Velocity vs Time: Exploring Interstellar Travel

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of time dilation in relation to traveling at the speed of light. It is explained that while it would take approximately 4.3 years to reach Alpha Centauri from Earth's perspective, it would take much less time for those traveling on a ship due to time dilation. The idea is further elaborated through a thought experiment where a person travels at the speed of light and returns to find that time has passed differently for them and those who stayed on Earth. However, it is noted that this is just a thought experiment as it is not currently possible for matter to travel at the speed of light. The conversation also touches on the misconception that time speeds up for those traveling at the speed of light, when
  • #1
This has been bothering me.

As you will know, when something reaches the speed of light, its speed in time slows down. So I have been wondering, if we were to develope intersteller light speed travel and could move at the speed of light we would reach proximus Centuri in 4.3 years. But... time would proceed faster than the person going at light speed. So if it took four years for them, it would take millions of years for the people on earth. So what is the point, we would reach there faster if we were in the machine, but slower on earth.

Explain why we would do this.
And if I am right in saying this point.
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  • #2
If the ship were really capable of traveling close to the speed of light, as "seen" by an observer on Earth, then it would take about 4.3 years to reach Alpha Centauri according to the Earthbound observer. However, because of time dilation, it would take much less time according to the travelers on the ship.
  • #3
jtbell said:
If the ship were really capable of traveling close to the speed of light, as "seen" by an observer on Earth, then it would take about 4.3 years to reach Alpha Centauri according to the Earthbound observer. However, because of time dilation, it would take much less time according to the travelers on the ship.

To elaborate on this, you should remember that those 4.3 lightyears are from Earth's observance, not from the travelers.

from the point of a traveler as V approaches C, the time taken to travel a distance approaches 0.
  • #4
How is that possible, when something goes at the speed of light, it would take four years in their perspective as it would take them four years as that is how fast they are going?

But I thought that if someone went at the speed of light it would take them that long, but time would speed up around them. So as they gp a year, many thousands would go by for people going at normal speed.
  • #5
HarryDaniels said:
How is that possible, when something goes at the speed of light, it would take four years in their perspective as it would take them four years as that is how fast they are going?

But I thought that if someone went at the speed of light it would take them that long, but time would speed up around them. So as they gp a year, many thousands would go by for people going at normal speed.

If something is moving the speed of light, from its prospective it would take 0 time to travel anywhere. a Photon is often considered all points in its path at the same time.

Time does NOT speed up around them. Time slows down for them.

I'm going to get so much hate for this. What I'm supposed to say is don't even imagine it because you're technically not allowed to travel the speed of light.

lets say for a second I could

I travel 1 light year away from Earth at the speed of light. for Earth 1 year passes. For me 0 time passes. I travel 1 light year back to earth. Now in total 2 years have passed on earth. for me 0 time has passed.

edit: so if I'm 18 and my friend is 18, when I get back from my travel, he is now 20 years old. I am still 18. I feel as if no time has passed since i left. He has lived 2 years of his life.

of course, this is just a thought experiment. matter cannot travel the speed of light.
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  • #6
HarryDaniels said:
but time would speed up around them.

Quite the opposite, actually. Consider a rocket moving close to the speed of light and some people left behind on Earth. The observers on Earth see time moving slowly for those on the rocket. Now, those aboard the rocket see the Earth moving away from them, and as such see time moving slowly for those on the Earth.

So for your example:
A) The people on the Earth record 1 year, and see only 1 day has passed on the rocket.
B) The people on the rocket record 1 year, and see only 1 day has passed back on Earth.

FAQ: Velocity vs Time: Exploring Interstellar Travel

1. What is velocity vs time and why is it important in interstellar travel?

Velocity vs time is a graph that shows the relationship between an object's velocity and the time it takes to travel. In interstellar travel, it is important because it helps us understand the speed at which a spacecraft is traveling and how long it will take to reach its destination.

2. How is velocity vs time calculated for interstellar travel?

Velocity vs time is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time it takes to travel that distance. For interstellar travel, this calculation can be complex as it involves taking into account the effects of gravity and acceleration due to the immense distances involved.

3. What are some challenges of interstellar travel that can be understood through velocity vs time?

One of the main challenges of interstellar travel is the vast distances involved. Velocity vs time can help us understand the amount of time it would take for a spacecraft to reach its destination at various speeds. It can also help us understand the effects of gravitational pull from other celestial bodies and how it may impact the spacecraft's velocity.

4. How does the concept of time dilation relate to velocity vs time in interstellar travel?

Time dilation is a concept in physics that states time moves slower when an object is moving at high speeds. In interstellar travel, velocity vs time can help us understand this concept by showing how the speed of a spacecraft impacts the passage of time and how it may affect the aging of astronauts on board.

5. Can velocity vs time be used to predict the success of an interstellar mission?

Velocity vs time is an important tool for predicting the success of an interstellar mission. By understanding the speed at which a spacecraft will travel and the time it will take to reach its destination, scientists can better plan for potential challenges and ensure the success of the mission.

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