Vipers amazing theroy on life in the universe

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of infinity in relation to the universe and the possibility of life on other planets. While there is an infinite number of planets in the universe, some are known to have no life, leading to the conclusion that there must be a finite number of planets with no life. However, the idea of dividing infinity by a finite number and getting a number close to zero is incorrect. Ultimately, it is unclear whether there is life on any other planet.
  • #1
The universe is infinite so that means that there are an infinite number of planets. Some of these planets are known to have no life on them so there must be a finite number of planets with no life. Divide infinite by finite and you get a number as close to zero as can possible be. So there's no life on any planet.
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  • #2
1) The word is 'theory,' not theroy.

2) Infinity - any finite number = infinity. Infinity / any finite number = infinity.

3) The universe is generally not regarded as infinite.

- Warren
  • #3
infinite and finite are meaningless unless you have a frame of referance ,who is going to be brave enought to formulate that referance?
  • #4
The universe is infinite so that means that there are an infinite number of planets.
Prove it. And infinite spacetime != infinite matter.

Some of these planets are known to have no life on them so there must be a finite number of planets with no life.

Divide infinite by finite and you get a number as close to zero as can possible be.
Incorrect mathematics.

So there's no life on any planet.
Is this a joke thread?
  • #5
It took a thicko like me a whole week to work that out!111
  • #6
I think Viper was just having some fun (right, V?) need to jump down his throat. That math error has been pointed out and I think that's sufficient for this topic. Infinity can be discussed elsewhere.

FAQ: Vipers amazing theroy on life in the universe

1. What is "Vipers amazing theory on life in the universe" all about?

"Vipers amazing theory on life in the universe" is a scientific hypothesis proposed by researcher Dr. Viper that suggests the existence of intelligent life forms in other parts of the universe.

2. How does Viper's theory differ from other theories on extraterrestrial life?

Viper's theory differs from other theories on extraterrestrial life in that it focuses on the idea that intelligent life forms could exist in vastly different forms and environments than what we are familiar with on Earth.

3. What evidence supports Viper's theory?

Viper's theory is supported by various scientific observations, such as the vastness of the universe and the potential for other habitable planets, as well as the discovery of extremophile life forms on Earth that can survive in extreme environments.

4. Has Viper's theory been tested or proven?

At this time, Viper's theory remains a hypothesis and has not been tested or proven. However, it is a subject of ongoing research and speculation in the scientific community.

5. How does Viper's theory impact our understanding of the universe and our place in it?

Viper's theory challenges our current understanding of the universe and our place in it by suggesting that there could be other advanced civilizations out there, and that the potential for life in the universe is far greater than we previously thought.
