Velocity issues -- experimental data from an accelerometer and a gyroscope

In summary, the conversation is about a person trying to understand their data from an accelerometer and gyroscope while lifting different weights. They expected to see a decrease in acceleration and velocity as the weight increased, but the graphs show varying results. The person wonders if they have made a calculation error or if there are other factors at play, such as the leverage and transition from horizontal to vertical motion. They also mention that the graphs may not be accurate due to the device not being mounted perfectly. The conversation also includes some questions and clarifications about the assumptions made and the data presented.
  • #1
I'm trying to get an understanding on what's going on with some data of mine. I've attached some plots below.

This data is from and accelerometer and gyroscope where I've calculated the global accelerations and velocities (top and bottom plot respectively in each figure). The data is from the arm of someone lifting an item which is increasing in weight, and thus their speed becomes slower as the weight gets heavier. My understanding on what I should see is simple; as weight increases the acceleration and velocity decreases. However, I don't think this is what I'm seeing.

This is a light weight. I've put lines where the start and end of the lift begins (I've only highlighted one of four lifts). Notice the amount of time elapsed in both plots and the maximum velocity (black horizontal line) in the bottom plot is around 0.9m/s.

Now look at a much heavier weight. Having watched the person perform the task I know they performed it slower, and the elapsed time proves this as it's taken twice as long to perform the task, but the maximum velocity is higher than that of a lighter weight at ~1.2m/s.

Have I performed a calculation wrong and what I'm seeing is incorrect, or is it correct and I'm just plain not understanding? I expect the velocity plot to be as wide as it is, as I know the task took longer to perform due to the additional exertion required from the lifter, but I also expected a lower velocity to reflect this. Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
I really can't understand any of that stuff, so I'm just going to ask you what might be a silly question flat-out. Since the leverage and thus effective weight will increase as the arm swings up, might that have an effect that isn't linearly proportional to the actual weight? Also, won't the transition from horizontal to vertical motion during the arc have an accelerative effect upon the speed of the upward motion? If those are actually covered in your charts, my apologies for redundancy.
  • #3
Danger said:
I really can't understand any of that stuff, so I'm just going to ask you what might be a silly question flat-out. Since the leverage and thus effective weight will increase as the arm swings up, might that have an effect that isn't linearly proportional to the actual weight? Also, won't the transition from horizontal to vertical motion during the arc have an accelerative effect upon the speed of the upward motion? If those are actually covered in your charts, my apologies for redundancy.

Thanks for your reply. Sorry I was a little vague. Think of the lifting activity as a benchpress of sorts, so the weight is only being lifted in one dimension. Unfortunately the device recording the session wasn't mounted in a perfect perpendicular way so the three dimensional planes aren't perfectly straight with gravity, but the sessions were performed in the same way for each addition of weight so there shouldn't be a discrepancy between weights.
  • #4
Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, it means that I'm pretty much hooped as far as helping out goes. Someone else should be along shortly.
  • #5
Danger said:
Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, it means that I'm pretty much hooped as far as helping out goes. Someone else should be along shortly.

No problem, thanks anyway.
  • #6
BicBiro said:
My understanding on what I should see is simple; as weight increases the acceleration and velocity decreases.
What is the justification for these assumptions? Acceleration? Maybe, if they try the maximize it in both cases. Velocity? Not so sure. It is easy to lift a light object slowly, while a very heavy object is usually thrown upwards.

Your graphs seem bogus. How can there be zero velocity periods, despite varying acceleration?
  • #7
I just thought of something else. Even in a bench-press situation, the leverage changes significantly as the angle of the elbows straightens.
  • #8
A.T. said:
What is the justification for these assumptions? Acceleration? Maybe, if they try the maximize it in both cases. Velocity? Not so sure. It is easy to lift a light object slowly, while a very heavy object is usually thrown upwards.

Your graphs seem bogus. How can there be zero velocity periods, despite varying acceleration?

The zero points in the velocity are to remove velocity drift from the calculations using MEMS components. It's probably best to ignore those points as they're where I calculated stationary (or some percentage either side of stationary).

As I mentioned, it was visibly slower, and calculating the elapsed time of the curve which is the lift of the object is gets slower as the weight increases. Should the velocity not coincide with this?
  • #9
BicBiro said:
As I mentioned, it was visibly slower, and calculating the elapsed time of the curve which is the lift of the object is gets slower as the weight increases. Should the velocity not coincide with this?
It still doesn't make sense.

If the weight is stationary in these phases, how come there is such significant acceleration? In the first case, the last 0.5s before the red line has an avg of ~4 m/s^2, which would result in 2m/s velocity change, much higher than anything you have on the velocity graph.

Did you remove 1g upwards from the accelerometer data, to get acceleration relative to the ground, instead relative to free fall?

Why is the start of the lift defined to be at peak acceleration, not begin of acceleration?

FAQ: Velocity issues -- experimental data from an accelerometer and a gyroscope

1. What is an accelerometer and how does it measure velocity?

An accelerometer is a device that measures acceleration, which is the change in velocity over time. It does this by measuring the force exerted on a mass when it is accelerated. By using Newton's second law of motion (F=ma), the accelerometer can calculate the acceleration and therefore the velocity.

2. What is a gyroscope and how does it measure velocity?

A gyroscope is a device that measures angular velocity, which is the rate of change of angular displacement over time. It does this by using the principle of conservation of angular momentum, where a spinning rotor is mounted on a set of gimbals. As the gyroscope experiences a change in angular velocity, the rotor will resist the change and provide a measurement of the velocity.

3. How do you use an accelerometer and a gyroscope together to measure velocity?

To measure velocity, both the accelerometer and gyroscope are used together to provide a more accurate measurement. The accelerometer provides the linear acceleration data, while the gyroscope provides the angular velocity data. By combining these two sets of data, the velocity can be calculated using algorithms such as sensor fusion or Kalman filtering.

4. What are some common sources of error in velocity measurements from an accelerometer and a gyroscope?

There are several sources of error that can affect velocity measurements from an accelerometer and a gyroscope. These include sensor noise, drift, bias, and external environmental factors such as vibrations and magnetic interference. It is important to account for these sources of error and calibrate the sensors to ensure accurate measurements.

5. How can the data from an accelerometer and a gyroscope be used in real-world applications?

The data from an accelerometer and a gyroscope can be used in various real-world applications such as navigation systems, vehicle control systems, and motion tracking devices. They can also be used in sports and fitness trackers, virtual reality systems, and robotics. The combination of these sensors allows for accurate measurement and analysis of movement and velocity in a wide range of applications.
