Vibrating a 75g Bungee Cord: Standing Wave Formation

In summary, a standing wave formation is a pattern of vibration that occurs when two waves interfere with each other and result in stationary points and points of maximum vibration. A 75g bungee cord can vibrate when stretched and released, with the potential energy stored in the cord being converted into kinetic energy. Factors such as length, tension, and mass can affect the standing wave formation of a 75g bungee cord, and it can be visualized using a strobe light. Understanding standing wave formations in a 75g bungee cord can have practical applications in engineering and design.
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Homework Statement

A 75 g bungee cord has an equilibrium length of 1.20 m. The cord is stretched to a length of 1.80 m, then vibrated at 20 Hz. This produces a standing wave with two antinodes.

Homework Equations

I really am not sure how to approach this using an equation, tried to use

w = sqrt (k/m)

The Attempt at a Solution

using the above equation I got a value of

1184 N/m for 'k', which is incorrect
Physics news on
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i'm getting now double of that, and half of that value, anyone have any ideas still? this assignment is due 12:00pm tomorrow for us
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As a scientist, the first thing I would do is gather more information about the system. I would want to know the material and properties of the bungee cord, as well as the amplitude and frequency of the vibration. This information would help me determine the correct equation to use.

Assuming the bungee cord is a simple spring-mass system, the correct equation to use would be:

f = (1/2L) * sqrt(k/m)

Where f is the frequency of the standing wave, L is the length of the cord, k is the spring constant, and m is the mass of the cord. Rearranging the equation, we get:

k = (4L^2 * f^2) / m

Plugging in the given values, we get:

k = (4 * 1.20^2 * 20^2) / 0.075 = 19200 N/m

This is the correct value for the spring constant of the bungee cord. From this, we can also calculate the force constant of the bungee cord:

F = k * x

Where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement from equilibrium. Plugging in the values, we get:

F = 19200 N/m * (1.80 m - 1.20 m) = 9600 N

This means that when the bungee cord is stretched to a length of 1.80 m, it exerts a force of 9600 N. This information can be used to further analyze the system and its behavior under different conditions.

Related to Vibrating a 75g Bungee Cord: Standing Wave Formation

1. What is a standing wave formation?

A standing wave formation is a pattern of vibration that occurs when two waves with the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other. This results in stationary points, called nodes, and points of maximum vibration, called antinodes.

2. How does a 75g bungee cord vibrate?

A 75g bungee cord will vibrate when it is stretched and then released. The vibrations are caused by the potential energy stored in the cord as it is stretched, which is then converted into kinetic energy as the cord bounces back and forth.

3. What factors affect the standing wave formation of a 75g bungee cord?

The factors that can affect the standing wave formation of a 75g bungee cord include the length, tension, and mass of the cord. These factors determine the frequency and wavelength of the standing wave.

4. How can standing wave formations be visualized in a 75g bungee cord?

One way to visualize standing wave formations in a 75g bungee cord is by using a strobe light. By adjusting the frequency of the strobe light to match the frequency of the standing wave, the cord will appear to be standing still, allowing for the nodes and antinodes to be seen more clearly.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding standing wave formations in a 75g bungee cord?

Understanding standing wave formations in a 75g bungee cord can have practical applications in engineering and design. It can help in the development of bungee cords that can withstand certain weights and forces, as well as in the design of musical instruments and other devices that rely on standing waves for their function.
