Velocities involved in partially inelastic collisions

In summary, we have two vehicles (A and B) crashing on a frictionless surface at unknown speeds. We know that B's initial eastward speed is 64 meters per hour and that the collision is partially inelastic. A has twice the mass of B and the system is isolated. Using conservation of momentum and energy, we can determine the minimum speed of A to be 27.7 m/hour and the maximum speed to be 80.8 m/hour. The maximum speed occurs when the maximum amount of kinetic energy is converted to internal energy.
  • #1
Imagine that two vehicles traveling on a frictionless surface crash into each other. Vehicle A is traveling due north, vehicle B is traveling due east, they smash into each other, and B skirts off at an angle exactly 60 degrees south of east while A skirts off at an angle exactly 60 degrees north of east.

The final speeds of A and B, and A's initial northward speed, are not known. All we know is:

1) the initial eastward speed of B (let's call this v0), which is about 64 meters per hour or about 0.018 meters per second
2) that this collision is partially inelastic: not elastic, not superelastic, not completely inelastic
3) the initial and final directions of the velocities of A and B
4) that A has twice the mass of B (if B has mass m, then A has mass 2m)
5) that the system is isolated

Now, how can we determine the range of speeds that A could have had before the collision?

Here was my first thought: using conservation of momentum and conservation of energy, I can find an expression for the ratio of kinetic energy of the system converted to internal energy of the system in the collision, which would be the change in internal energy divided by the initial kinetic energy (which would be the negative of the change of kinetic energy divided by the initial kinetic energy, as the change in potential energy is 0). This ratio must be between 0 and 1, not equal to 0 or 1, as the collision is partially inelastic. Doing all this, I found that the minimum speed that A could have been traveling at would have to be:


where v0 was the initial speed of B (v0 is about 64 meters per hour). This minimum speed is about 27.7 m / hour. However, I couldn't find the maximum speed of A from these constraints, as the ratio is always less than 1 for all speeds of A. So the next thing I thought was, perhaps the maximum speed of A would be the speed at which the maximum amount of kinetic energy is converted to internal energy. This occurs when the initial speed of A equals:


At this speed, which is about 80.8 m / hour, the collision converts around 23% of kinetic energy to internal energy.

Am I on the right path? Am I going about this all wrong? Do I need to know something else to find the maximum speed of A before the collision?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if I need to explain the problem or my work better (right now, my work is a bit too complicated to post). Thanks!
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  • #2
Nevermind, I think I've got it. That is the maximum speed.
  • #3

Your approach using conservation of momentum and energy is correct. However, there is one more factor that you need to consider in order to find the maximum speed of A. That is the coefficient of restitution, which is a measure of the elasticity of the collision.

In partially inelastic collisions, the coefficient of restitution is between 0 and 1, with 1 being a perfectly elastic collision and 0 being a completely inelastic collision. The closer the coefficient of restitution is to 1, the more elastic the collision and the less kinetic energy is converted to internal energy.

In your problem, you have the initial and final directions of the velocities of A and B, but you do not have their magnitudes. The maximum speed of A before the collision will occur when the coefficient of restitution is 1, meaning the collision is perfectly elastic. In this case, the maximum speed of A can be found using the conservation of momentum equation:

mAvA = 2mvB

Solving for vA, we get:

vA = (2m/mA)*vB

Substituting the given values, we get:

vA = 2*(2m/mA)*v0 = 2*(2m/2m)*v0 = 2*v0

Therefore, the maximum speed of A before the collision is 2 times the initial speed of B, or 2*v0.

In summary, to find the range of speeds that A could have had before the collision, you need to consider the minimum and maximum values of the coefficient of restitution. The minimum value will give you the minimum speed of A, and the maximum value will give you the maximum speed of A.

FAQ: Velocities involved in partially inelastic collisions

1. What is a partially inelastic collision?

A partially inelastic collision is a type of collision where some kinetic energy is lost during the collision, resulting in a decrease in the velocities of the objects involved. This can happen when objects stick together after colliding or when they bounce off each other with less force.

2. How is momentum conserved in a partially inelastic collision?

In a partially inelastic collision, momentum is conserved just like in any other type of collision. This means that the total momentum before the collision must equal the total momentum after the collision. However, since some kinetic energy is lost, the final velocities of the objects will be lower than their initial velocities.

3. What factors affect the velocities in a partially inelastic collision?

The velocities involved in a partially inelastic collision are affected by the masses and initial velocities of the objects, as well as the amount of kinetic energy lost during the collision. The larger the masses and initial velocities, and the greater the amount of kinetic energy lost, the lower the final velocities will be.

4. Can the total kinetic energy be negative in a partially inelastic collision?

No, the total kinetic energy cannot be negative in a partially inelastic collision. While some kinetic energy may be lost during the collision, the remaining kinetic energy will always be positive. However, the final velocities of the objects may be negative if they are moving in opposite directions.

5. How do you calculate the final velocities in a partially inelastic collision?

The final velocities in a partially inelastic collision can be calculated using the principles of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy. By setting up equations that equate the initial and final momentums and energies, the final velocities can be solved for. However, the exact calculation may vary depending on the specific scenario of the collision.

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