Visualization of electron as a wave

In summary, Bohr's model had a flaw, electrons can orbit around radii around the nucleus where nk=2*3.14r, and they behave like standing waves. I am not able to visualize the nature of electron as a wave particularly standing, eg we can visualize matter waves but how can we visualize this that too around nucleus and the concept of orbitals has blown my mind. What is the need of these orbitals first? Then spin confuses me alot. Why had spin been introduced and what is its physical significance? I was comfortable with Bohr's model but the truth that electrons don't move around the nucleus like we saw earlier has cofused me a lot especially it's visualization as a wave
  • #1
well i have understood that bohr's model had a flaw and i have understood that electrons can orbit those radii around the nucleus where nk=2*3.14r where they behave like standing waves.i am not able to visualize the nature of electron as a wave particularly standing,eg we can visualize matter waves but how can we visualize this that too around nucleus and the concept of orbitals has blown my mind.what is the need of these orbitals first.then spin confuses me alot.why had spin been introduced and whatis its physical significance.i was comfortable with bohr's model but the truth that electrons don't move around the nucleus like we saw earlier has cofused me a lot especially it's visualization as a wave.pls clear my concepts regarding orbitals and how electrons move around these orbitals as will be a great humanitarian help. i promise.
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  • #2
You can't visualize how the electron moves in the atom, you must work out the wave functions which tells you with what probabilty the electron is located at a certain radius, polar angle and azimutal angle. This you can do by solving the spherical schrödinger equation:

free electrons propagate as a "wave" in that sense that it has a deBroigle wavelength: (plane wave solution to SE, also called deBroigle wavefunction)
[tex]\Psi (\vec{x},t) = N e^{i(\vec{p}\cdot\vec{x}-Et)} [/tex]

Remember that the 'wave nature' of particles has to do with its wave function, it is not like a water wave or a standing wave on a string.

So the concept in QM is that we can't really say how things move etc, we can only work out the wave function and what observables that it contains. I hope you are familiar with Heisenbergs uncertainty relation: [tex] \Delta x \Delta p > \hbar [/tex], so if you know where the particle are, then you have no idea of what its momentum is.

Spin is an intrinsic degree of freedom for subatomic particles. Angular momentum we can derive from rotation symmetry in 3D, and we will obtain commutator relations for angular momentum operators. Then we see what happens if we move to 2D, and then we get spin.

Spin is manifested in how particles react on magnetic and electric fields. Compare with classical magnetic dipoles.
-> Stern-Gerlach experiment
  • #3

FAQ: Visualization of electron as a wave

1. What is the concept of the electron being visualized as a wave?

The concept of the electron being visualized as a wave is based on quantum mechanics, which states that particles like electrons can exhibit both particle-like and wave-like behavior. This means that an electron can be thought of as a small, localized particle in some situations, but in others, it can behave like a spread-out wave.

2. How is this concept different from the traditional view of electrons as particles?

The traditional view of electrons as particles was based on classical physics, which believed that particles always followed a specific path and had definite properties like position and momentum. However, the visualization of electrons as waves acknowledges that particles can also behave like waves, with properties like wavelength and frequency.

3. What evidence supports the idea of electrons as waves?

There have been numerous experiments, such as the double-slit experiment, that have shown the wave-like behavior of electrons. In this experiment, when a beam of electrons is passed through two slits, an interference pattern is observed, similar to what is seen when light waves pass through two slits. This suggests that electrons have wave-like properties.

4. How does the visualization of electrons as waves help us understand their behavior?

Understanding electrons as waves allows us to better explain and predict their behavior in certain situations, such as in the atomic and subatomic level. It also helps us understand phenomena like quantum tunneling, where electrons can pass through barriers that would be impossible for classical particles to cross. This concept has been crucial in the development of technologies like semiconductors and transistors.

5. Are there any limitations to the visualization of electrons as waves?

While visualizing electrons as waves has been successful in explaining many phenomena, it is not a complete or perfect model. In certain situations, the wave-particle duality of electrons can be better explained using other theories, such as quantum field theory. Additionally, the concept of electrons as waves can be difficult to grasp and may not always align with our classical understanding of the world.

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