base, with the third vector w. In Rn, we can construct a "cross product" that generalizes this property of n-volume, but now the product is only defined for n-1 vectors specifying the (n-1)-dimensional "base", not just 2 vectors as in R3.
An equivalent method of generalizing comes from generalizing the Hodge star operator's form that in R3, the cross product is just [itex]\ast(u\vee v)[/itex] where * is the operator and [itex]\vee[/itex] is the exterior product.
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  • #4
Thank you, one and all. You are most kind and informative. I'm studying Tensor notation presently and was fiddling with it. I was aware off Scalar & Cross products from undergraduate studies but never thought about them in higher dimensions - until now. That Hodge star and wedge product thingy is "out there" for me at this time. Can anyone suggest a website I can use that has a glossary and definition of such mathematical formalism. I know it's a little like explaining something in French to an Englishman - or something in English to an American for that matter - hold off on the brickbat yooose guyz, I'm from Brooklyn, NY - or something in English to a guy from Brooklyn, but just the same I'd like something definitive to refer to. Thanks.
John Bowers
  • #5
For a clear explanation of wedge product and the Hodge star, try the classic book by Flanders, Differential Forms and their Physical Applications, Dover reprint. For a physics-oriented introduction to tensors, try Frankel, Geometry of Physics.

There is no cross product in the sense of an alternating binary product of two four-vectors; this is addressed in many textbooks and also an expository paper by (IIRC) Massey which appeared long ago in (IIRC) the A. M. Monthly. The exterior product has the properties jbowers desires, but as already noted, in higher than three dimensions, bivectors are no longer in natural correspondence with vectors via the Hodge star, which is the special feature of three dimensions which makes the usual cross product work.
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  • #6
It is a well known fact that vector product of two vectors exists only in 1,3 and 7 dimensions. There is some relation between 7-dimensional vector product and electronmagnetics as studied by Feynmen. One can search for the calssical paper of Alfred Gray or other sources. :smile:

Related to Vector Cross Product: R4 Vectors & Permutation Symbol

1. What is a vector cross product?

A vector cross product is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors as input and produces a new vector as output. It represents the area of a parallelogram formed by the two input vectors and is perpendicular to both vectors.

2. How is the vector cross product calculated?

The vector cross product is calculated by taking the determinant of a 3x3 matrix formed by the components of the two input vectors. The resulting vector is a combination of the input vectors' magnitudes and directions.

3. What is the significance of the permutation symbol in the vector cross product?

The permutation symbol, also known as the Levi-Civita symbol, is used in the formula for calculating the vector cross product. It represents the sign of the resulting vector and ensures that the cross product is perpendicular to the input vectors.

4. Can the vector cross product be calculated for vectors in any dimension?

No, the vector cross product is only defined for vectors in three-dimensional space. However, there are alternative operations that can be used for higher dimensions, such as the wedge product in geometric algebra.

5. What are some real-world applications of the vector cross product?

The vector cross product has many practical applications in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It can be used to calculate torque, magnetic fields, and 3D rotations. It is also essential in vector calculus and is used in many algorithms for computer graphics, such as lighting and shading.

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