Verifying Answers to True/False Questions about Matrices

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Yankel
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In summary, the conversation discusses solving true/false questions related to matrices and their properties. The first question involves calculating the matrix C using two matrices A and B, and the answers provided are a-false, b-true, c-true, d-false, and e-false. The second question is about a 3x3 not invertible matrix A and the answers provided are a-false, b-false, c-true, d-true, and e-true. The only mistake identified is in answer 2d, where it should be "the matrix AFTER the elementary row operations has at least one 0 row."
  • #1

I have been trying to solve a couple of true / false questions, and I am not sure my answers are correct, I would appreciate it if you could verify it.

The first question is:

A and B are matrices such that it is possible to calculate:


a. A and B are of the same order
b. C is symmetric
c. BA can be calculated
d. A and B are squared matrices
e. \[ABA^{t}\] can be calculated

My answers are: a - false, b - true , c - true, d - false e - false

The second question is:

A is a 3x3 not invertible matrix:

a. The system Ax=b has a unique solution for every vector b
b. The system Ax=b has infinite number of solutions for every vector b
c. The matrix kA is not invertible for every real number k.
d. If rank(A)=1, then A has at least one row of 0's.
e. There exist a vector b such that Ax=b has infinite number of solutions.

My answers are: a - false, b - false, c - true, d - true, e - true

Is there something wrong with my solutions ?

Thanks a million !
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  • #2
Let's say $A$ is an $(m \times n)$ matrix and $B$ is $(n \times p)$. Then $AB$ is an $(m \times p)$ matrix and and $B^T A^T$ is $(p \times m)$. This implies that $p=m$ for it to be possible to add the two products together to make $C$ but that doesn't mean that $A$ and $B$ are necessarily of the same order. It seems to me that the two matrices could be square but don't have to be.

Assuming my reasoning is correct then your answers for the first one look good. They are all consistent too, which is good.
  • #3
Yankel said:

I have been trying to solve a couple of true / false questions, and I am not sure my answers are correct, I would appreciate it if you could verify it.

The first question is:

A and B are matrices such that it is possible to calculate:


a. A and B are of the same order
b. C is symmetric
c. BA can be calculated
d. A and B are squared matrices
e. \[ABA^{t}\] can be calculated

My answers are: a - false, b - true , c - true, d - false e - false

The second question is:

A is a 3x3 not invertible matrix:

a. The system Ax=b has a unique solution for every vector b
b. The system Ax=b has infinite number of solutions for every vector b
c. The matrix kA is not invertible for every real number k.
d. If rank(A)=1, then A has at least one row of 0's.
e. There exist a vector b such that Ax=b has infinite number of solutions.

My answers are: a - false, b - false, c - true, d - true, e - true

Is there something wrong with my solutions ?

Thanks a million !
I would take a second look at 2d. Everything else looks good.
  • #4
you are right, my mistake !

If rank(A)=1, the matrix after the elementary row operations has at least one 0 row, not the original A.

Thanks !
  • #5


Thank you for reaching out for verification of your answers. I have reviewed your solutions and I have a few comments:

For the first question, your answers for b, c, and e are correct. However, your answer for a is incorrect. A and B do not have to be of the same order for the equation to be valid. For example, A could be a 3x2 matrix and B could be a 2x4 matrix, and the equation would still be valid.

For the second question, your answers for c, d, and e are correct. However, your answer for a is incorrect. A non-invertible matrix does not guarantee a unique solution for every vector b. It is possible for the system to have no solution or infinitely many solutions. Your answer for b is also incorrect for the same reason.

I hope this helps clarify any confusion. Keep up the good work!
  • #6


Thank you for reaching out. I am happy to verify your answers to these true/false questions about matrices.

For the first question, your answers are mostly correct. However, for option d, A and B do not necessarily have to be squared matrices. As long as they have compatible dimensions, the operation can be performed. Therefore, the correct answer would be false.

For the second question, your answers are also mostly correct. However, for option e, it is not always true that there exists a vector b such that Ax=b has an infinite number of solutions. This statement is only true if A is a singular matrix (determinant = 0). Therefore, the correct answer would be false.

Overall, your solutions are mostly correct. Keep up the good work! If you have any further questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.


Related to Verifying Answers to True/False Questions about Matrices

1. How do I verify if an answer to a true/false question about matrices is correct?

To verify if an answer to a true/false question about matrices is correct, you need to perform the operations described in the question on the given matrices and then compare the resulting matrices to the given answer. If the resulting matrices are equal, then the answer is correct.

2. What are the common mistakes people make when verifying answers to true/false questions about matrices?

The most common mistake people make is not performing the operations correctly. Another mistake is not considering the order of operations, such as multiplication before addition. It is also important to pay attention to the dimensions of the matrices and ensure they are compatible for the given operations.

3. Can I use a calculator to verify my answers to true/false questions about matrices?

Yes, you can use a calculator to perform the operations on the given matrices and compare the resulting matrices to the answer. However, it is important to understand the steps involved in the calculations to ensure accuracy.

4. How can I check if my answer to a true/false question about matrices is incorrect?

If your answer to a true/false question about matrices is incorrect, you can check for errors in your calculations or consider trying a different approach. It is also helpful to review the properties of matrices and common operations to identify any mistakes.

5. Is it necessary to show all the steps when verifying answers to true/false questions about matrices?

Yes, it is important to show all the steps when verifying answers to true/false questions about matrices. This not only helps to ensure accuracy but also helps in understanding the concept and identifying any mistakes made during the calculations.

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