Violation of 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

In summary,You can calculate efficiency for a Carnot engine only using the temperatures.However, the engine will be efficient even if the temperatures are negative.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Imagine that it were possible to construct
a reservoir at −5 K (below absolute zero).
Suppose you ran an engine and used the −5
K reservoir as the cold reservoir.
Would such an engine violate the second
law of thermodynamics?

1. Yes; the engine efficiency would be greater
than 100 %.
2. No, the engine efficiency would be high,
but reasonable.
Relevant Equations
η = Energy out/Total Energy * 100
I don't understand, can you calculate efficiency only using the temperature?
Physics news on
  • #2
yinnxz said:
Homework Statement: Imagine that it were possible to construct
a reservoir at −5 K (below absolute zero).
Suppose you ran an engine and used the −5
K reservoir as the cold reservoir.
Would such an engine violate the second
law of thermodynamics?

1. Yes; the engine efficiency would be greater
than 100 %.
2. No, the engine efficiency would be high,
but reasonable.
Relevant Equations: η = Energy out/Total Energy * 100

I don't understand, can you calculate efficiency only using the temperature?
For a Carnot engine the efficiency does only depend on the temperatures.
Look it up in your book or on the internet.

PS: I can't make sense of the "relevant equation" you quote. The terminology is unclear. What is "total energy" and "energy out".
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Likes russ_watters, yinnxz and topsquark
  • #3
Hello @yinnxz ,
:welcome: ##\qquad## !​

with exercises like this, it may be dificult to post your best effort (as required before the PF guidelines allow us to help !), but you can get started by at least posting the second law, so that we are all on the same page. And the 'relevant equation' is only complete if you clarify the variables.

If you already googled some stuff, shaer the lijks as well...

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  • #4
yinnxz said:
I don't understand, can you calculate efficiency only using the temperature?
You are right. It takes two temperatures. Two reservoirs. So pick a positive temperature, any positive temperature for the hot reservoir and see where that takes you.

There is an implicit assumption lurking here that heat will spontaneously flow from a positive temperature reservoir to a negative temperature reservoir. If you can Google well, you can discover definitions of thermodynamic temperature which make sense of negative temperatures. In the process, you may learn about the truth (or falsity) of that implicit assumption.
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  • #5
This is a better equation I found. Sorry I should have taken a picture instead.

What I did was to plug in 100 on "TH" variable and the -5 K on the "TC" variable. I got an efficiency bigger than 100%. Would that make it violate the 2nd law that states that a system cant have 100% efficiency?


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  • #6
yinnxz said:
Would that make it violate the 2nd law that states that a system cant have 100% efficiency?
In a previous post, I mentioned an implicit assumption that you are making: You are assuming that 100 degrees is hotter than -5 degrees.

"Hotter" in thermodynamics has a technical meaning -- heat will flow spontaneously from the "hotter" reservoir to the "colder" reservoir.

Negative temperatures (which are indeed possible) are hotter than all positive temperatures. The thermodynamic definition of temperature is weird and arguably backward. Reciprocal temperatures behave more sensibly in this regard.
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Likes topsquark, BvU and yinnxz

FAQ: Violation of 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

What is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time. It also implies that energy transformations are not 100% efficient, and some energy is always lost as heat, leading to an increase in entropy.

Can the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics be violated?

In classical thermodynamics, the 2nd Law is considered inviolable. However, in microscopic systems and under certain quantum conditions, temporary and local decreases in entropy can occur, but these do not constitute a violation of the law on a macroscopic scale.

What are some common misconceptions about violating the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

One common misconception is that the 2nd Law forbids any decrease in entropy. In reality, it forbids the overall entropy of an isolated system from decreasing. Another misconception is that life or evolution violates the 2nd Law, which is incorrect because Earth is not an isolated system and receives energy from the sun.

Are there any theoretical scenarios where the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is violated?

Hypothetical scenarios like Maxwell's Demon and certain interpretations of quantum mechanics suggest ways to seemingly violate the 2nd Law, but these do not hold up under rigorous scientific scrutiny. They often involve external work or information, which ultimately increases the total entropy.

How does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics relate to perpetual motion machines?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics implies that perpetual motion machines of the second kind, which produce work without any energy input, are impossible. Any real machine will always have inefficiencies and energy losses, preventing perpetual motion.
