Vectors in curvilinear coordinate systems

In summary, the conversation discusses the specification of a vector in different coordinate systems, specifically cartesian and spherical coordinates. The cartesian coordinates of a vector's head can be given, but what about other coordinate systems like spherical coordinates? In spherical coordinates, the position vector from the origin is written as r\hat{r}, where r is the magnitude and \hat{r} is the unit radial vector. However, this only gives the magnitude and not the direction of the vector. To fully specify the vector in spherical coordinates, the other two angular components, \varphi and \vartheta, are needed. The unit radial vector, \hat{r}, can be expressed in terms of the cartesian unit vectors and the angles \varphi and \
  • #1
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To specify a vector in cartesian coordinate systems,we assume its tail to be at the origin and give the cartesian coordinates of its head.What about other coordinate systems?
For example,in spherical coordinates,is the following correct?
a \hat{x}+b \hat{y}+c \hat{z}=\sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2} \hat{r}+\cos^{-1}{\frac{c}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2}}}\hat{\theta}+\tan^{-1}{\frac{b}{a}}\hat{\varphi}

I know,it may seem so easy but the point that's making me doubt it,is the space dependent of the basis vectors in spherical coordinates.I just don't know can I just specify the point that the spherical coordinates of the vector are indicating and connect the origin to that point to show the vector or not!Another reason for doubting the process I explained,is the break down of spherical coordinates at the origin.

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  • #2
No it isn't. The most obvious way to see why it is false is to look at the units. The left hand side is a sum of 3 meter valued quantities whereas the right hand side is a meter valued quantity plus two dimensionless quantities. Anyways, in spherical coordinates one simply writes position vectors from the origin of the frame as [itex]\vec{r} = r\hat{r}[/itex] where [itex]r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}[/itex] as before.
  • #3
Yes,you're right.
But that doesn't indicate the direction of the vector so it seems it gives less information than the cartesian form of the vector
  • #4
Sure it does. [itex]\hat{r}[/itex] encodes the direction.
  • #5
I know,[itex] \hat{r} [/itex] does encode the direction,but it does not give us that direction.
  • #6
Shyan said:
I know,[itex] \hat{r} [/itex] does encode the direction,but it does not give us that direction.
what is "that" direction?
  • #7
I mean when we have a vector in cartesian coordinates,we have its magnitude and direction.But when we have a vector in spherical coordinates,we only have its magnitude and we can't have its direction.
  • #8
Shyan said:
,we only have its magnitude and we can't have its direction.
Can you explain why you think that?
  • #9
Just consider the vector [itex] a \hat{r} [/itex].All it tells us is that the tail is at the origin and the head is on a spherical shell of radius a.I see nothing in that which can indicate a special direction.
  • #10
Shyan said:
Just consider the vector [itex] a \hat{r} [/itex].All it tells us is that the tail is at the origin and the head is on a spherical shell of radius a.I see nothing in that which can indicate a special direction.
I don't get your point.

If you only indicate the x direction in cartesian coordinates, its not the full picture either?
  • #11
Shyan said:
Just consider the vector [itex] a \hat{r} [/itex].All it tells us is that the tail is at the origin and the head is on a spherical shell of radius a.I see nothing in that which can indicate a special direction.
[itex]\hat{r} = \sin\theta \cos\varphi \hat{x} + \sin\theta \sin\varphi \hat{y} + \cos\theta \hat{z}[/itex]. Try to derive this: it is just a simple exercise in geometry. This should make it intuitive to you how the unit radial vector encodes direction.
  • #12
Jorriss said:
I don't get your point.

If you only indicate the x direction in cartesian coordinates, its not the full picture either?

If you read previous posts,you see we concluded that vectors in spherical coordinates are specified by only a radial component.

WannabeNewton said:
[itex]\hat{r} = \sin\theta \cos\varphi \hat{x} + \sin\theta \sin\varphi \hat{y} + \cos\theta \hat{z}[/itex]. Try to derive this: it is just a simple exercise in geometry. This should make it intuitive to you how the unit radial vector encodes direction.

I know what you mean,but there are still 2 points:
1-Consider when you have only the spherical coordinates of a vector,not its cartesian ones.
With just [itex] a \hat{r} [/itex] at hand,how can you use that formula?
2-An assumption that we're always making about vectors in such discussions,is that their tail is at the origin.But spherical coordinates break down there and you can't give unique coordinates to the origin.So there is no unique direction for [itex] \hat{r} [/itex] at the origin.
  • #13
Shyan said:
If you read previous posts,you see we concluded that vectors in spherical coordinates are specified by only a radial component.

No! You concluded that vectors are specified by [itex]r\hat{r}(\varphi,\vartheta[/itex]), where [itex]r, \varphi,[/itex] and [itex]\vartheta[/itex] are all components!

The radial component is one of three. The other two determine the direction of [itex]\hat{r}[/itex], and you need them! If you only know that r = a, then all you know is your point lies on that surface. You don't know [itex]\hat{r}[/itex] until someone tells you the missing two (angular) components.

FAQ: Vectors in curvilinear coordinate systems

What are curvilinear coordinate systems?

Curvilinear coordinate systems are mathematical systems used to describe points in space or on a surface. In these systems, coordinates are defined by a set of curves or surfaces rather than straight lines, as in Cartesian coordinates. Examples of curvilinear coordinate systems include polar coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, and spherical coordinates.

What is a vector in a curvilinear coordinate system?

A vector in a curvilinear coordinate system is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is represented by a combination of coordinate functions that describe its position in the system. In other words, a vector in a curvilinear coordinate system has both a magnitude and a direction specific to that coordinate system.

How are vectors defined in curvilinear coordinate systems?

In curvilinear coordinate systems, vectors are defined using a set of basis vectors that are tangent to the coordinate curves or surfaces. These basis vectors are typically not constant and vary throughout the coordinate system. The combination of these basis vectors with coordinate functions gives the components of a vector in that particular coordinate system.

What is the difference between a contravariant and a covariant vector in curvilinear coordinates?

In curvilinear coordinate systems, vectors can be classified as contravariant or covariant. Contravariant vectors are defined with respect to the coordinate curves, while covariant vectors are defined with respect to the coordinate surfaces. This difference is reflected in the transformation rules for these vectors, where the components of a contravariant vector change inversely to the coordinate functions, while the components of a covariant vector change directly with the coordinate functions.

How are vectors transformed between curvilinear coordinate systems?

Vectors in different curvilinear coordinate systems can be transformed using transformation rules that take into account the change in basis vectors and coordinate functions. These rules allow for the components of a vector to be expressed in one coordinate system with respect to the basis vectors of another coordinate system. This transformation is important in many scientific fields, such as physics and engineering, where different coordinate systems are used to describe physical phenomena.
