Vector Spaces and Their Quotient Spaces - Simple Clarification Requested

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of cosets of a subspace and an example of using this definition to find the coset of a specific vector. There is a misunderstanding of how to interpret the algebraic and geometric definitions of vectors, leading to confusion about whether a certain vector belongs in the coset or not. The conversation also explores the idea of quotient objects.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am revising vector spaces and am looking at their quotient spaces in particular ...

I am looking at the theory and examples in Schaum's "Linear Algebra" (Fourth Edition) - pages 331-332.

Section 10.10 (pages 331-332) defines the cosets of a subspace as follows:
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View attachment 2899
Following the above definition, we find Example 10.7 which reads as follows:
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In the above example, the line \(\displaystyle v + W\) should (according to the definition of a coset above) include all vectors \(\displaystyle v+ w\) with \(\displaystyle w \in W \)

BUT ... ... consider a particular vector \(\displaystyle w \) equal to a line segment in \(\displaystyle W\), and then add \(\displaystyle v\) ... ... we then have the situation depicted in Figure 1 below.
View attachment 2901

Clearly \(\displaystyle v + w\) does not belong to \(\displaystyle v + W\)?

But according to the definition of \(\displaystyle v + W\) given above, it should? - shouldn't it?

Can someone please clarify this issue for me ...?

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  • #2
Hi Peter,

I think you're misunderstanding what's going on in Example 10.7, although they could have a better job with the wording. To obtain the coset $v + W$ in that example, they take each point $w\in W$ and draw the vector from $w$ to $v + w$. The endpoint of each vector lies in $v + W$. Moreover, the vectors are all parallel since they are in the direction of $\vec{v}$ (note: I'm using $\vec{v}$ to denote the graphical representation of $v $ as a vector from the origin).

In your picture, you took a vector $\vec{w}$ that lies in $W$ and added $\vec{v}$ to it to get the vector $\vec{v} + \vec{w}$. It is not the case that $\vec{v} + \vec{w}$ lies in $W$. That's how you were interpreting it, right?
  • #3
You are confusing two similar definitions of vectors: the geometric definition, and the algebraic definition.

Let's say we have a point $P = (x,y)$ and a point $Q = (x',y')$.

The geometric vector $\vec{PQ}$ is the algebraic vector $(x'-x,y'-y)$. That is because we regard the geometric vector induced by the algebraic (coordinate vector, point) vector as having its tail at the origin $O$, and clearly $\vec{PQ}$ does not, its tail is at $P$. That is:

$(0,0) = O$
$(x,y) = \vec{OP}$
$(x',y') = \vec{OQ}$ and:

$\vec{OQ} = \vec{OP} + \vec{PQ}$ <---this is often called "the triangle rule for addition". This agrees with the algebraic rule:

$(x',y') = (x,y) + (x'-x,y'-y)$.

So let's take another look at your $v,w$ and $W$.

Suppose $P,Q$ lie on the line $W = \{(x,y) \in \Bbb R^2: y = mx\}$. We will suppose that $w = \vec{PQ}$.

Thus $P = (x_1,mx_1)$ and $Q = (x_2,mx_2)$. So:

$w = (x_2-x_1,m(x_2-x_1))$ <---"this" $w$ has its tail at the origin.

Suppose $v = \vec{PR}$, where $R = (a,b)$. Geometrically we can't even add $\vec{PR}$ and $\vec{PQ}$, the "heads and tails don't match". Note that the algebraic vector corresponding to $v$ is: $(a-x_1,b-mx_1)$.

Algebraically, we have:

$v + w = (a-x_1,b-mx_1) + (x_2-x_1,m(x_2-x_1)) = (a + x_2 - 2x_1, b + m(x_2 - 2x_1))$. Let's call this point $S$.

Consider the point $T = (x_1,mx_1) + (a+x_2-2x_1,b+m(x_2-2x_1)) = (a+x_2-x_1,b+m(x_2-x_1))$.

