Vertex Feynman Rule Derivations

In summary, the conversation discusses the vertex rule for an interaction involving a field tensor and how to treat the two Z fields as separate entities. It also mentions the use of momentum space and the relationship with gamma matrices. The conversation concludes with the explanation of polarization sums for photons, Z bosons, and vector bosons.
  • #1
Alright, this is a pretty low level / silly question but I am having some issues.

I would like to get the vertex rule for an interaction that has a field tensor involved like this...
[itex] \partial_\mu Z_\nu -\partial_\nu Z_\mu[/itex]
do I treat the two Z's as separate fields?

For a generic field term with a derivative [itex] \partial_\mu \varphi [/itex] we pull out a [itex] k_\mu [/itex] in momentum space...but I am just being stupid with these indices.

Advice, please?
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  • #2
The term is linear in Z's, so you have to include both.

Imagine an in Z state, then this would give you (up to factors of i and -1 ):

k_{\mu} \epsilon_{\nu} - k_{\nu} \epsilon_{\mu}

after contraction with each term.
  • #3
Hepth said:
The term is linear in Z's, so you have to include both.

Imagine an in Z state, then this would give you (up to factors of i and -1 ):

k_{\mu} \epsilon_{\nu} - k_{\nu} \epsilon_{\mu}

after contraction with each term.

...huh? After contraction? We still have our indices?

So if I started with

[itex] \sigma_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu}_Z [/itex]
I should end with
[itex] \sigma_{\mu \nu} (k^{\mu} \epsilon^{\nu} - k^{\nu} \epsilon^{\mu})
\sigma_{\mu \nu} = \frac{i}{2} (\gamma_{\mu}\gamma_{\nu}-\gamma_{\nu}\gamma_{\mu})
I'm not sure how to get rid of the polarization though :/

Is there some simple relationship with the gamma matrices I should know?
  • #4
By "contraction" I meant contracting the field operators in the lagrangian with those in the in/out states.

What you have is right (up to factors of I, -1) , and can be simplified further due to the antisymmetric nature of each:

= \sigma_{\mu \nu} (k^{\mu} \epsilon^{\nu} - k^{\nu} \epsilon^{\mu}) \\
= \sigma_{\mu \nu} k^{\mu} \epsilon^{\nu} - \sigma_{\mu \nu} k^{\nu} \epsilon^{\mu} \\
= \sigma_{\mu \nu} k^{\mu} \epsilon^{\nu} + \sigma_{\nu \mu} k^{\nu} \epsilon^{\mu}
Now relabel the 2nd term's indices to match the first (its ok since theyre all contracted)
= 2 \sigma_{\mu \nu} k^{\mu} \epsilon^{\nu}

I'm not sure what you mean by getting rid of the polarization. It stays in there for vertices/feynman rules. If you have one in the in/out state you have to do polarization sums/averaging (remember: average over initial stats, sum over final).

So in short the answer is that you're probably just thinking about the indices wrong. Its OK to have a polarization (sorta required) if you have an ingoing/outgoing boson of spin>0.

So when you get to say, a vertex times a Z propagator times another vertex you just connect the propagator to the vertices' polarization vectors.

(2 \sigma_{\mu \nu} k^{\mu}) \frac{-i (g^{\nu \alpha} - k^{\nu} k^{\alpha}/M_Z^2)}{k^2-M_Z^2} (2 \sigma_{\beta \alpha} k^{\beta})

Up to factors of I and -1 that I may have missed (and sign convention on incoming/outgoign momenta) and your gauge choice.

You'll notice that the polarization sums for photons/Z/vector bosons are very similar to their propagators.
  • #5
μvμAvμAv(interchanging indices in second term)
now to get vertex factor,substitute plane wave form and take out the factors already taken care by normalization and external is done for iL(LAGRANGIAN multiplied by i) so write the lagrangian and do like above you will get something like
-iσμvkv. Notice I don't differentiate between subscript and is unnecessary for flat space.
edit:there should not be any polarization associated with it.

FAQ: Vertex Feynman Rule Derivations

1. What is a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation?

A Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation is a mathematical process used in quantum field theory to calculate the probability of interactions between particles. It involves using Feynman diagrams to represent the possible interactions and then using a set of rules to calculate the resulting amplitude.

2. How is a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation performed?

A Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation is performed by using a set of mathematical rules and equations to calculate the amplitude of each possible interaction between particles. These rules involve assigning values to each vertex in a Feynman diagram and then using these values to calculate the overall amplitude.

3. What is the purpose of a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation?

The purpose of a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation is to calculate the probability of interactions between particles in quantum field theory. This allows scientists to make predictions about the behavior and properties of particles at a subatomic level.

4. What are the key components of a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation?

The key components of a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation include Feynman diagrams, mathematical equations and rules, and calculations to determine the amplitude of each possible interaction between particles.

5. How does a Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation contribute to our understanding of particle physics?

A Vertex Feynman Rule Derivation contributes to our understanding of particle physics by providing a mathematical framework for calculating the probability of interactions between particles. This allows for the prediction and testing of various theories and models in quantum field theory, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

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