Vector projection onto a straight line

In summary, the conversation focused on determining the matrix for the spatial projection perpendicular to a given straight line in an orthonormal vector space. Various approaches were discussed, including using dot products and the shortest distance between the tip of a vector and the line. The final solution involved finding a vector parallel to the line and using dot products to determine the coordinates of the projected vector, resulting in the projection matrix given.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the matrix for the spatial projection perpendicular to the straight line (x1, x2, x3) = t(1, 2, 3). The vector space is orthonormal.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

After a trip to #math on freenode that resulted in discussions of Gram-Schmidt processes and bra-ket-like vector notations used in physics, I don't even know where to begin any longer. I suspect that this is supposedly a very rudimentary problem of geometric intuition, since I hadn't heard of projections until yesterday.

Anyway, if u=(a1,a2,a3) is an arbitrary vector and P is the projection (which is assumed to be linear), then P(u) = a1*P(e1) + a2*P(e2) + a3*P(e3), since e1, e2 and e3 are base vectors. Now, P(e1), P(e2) and P(e3) should be column vectors in the sought matrix.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to determine their coordinates.

In one attempt to determine them, I assigned s = (1,2,3) as a vector parallel to the line t(1,2,3). So, the dot product e1*s = |e1||s|cos(A) = 1*1 + 2*0 + 3*0 = 1, if e1=(1,0,0) and A is the angle between e1 and s. Then, A = arccos(1/sqrt(14)), since |s|=sqrt(14).

However, I'm getting nowhere with this approach. I can't really determine a normal of the line t(1,2,3) either. Bleh. Ideas are welcome.

Edit: Perhaps I can use the shortest distance between the tip of the vector u and the line...
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  • #2
I think I solved it. Not sure if my approach was optimal, but oh well.

Basically, the sought projected vector should be parallel to s = (1,2,3), e.g. be written on the form L(1, 2, 3), where L is an unknown constant. Then, the vector perpendicular to the line between the tip of u and the line is then b = (L-a1, 2L-a2, 3L-a3). Using the dot product, we get b*s = L-a1 + 4L-2a2 + 9L-3a3 = 0 <=> L = (1/14)*(a1 + 2a2 + 3a3).

Inserting these values of L gives the coordinates of the sought vector as (1/14)*(a1 + 2a2 + 3a3)*(1,2,3). This corresponds to the projection matrix

1 & 2 & 3 \\
2 & 4 & 6 \\
3 & 6 & 9

FAQ: Vector projection onto a straight line

What is vector projection onto a straight line?

Vector projection onto a straight line is a mathematical operation that involves finding the component of a vector that lies on a specific straight line. It is a useful tool in vector analysis for understanding the relationship between two vectors.

What is the formula for vector projection onto a straight line?

The formula for vector projection onto a straight line is given by:

projL v = (v · u) u / ||u||2

where v is the vector being projected, u is a unit vector along the line, · represents the dot product, and || || represents the norm or magnitude of a vector.

What is the purpose of vector projection onto a straight line?

The purpose of vector projection onto a straight line is to decompose a vector into two components - one that lies on the given line and one that is perpendicular to it. This helps in understanding the directional relationships between vectors and can be used in various applications such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

What is the difference between vector projection and scalar projection?

The vector projection of a vector v onto a line is a vector, while the scalar projection of v onto a line is a scalar value. The vector projection gives the direction and magnitude of the component of v that lies on the line, while the scalar projection only gives the magnitude of this component.

What are some real-world applications of vector projection onto a straight line?

Vector projection onto a straight line has various applications in real-world scenarios. It is used in physics to analyze forces acting on an object, in engineering to understand the movement of particles, in computer graphics to create 3D images, and in navigation systems to determine the direction and speed of an object. It is also used in mathematics to solve optimization problems and in statistics to analyze data in linear regression.

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