Then $\vec{PT} = \vec{OS}$.

What we are thinking of as the "translate" of $w$ is the (geometric) vector $\vec{RT}$. This corresponds to the algebraic vector:

$(a+x_2-x_1 - a,b+m(x_2-x_1) - b) = (x_2-x_1,m(x_2-x_1)) = \vec{PQ}$.

The reason for your confusion, is you are trying to take the "algebraic" sum of "geometric" vectors. In effect, you're trying to add a "point" to a "vector". If you're going to add "points", you need to work strictly algebraically, if you want to add:

$\vec{PQ} + \vec{PR}$, you need to do this:

$\vec{PQ} + \vec{PR} = \vec{PQ} + \vec{QT} = \vec{PT}$

$\vec{PT}$ does not lie on the coset $v + W$, it's the vector $\vec{RT}$ that does so.


Let's work this out another way. Suppose we want the line parallel to $W$ passing through the point $(a,b)$. This means this line has the same SLOPE as $W$, so its equation is:

$y = mx + c$, for some real number $c$. Since $(a,b)$ lies on this line:

$b = ma + c$, that is:

$c = b - ma$. So our parallel line (let's call it $L$) has equation:

$y = mx + b - ma = m(x - a) + b$. A typical point on this line is:

$(x_0,m(x_0 - a) + b)$.

Now imagine any point on $W$, say, $(x_1,mx_1)$.

I claim that $(x_1,mx_1) + (a,b) = (x_1+a,mx_1+b)$ lies on on $L$. To prove this, we need to show that:

$mx_1 + b = m((x_1+a) - a) + b$, which is clearly true.

Conversely, suppose a point $(x,y)$ lies on $L$. I claim there is some point $(r,s)$ on $W$ such that:

$(r,s) + (a,b) = (x,y)$. To see this, let:

$r = x-a, s = y-b$.

We need to show $s = mr$. Since $(x,y)$ lies on $L$, we know $y = m(x-a) + b$.


$s = y - b = [m(x-a) + b] - b = m(x - a) = mr$.

This means that $L = \{(x,y) \in \Bbb R^2: (x,y) = (a,b) + (x_0,y_0),\text{ for } (x_0,y_0) \in W\}$

$= (a,b) + W$.

I'm not a big fan of "drawing vectors". I find it easier to see the plane $\Bbb R^2$ as a direct sum of the two abelian groups:

$\Bbb R \times \{0\}$ and $\{0\} \times \Bbb R$ (often called the $x$-axis, and the $y$-axis).<--I write it this way solely to call attention to the fact that our two copies of $\Bbb R$ are not "the same one".

The addition is the normal direct sum addition we get on the underlying set of the cartesian product of $\Bbb R$ with itself.

Since $\Bbb R$ is a field, we easily get it is a $\Bbb R$-module (over itself), and we can use this $\Bbb R$-action (which is ordinary real number multiplication) to induce a $\Bbb R$-action on the direct sum (of abelian groups) in the usual way:

$r\cdot(x,y) = (r\cdot x, r\cdot y) = (rx,ry)$.

We could, if we really wanted to obscure what was happening here, write this as:

$r\cdot [(x,0)\oplus (0,y)] = (r\cdot(x,0))\oplus(r\cdot(0,y))$

But it is common to draw no distinction between vector addition, and scalar addition (the + symbol is thus "over-loaded"). Be careful of this--make sure you are always adding "two like things".


Quotient objects are difficult to wrap one's mind around, in almost any setting. These are some visual analogies that may, or may not help.

Let's deal with 3-space, as higher dimensions are harder to imagine, for most people. If we are going to form a quotient space, we have 4 types of subspaces we can quotient by:

1. The origin. The quotient space is thus the original space. Boring!

2. The entire space. We get just a single coset, the entire space, which may as well be $0 + V$, the origin of our quotient space. We, in effect, shrink everything to a point. This is also boring.

