Virtual particles and accelerated expansion

In summary: I'm inclined to think that the density would increase over time and that eventually we would reach the point where the acceleration would be too much for the universe to handle and it would collapse under its own gravity.
  • #1
In my textbook, "Universe" by Friedman et al it says the following:
"During inflation, however , the universe expands so fast that particles were rapidly separated from their corresponding antiparticles. Deprived of the oppurtunity to recombine and annhilate, these virtual particles became real particles in the real world. In this way, the universe was flooded with particles in the real world"

What I was wondering is that if the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate to the point its faster than the speed of light, wouldn't this process happen again?
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  • #2
skydivephil said:
In my textbook, "Universe" by Friedman et al it says the following:
"During inflation, however , the universe expands so fast that particles were rapidly separated from their corresponding antiparticles. Deprived of the oppurtunity to recombine and annhilate, these virtual particles became real particles in the real world. In this way, the universe was flooded with particles in the real world"

If only someone could explain where are those antiparticles.

skydivephil said:
What I was wondering is that if the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate to the point its faster than the speed of light, wouldn't this process happen again?

How would you define universe that is expanding faster then light? Remember that V=Ho*D, so for any positive Ho, there is a distance at which recession is superluminal.
  • #3
Calimero said:
If only someone could explain where are those antiparticles.

How would you define universe that is expanding faster then light? Remember that V=Ho*D, so for any positive Ho, there is a distance at which recession is superluminal.

Im not a cosmologist, just about to start studying astronomy and doing some pre course reading. But I guess I mean that the rate of the expansion of space is the same as as during the proposed inflationary epoch.
  • #4
Well, let's hope that it can't happen. Exact answer why it can't happen, would depend on particular model of inflation that you are willing to accept (quantum tunneling, slow roll inflation, etc).
  • #5
So presumably then the expansion of space cannot continue to accelerate indefinitely but has some limit to stop it from expanding at the speeds during the inflationary epoch?
  • #6
Are you familiar with Big Rip scenario? Its plausibility would depend on exact nature of dark energy. Try to google it.
On the other hand there is possibility that expansion can indefinitely accelerate, but it wouldn't affect gravitationally bound objects.
  • #7
Calimero said:
Are you familiar with Big Rip scenario? Its plausibility would depend on exact nature of dark energy. Try to google it.
On the other hand there is possibility that expansion can indefinitely accelerate, but it wouldn't affect gravitationally bound objects.

I am familiar with the big rip, the wikiepdia article
implies everything is torn apart during the big rip:
"About 60 million years before the end, gravity would be too weak to hold the Milky Way and other individual galaxies together. Approximately three months before the end, the solar system would be gravitationally unbound. In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and an instant before the end, atoms would be destroyed"
is this wrong ?
  • #8
skydivephil said:
I am familiar with the big rip, the wikiepdia article
implies everything is torn apart during the big rip:
"About 60 million years before the end, gravity would be too weak to hold the Milky Way and other individual galaxies together. Approximately three months before the end, the solar system would be gravitationally unbound. In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and an instant before the end, atoms would be destroyed"
is this wrong ?

Wouldn't that just bring us back to the start, where inflation was so fast that it prevented virtual particle pairs from recombining and thus flooding the universe with particles all over again? If that's the case, how would we know which iteration of inflation we were in?
  • #9
friend said:
Wouldn't that just bring us back to the start, where inflation was so fast that it prevented virtual particle pairs from recombining and thus flooding the universe with particles all over again? If that's the case, how would we know which iteration of inflation we were in?

Well that's exactly what my opening post was wondering.
  • #10
skydivephil said:
I am familiar with the big rip, the wikiepdia article
implies everything is torn apart during the big rip:
"About 60 million years before the end, gravity would be too weak to hold the Milky Way and other individual galaxies together. Approximately three months before the end, the solar system would be gravitationally unbound. In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and an instant before the end, atoms would be destroyed"
is this wrong ?

Question is if dark energy density remains constant over time, like in the case of simple cosmological constant, or does density increase over time, which would lead to more acceleration and eventually to big rip. For some reasons that are out of the scope of this thread, and which would be regarded as pure speculation by mentors, I personally believe that density is constant.

It appears that, generally, big rip is loosing support anyway.

friend said:
Wouldn't that just bring us back to the start, where inflation was so fast that it prevented virtual particle pairs from recombining and thus flooding the universe with particles all over again? If that's the case, how would we know which iteration of inflation we were in?

No. Final state of big rip is singularity, distances diverge to infinite values. There is no mechanism that can prevent that. Inflation, fortunately, ends with reheating.
  • #11
skydivephil said:
What I was wondering is that if the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate to the point its faster than the speed of light, wouldn't this process happen again?
Yes, it's happening now, albeit at a much lower rate. As time goes forward to infinity, assuming a cosmological constant, the universe will approach a finite but very low temperature due to this interaction.

Related to Virtual particles and accelerated expansion

1. What are virtual particles?

Virtual particles are particles that pop in and out of existence in the vacuum of space. They are not observable directly, but their effects can be seen through their interactions with other particles.

2. How do virtual particles relate to accelerated expansion?

Virtual particles are thought to play a role in the accelerated expansion of the universe. They may contribute to the energy density of the universe, which drives the expansion.

3. Can virtual particles be created or destroyed?

Virtual particles cannot be created or destroyed, as they are a natural part of the quantum vacuum. However, they can change form or interact with other particles, leading to their apparent creation or destruction.

4. What evidence supports the existence of virtual particles?

Virtual particles are a well-established concept in quantum field theory and have been observed indirectly through their effects on other particles. The Casimir effect, for example, is a phenomenon that can be explained by the presence of virtual particles.

5. How do virtual particles affect our understanding of the universe?

Virtual particles play a crucial role in our current understanding of the universe, particularly in the fields of quantum mechanics and cosmology. They are also being studied in the search for a theory of quantum gravity, which aims to unify our understanding of the fundamental forces in the universe.

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