Vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag (sign convention)

In summary: Anyway, in summary, this conversation is discussing the difference between velocity and speed, and how to calculate the terminal velocity of a falling object.
  • #1
Homework Statement
A projectile that is subject to quadratic air resistance is thrown vertically up with an initial speed ##v_0##. (a) Write down the equation of motion for the upwards motion and solve it to give ##v## as a function of ##t##. (b) Show that the time taken to reach the top of the trajectory is:

Relevant Equations
I am attempting problem number 2.38 from John R. Taylor's Classical Mechanics and I am not getting the correct answer. My procedure is as follows:

Equation of motion (taking up as the positive direction):


Now to find ##v_\mathrm{ter}##, the terminal velocity, we consider the downward motion of the ball, that is, the velocity of the ball is in the downward direction, and therefore, we get:


$$\implies v_\mathrm{ter}=\sqrt{\frac{mg}{c}}$$

I have a feeling I have made some sign convention error here but I am not sure what is wrong in my understanding. Continuing with this chain of reasoning:


$$\implies \int_{v_0}^{v}\frac{1}{1-v'^2/v_\mathrm{ter}^2}\,\mathrm{d}v'=-g\int_0^t\,\mathrm{d}t'$$

$$\implies v_\mathrm{ter}\left[\tanh^{-1}{\frac{v'}{v_\mathrm{ter}}}\right]_{v_0}^v=-gt$$

$$\implies v_\mathrm{ter}\tanh^{-1}{\frac{v}{v_\mathrm{ter}}}=-gt+v_\mathrm{ter}\tanh^{-1}{\frac{v_0}{v_\mathrm{ter}}}$$

$$\implies v=v_\mathrm{ter}\tanh{\left[-\frac{gt}{v_\mathrm{ter}}+\tanh^{-1}{\left(\frac{v_0}{v_\mathrm{ter}}\right)}\right]}$$

From this, if I substitute ##v=0## to find ##t_\mathrm{top}##, I get:


Whereas the answer requires that the function is arctan instead of hyperbolic arctan. Please let me know where I am going wrong, thank you!

Note: I am new to the forum and I am not very well-versed with the rules of this platform (I went through the basic guidelines) so in case I make some mistakes, please overlook them (and do let me know if I can do something to improve my presence on this platform). For context, I am an undergraduate student self-studying classical mechanics in the summer before my semester begins, thank you!
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  • #2
You have ##v^2_{\text{ter}}=\dfrac{mg}{c}\implies c=\dfrac{mg}{ v^2_{\text{ter}} }.##

Replace that in the original equation. The relative sign between the two terms on the right hand side in the original equation is positive. Your algebra somehow changed it to negative. Redo the algebra more carefully this time.

It looks like this LaTeX does not recognize \arctanh (##\arctanh##) but it recognizes \tanh^{-1} (##\tanh^{-1}##).
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  • #3
kuruman said:
The relative sign between the two terms on the right hand side in the original equation is positive. Your algebra somehow changed it to negative. Redo the algebra more carefully this time.
Thank you for your response! I am not sure which equations you are referring to, but I am guessing, I have made a mistake in the following equations:



I realize that I have changed the signs here; however, my logic behind this is that the in the first equation, the magnitude and direction ##-cv^2## is applied on the unit vector ##\pmb{\hat{v}}##; however, to take into account the changing direction of the unit vector itself, in the second equation where I write ##+cv^2##, it is as a magnitude of the unit vector ##\pmb{\hat{x}}##, and for doing this, I multiply the original magnitude ##-cv^2## by ##\cos{\theta}## where ##\theta## is the angle between ##\pmb{\hat{v}}## and ##\pmb{\hat{x}}##. Is this line of thinking faulty, or are you referring to some other equations?

Also, thank you for informing me about the LaTeX command for inverse hyperbolic tangent function, I have corrected that in the original question, along with the inline formulae.
  • #4
Terminal velocity happens when ##\dot v=0##. Plug that into your first equation. Stop. Do not wave your hands. Why are you trying to wave your hands???
In 1 dimension a signed number is a vector
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  • #5
f3sicA_A said:
I am not sure which equations you are referring to ##\dots##

##v^2_{\text{ter}}=\dfrac{mg}{c}\implies c=\dfrac{mg}{ v^2_{\text{ter}} }.##

##m\dot{v}=-mg-\dfrac{mg}{ v^2_{\text{ter}} }v^2##

##\dot {v}=~?##
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  • #6
hutchphd said:
In 1 dimension a signed number is a vector
Normally yes. In situations of this sort where you have damping that always opposes the velocity, I find that considerable confusion and grief are avoided if one follows the rule "choose as positive the direction of motion." Then the velocity and the speed are the same and one writes

##m\dfrac{dv}{dt}=-bv-mg~~## if the mass is moving up and both the damping force and the weight reduce the speed

##m\dfrac{dv}{dt}=-bv+mg~~## if the mass is moving down and the damping force reduces the speed while the weight increases it.

In either case symbol ##v## stands for speed not velocity which makes what's going on transparent.
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  • #7
kuruman said:

##v^2_{\text{ter}}=\dfrac{mg}{c}\implies c=\dfrac{mg}{ v^2_{\text{ter}} }.##

##m\dot{v}=-mg-\dfrac{mg}{ v^2_{\text{ter}} }v^2##

##\dot {v}=~?##
I realized where I made the mistake in signs, and now find it quite silly. I thank you for pointing that out.
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FAQ: Vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag (sign convention)

What is vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag?

Vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag refers to the motion of an object that is projected vertically upward or downward, where the resistive force acting on the object is proportional to the square of its velocity. This type of drag is significant at high velocities and is described mathematically by a term proportional to \( v^2 \), where \( v \) is the velocity of the object.

How is the equation of motion derived for vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag?

The equation of motion for vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag is derived by applying Newton's second law, considering both the gravitational force and the drag force. If we assume the drag force is given by \( F_d = -kv^2 \) (where \( k \) is a constant), the equation of motion can be written as \( m \frac{dv}{dt} = -mg - kv^2 \) for downward motion, or \( m \frac{dv}{dt} = -mg + kv^2 \) for upward motion.

What is the terminal velocity in vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag?

The terminal velocity is the constant velocity that an object reaches when the drag force equals the gravitational force, resulting in zero net acceleration. For an object moving downward, the terminal velocity \( v_t \) can be found by setting the net force to zero: \( mg = kv_t^2 \). Solving for \( v_t \), we get \( v_t = \sqrt{\frac{mg}{k}} \).

How does the sign convention affect the equations of motion?

The sign convention in vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag is crucial for correctly defining the direction of forces and motion. Typically, upward motion is considered positive, and downward motion is negative. This affects the drag force term in the equations of motion. For upward motion, the drag force opposes the motion, so it is negative, while for downward motion, the drag force also opposes the motion, but since the motion is already negative, the drag force term becomes positive in the equation.

How can we solve the differential equations for vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag?

Solving the differential equations for vertical projectile motion with quadratic drag typically requires numerical methods due to their non-linear nature. Analytical solutions are challenging and often involve complex mathematical techniques such as separation of variables and special functions. Numerical methods like the Runge-Kutta method are commonly used to approximate the solutions and analyze the motion of the projectile.