3. A line. This is interesting. Here, the cosets are a "bundle of parallel lines" (I like to think of a stack of spaghetti, but infinitely long, and infinitely thin-maybe angel hair pasta...). To specify where we are in this "spaghetti space", we need to know "which strand we're on". Thus this space is inherently 2-dimensional, as we can locate which spaghetti strand we're on by imaging a plane that slices through our spaghetti stack, and specifying a point on the plane. This is essentially the same as shrinking the spaghetti stick that goes through the origin (and all the other strands "in parallel") to a point, we "collapse" one dimension, leaving 2.

4. A plane. Now our cosets are like "cards in a deck" (or different plies in some laminated material, like plywood), consisting of parallel planes, stacked like pancakes. We only need to specify now, "which sheet we're on", which we can do via a line that passes through the "entire deck". So our coset space is inherently 1-dimensional (even though the "points" in our space are "two-dimensional planes"). This is essentially the same as shrinking the "home plane" (the sheet that goes through the origin) to a single point, collapsing two dimensions, leaving only one.

The above reveals a startling fact: we can have a vector space, whose "points" are themselves $n$-dimensional "objects"! The usual example is the set of $m \times n$ matrices, which we can think of as an $n$-dimensional space of $m$-dimensional vectors, giving us an $mn$-dimensional vector space. This example is actually very important, it turns out that "vector homomorphisms" are actually these "vectors of vectors".

This is a very "happy event", for example, with groups, it is NOT the case that the set of all group homomorphisms $f:G \to G'$ itself forms a group (the trivial map has no inverse under composition, usually). This means that most of what we learn about "vectors" can also be transferred straight-across to linear transformations. It's like a 2-for-1 special.
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  • #4
Amazing explanation, Deveno!
  • #5
Euge said:
Hi Peter,

I think you're misunderstanding what's going on in Example 10.7, although they could have a better job with the wording. To obtain the coset $v + W$ in that example, they take each point $w\in W$ and draw the vector from $w$ to $v + w$. The endpoint of each vector lies in $v + W$. Moreover, the vectors are all parallel since they are in the direction of $\vec{v}$ (note: I'm using $\vec{v}$ to denote the graphical representation of $v $ as a vector from the origin).

In your picture, you took a vector $\vec{w}$ that lies in $W$ and added $\vec{v}$ to it to get the vector $\vec{v} + \vec{w}$. It is not the case that $\vec{v} + \vec{w}$ lies in $W$. That's how you were interpreting it, right?

Hi Euge ... Yes, that is how I was interpreting it ...

Thanks for the help ... appreciate it!

  • #6
Deveno said:
You are confusing two similar definitions of vectors: the geometric definition, and the algebraic definition.

Let's say we have a point $P = (x,y)$ and a point $Q = (x',y')$.

The geometric vector $\vec{PQ}$ is the algebraic vector $(x'-x,y'-y)$. That is because we regard the geometric vector induced by the algebraic (coordinate vector, point) vector as having its tail at the origin $O$, and clearly $\vec{PQ}$ does not, its tail is at $P$. That is:

$(0,0) = O$
$(x,y) = \vec{OP}$
$(x',y') = \vec{OQ}$ and:

$\vec{OQ} = \vec{OP} + \vec{PQ}$ <---this is often called "the triangle rule for addition". This agrees with the algebraic rule:

$(x',y') = (x,y) + (x'-x,y'-y)$.

So let's take another look at your $v,w$ and $W$.

Suppose $P,Q$ lie on the line $W = \{(x,y) \in \Bbb R^2: y = mx\}$. We will suppose that $w = \vec{PQ}$.

Thus $P = (x_1,mx_1)$ and $Q = (x_2,mx_2)$. So:

$w = (x_2-x_1,m(x_2-x_1))$ <---"this" $w$ has its tail at the origin.

