Virtual particle energy-momentum

In summary: But what is the physical interpretation of these "virtual particles"?In summary, the calculations in QFT involving terms like \langle 0|a_{\textbf{k}'} a_{\textbf{p}'} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_1} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_2} a'_{\textbf{k}_1} a^{'\dagger}_{\textbf{k}_2} a_{\textbf{p}_3} a_{\textbf{p}_4} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{k}} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}}|0\rangle, lead to expressions
  • #1
A mentioning about virtual particle problem in my other thread just reminded me of some thoughts, which I now succeeded putting together.

When calculating cross sections in QFT, we encounter terms like this

\langle 0|a_{\textbf{k}'} a_{\textbf{p}'} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_1} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_2} a'_{\textbf{k}_1} a^{'\dagger}_{\textbf{k}_2} a_{\textbf{p}_3} a_{\textbf{p}_4} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{k}} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}}|0\rangle,

where we start with some excitation, operate on it with annihilation operators, create some intermediate particle, annihilate the intermediate particle, create two final particles, and then consider the inner product with some fixed outcome.

As it turns out, the calculations lead into some expressions that contain propagator of the intermediate particle, and the energy-momentum in the propagator is not on shell. This is usually interpreted as sign of the intermediate particle being off shell, but this doesn't fully make sense to me.

Firstly, the calculation is quite abstract. I don't see any obvious reason to interpret the resulting propagator as actually describing the propagation of the intermediate particle.

Secondly, isn't it impossible to create off shell particles with the usual creation operators? I mean, if you operate on vacuum with [itex]a^{'\dagger}_{\textbf{p}}[/itex], you get a particle whose energy momentum is [itex](\sqrt{|\textbf{p}|^2 + (m')^2}, \textbf{p})[/itex], right? Here [itex]m'[/itex] is the constant mass, characteristic to the particular particle type.

So, what I hear everyone explaining, is this:

"Since the energy-momentum is conserved in the vertexes, the intermediate particle is clearly off shell. This, however, is not problematic, since it is a virtual particle that exists only for short period of time, and cannot be observed directly."

But why not like this:

"Since the intermediate particle is on shell, clearly the energy-momentum is not conserved in the vertexes. This, however, is not problematic, since the state, at which energy-momentum conservation is violated, exists only for a short period of time, and cannot be observed directly."?
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  • #2
It's a trick!

jostpuur said:
When calculating cross sections in QFT, we encounter terms like this

\langle 0|a_{\textbf{k}'} a_{\textbf{p}'} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_1} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_2} a'_{\textbf{k}_1} a^{'\dagger}_{\textbf{k}_2} a_{\textbf{p}_3} a_{\textbf{p}_4} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{k}} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}}|0\rangle,

where we start with some excitation, operate on it with annihilation operators, create some intermediate particle, annihilate the intermediate particle, create two final particles, and then consider the inner product with some fixed outcome.

As it turns out, the calculations lead into some expressions that contain propagator of the intermediate particle, and the energy-momentum in the propagator is not on shell. This is usually interpreted as sign of the intermediate particle being off shell, but this doesn't fully make sense to me."?

The operators in [tex]
\langle 0|a_{\textbf{k}'} a_{\textbf{p}'} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_1} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}_2} a'_{\textbf{k}_1} a^{'\dagger}_{\textbf{k}_2} a_{\textbf{p}_3} a_{\textbf{p}_4} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{k}} a^{\dagger}_{\textbf{p}}|0\rangle,
are all for real, not virtual, particles.

From that, we get the position Feynman diagrams, in which the integration is over [tex]d^3p[/tex].

(The momentums in the position Feynman diagrams are still all on-shell, since they still represent real operators for real particles.)

Those integrals include a step function.

Then a Fourier trick is used to convert that step function into a fourth integral, which combined with the [tex]d^3p[/tex] gives a convenient Lorentz-friendly four-variable integral (see, for example, Weinberg QFT page 276).

The four-vectors in this, and in the associated momentum Feynman diagram, have nothing to do with the real momentums in the position diagram - they only look similar. It's a good trick, isn't it? :smile:

It is convenient to call them off-shell four-vectors, and to think of them as representing the energy-momentum of "virtual particles". :smile:
  • #3

I would respond to this content by saying that the concept of virtual particles and their energy-momentum is a complex and highly debated topic in quantum field theory. While the calculations may lead to expressions that contain off-shell energy-momentum, it is important to note that these are mathematical tools used to make predictions and not necessarily physical particles.

Virtual particles are not observable directly and are not considered to be "real" particles in the same sense as on-shell particles. They are simply a mathematical representation of the interactions between particles in a quantum field. Therefore, trying to interpret the off-shell energy-momentum of virtual particles as being on-shell or violating energy-momentum conservation is not a fruitful approach.

Additionally, the concept of energy-momentum conservation in vertexes is not a strict rule in quantum field theory. There are cases where energy-momentum is not conserved, such as in virtual processes, and this is allowed by the uncertainty principle. It is important to keep in mind that these are all mathematical tools used to make predictions and not necessarily physical processes.

In summary, the concept of virtual particles and their energy-momentum is a complex and abstract topic in quantum field theory. While it may seem counterintuitive or confusing, it is important to remember that these are simply mathematical tools used to make predictions and should not be interpreted as physical particles violating energy-momentum conservation.

Related to Virtual particle energy-momentum

1. What is a virtual particle?

A virtual particle is a particle that exists only fleetingly and is constantly created and destroyed in the quantum vacuum. It is not a physical particle in the traditional sense, but rather a fluctuation in energy and momentum that can influence the behavior of other particles.

2. How does the concept of virtual particles relate to energy and momentum?

Virtual particles carry energy and momentum, but they do not have a well-defined mass or velocity. This is because they exist only momentarily and are not subject to the same physical laws as real particles. However, their influence on other particles can be observed through the effects they have on measurable quantities such as energy and momentum.

3. What is the role of virtual particles in quantum mechanics?

Virtual particles play a crucial role in quantum mechanics as they help to explain the behavior and interactions of particles at the subatomic level. They allow for the exchange of energy and momentum between particles and can give rise to observable phenomena such as the Casimir effect and Hawking radiation.

4. Can virtual particles be detected or observed?

No, virtual particles cannot be directly detected or observed. As they exist for such a short period of time, their effects can only be inferred through the behavior of other particles. However, the existence of virtual particles has been confirmed through experiments such as the Lamb shift and the Casimir effect.

5. What are the implications of virtual particles for our understanding of the universe?

The concept of virtual particles challenges our classical understanding of the universe and highlights the limitations of our current theories. It also suggests that the quantum vacuum is a dynamic and constantly fluctuating medium, rather than an empty void. Additionally, virtual particles play a crucial role in many important phenomena, such as the stability of atoms and the behavior of black holes.

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