Suppose $v = \vec{PR}$, where $R = (a,b)$. Geometrically we can't even add $\vec{PR}$ and $\vec{PQ}$, the "heads and tails don't match". Note that the algebraic vector corresponding to $v$ is: $(a-x_1,b-mx_1)$.

Algebraically, we have:

$v + w = (a-x_1,b-mx_1) + (x_2-x_1,m(x_2-x_1)) = (a + x_2 - 2x_1, b + m(x_2 - 2x_1))$. Let's call this point $S$.

Consider the point $T = (x_1,mx_1) + (a+x_2-2x_1,b+m(x_2-2x_1)) = (a+x_2-x_1,b+m(x_2-x_1))$.

Then $\vec{PT} = \vec{OS}$.

What we are thinking of as the "translate" of $w$ is the (geometric) vector $\vec{RT}$. This corresponds to the algebraic vector:

$(a+x_2-x_1 - a,b+m(x_2-x_1) - b) = (x_2-x_1,m(x_2-x_1)) = \vec{PQ}$.

The reason for your confusion, is you are trying to take the "algebraic" sum of "geometric" vectors. In effect, you're trying to add a "point" to a "vector". If you're going to add "points", you need to work strictly algebraically, if you want to add:

$\vec{PQ} + \vec{PR}$, you need to do this:

$\vec{PQ} + \vec{PR} = \vec{PQ} + \vec{QT} = \vec{PT}$

$\vec{PT}$ does not lie on the coset $v + W$, it's the vector $\vec{RT}$ that does so.


Let's work this out another way. Suppose we want the line parallel to $W$ passing through the point $(a,b)$. This means this line has the same SLOPE as $W$, so its equation is:

$y = mx + c$, for some real number $c$. Since $(a,b)$ lies on this line:

$b = ma + c$, that is:

$c = b - ma$. So our parallel line (let's call it $L$) has equation:

$y = mx + b - ma = m(x - a) + b$. A typical point on this line is:

$(x_0,m(x_0 - a) + b)$.

Now imagine any point on $W$, say, $(x_1,mx_1)$.

I claim that $(x_1,mx_1) + (a,b) = (x_1+a,mx_1+b)$ lies on on $L$. To prove this, we need to show that:

$mx_1 + b = m((x_1+a) - a) + b$, which is clearly true.

Conversely, suppose a point $(x,y)$ lies on $L$. I claim there is some point $(r,s)$ on $W$ such that:

$(r,s) + (a,b) = (x,y)$. To see this, let:

$r = x-a, s = y-b$.

We need to show $s = mr$. Since $(x,y)$ lies on $L$, we know $y = m(x-a) + b$.


$s = y - b = [m(x-a) + b] - b = m(x - a) = mr$.

This means that $L = \{(x,y) \in \Bbb R^2: (x,y) = (a,b) + (x_0,y_0),\text{ for } (x_0,y_0) \in W\}$

$= (a,b) + W$.

I'm not a big fan of "drawing vectors". I find it easier to see the plane $\Bbb R^2$ as a direct sum of the two abelian groups:

$\Bbb R \times \{0\}$ and $\{0\} \times \Bbb R$ (often called the $x$-axis, and the $y$-axis).<--I write it this way solely to call attention to the fact that our two copies of $\Bbb R$ are not "the same one".

The addition is the normal direct sum addition we get on the underlying set of the cartesian product of $\Bbb R$ with itself.

Since $\Bbb R$ is a field, we easily get it is a $\Bbb R$-module (over itself), and we can use this $\Bbb R$-action (which is ordinary real number multiplication) to induce a $\Bbb R$-action on the direct sum (of abelian groups) in the usual way:

$r\cdot(x,y) = (r\cdot x, r\cdot y) = (rx,ry)$.

We could, if we really wanted to obscure what was happening here, write this as:

$r\cdot [(x,0)\oplus (0,y)] = (r\cdot(x,0))\oplus(r\cdot(0,y))$

But it is common to draw no distinction between vector addition, and scalar addition (the + symbol is thus "over-loaded"). Be careful of this--make sure you are always adding "two like things".


Quotient objects are difficult to wrap one's mind around, in almost any setting. These are some visual analogies that may, or may not help.

Let's deal with 3-space, as higher dimensions are harder to imagine, for most people. If we are going to form a quotient space, we have 4 types of subspaces we can quotient by:

1. The origin. The quotient space is thus the original space. Boring!

2. The entire space. We get just a single coset, the entire space, which may as well be $0 + V$, the origin of our quotient space. We, in effect, shrink everything to a point. This is also boring.

3. A line. This is interesting. Here, the cosets are a "bundle of parallel lines" (I think to think of a stack of spaghetti, but infinitely long, and infinitely thin-maybe angel hair pasta...). To specify where we are in this "spaghetti space", we need to know "which strand we're on". Thus this space is inherently 2-dimensional, as we can locate which spaghetti strand we're on by imaging a plane that slices through our spaghetti stack, and specifying a point on the plane. This is essentially the same as shrinking the spaghetti stick that goes through the origin (and all the other strands "in parallel") to a point, we "collapse" one dimension, leaving 2.

4. A plane. Now our cosets are like "cards in a deck" (or different plies in some laminated material, like plywood), consisting of parallel planes, stacked like pancakes. We only need to specify now, "which sheet we're on", which we can do via a line that passes through the "entire deck". So our coset space is inherently 1-dimensional (even though the "points" in our space are "two-dimensional planes"). This is essentially the same as shrinking the "home plane" (the sheet that goes through the origin) to a single point, collapsing two dimensions, leaving only one.

The above reveals a startling fact: we can have a vector space, whose "points" are themselves $n$-dimensional "objects"! The usual example is the set of $m \times n$ matrices, which we can think of as an $n$-dimensional space of $m$-dimensional vectors, giving us an $mn$-dimensional vector space. This example is actually very important, it turns out that "vector homomorphisms" are actually these "vectors of vectors".

This is a very "happy event", for example, with groups, it is NOT the case that the set of all group homomorphisms $f:G \to G'$ itself forms a group (the trivial map has no inverse under composition, usually). This means that most of what we learn about "vectors" can also be transferred straight-across to linear transformations. It's like a 2-for-1 special.
Exceptionally helpful post ... Thanks Deveno

I am just now working through it carefully ... but just a skim read of the contents shows me that you are really addressing the issues that were confusing me ... Really helpful!

Thanks again ...


Related to Vector Spaces and Their Quotient Spaces - Simple Clarification Requested

1. What is a vector space?

A vector space is a set of objects called vectors, which can be added together and multiplied by numbers, called scalars. These operations follow specific rules and properties, such as closure, associativity, and distributivity, making the set a mathematical structure.

2. How is a vector space different from a Euclidean space?

A vector space is a generalization of a Euclidean space, which is a geometric space that follows the rules of Euclidean geometry. A Euclidean space is a specific type of vector space that has additional properties, such as a defined distance and angle between vectors.

3. What is a quotient space?

A quotient space is a mathematical structure that is created by partitioning a vector space into smaller subspaces. This is done by defining an equivalence relation on the vectors, which groups them into classes based on certain criteria. The quotient space contains these classes as its elements.

4. How is a quotient space related to a vector space?

A quotient space is a construct derived from a vector space. It is created by defining an equivalence relation on the vectors of the vector space and then grouping them into classes. The quotient space inherits some properties from the original vector space, such as addition and multiplication operations, but it may also have additional properties specific to its construction.

5. Why is understanding vector spaces and quotient spaces important?

Vector spaces and quotient spaces are fundamental concepts in linear algebra and have applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science. Understanding these concepts allows for the manipulation and analysis of vectors and their properties, leading to the development of mathematical models and solutions to real-world problems.

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