Visualizing the Submicrocosm: A New Perspective on Atoms

  • Thread starter k_snelson
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of what an atom looks like, with some participants discussing existing theories and models and others proposing alternative ideas. Some mention the limitations of technology in visualizing atoms, while others believe that advancements in technology will allow us to see atoms more clearly in the future. The conversation also touches on the possibility of different shapes and structures of atoms and molecules, and the need for more research and education in this area.
  • #36
Once again we almost agree but for quite different reasons. My proposed vacuum model has mass (force carrier) originating from the surface in opposition to vacuum force that originates from the centre. So the source of all forces (or force carrying substance) used in the Standard Model originate from the outside, but the missing fundamental force originates from the centre.

I realize that my work to date lacks distinction. In an effort to improve, I have taken a different approach and have produced a prediction of mass for both the graviton and Higgs particles; this will be on my webpage soon. As the Higgs particle is expected to be discovered when new machines start working in 2006, this should settle the debate providing no other theory makes the same prediction.
Physics news on
  • #37
In a head of each person there is a unique computer, which "prompts" as the world is arranged. At me, for example, a head with the mathematical processor. At you, J.Martin, and at K.Snelson, the heads with analog processors. (Certainly, the overwhelming majority of people have a head with the usual accounting calculator, but we shall hope, that for such people PF is not interesting).
I quite soundly considered, that the heads with analog processors should better, than me, to understand, that process of search of “the most elementary particle” is infinite.
In this sense, the way to the center of any particle also is infinite, as a way to the infinite universe.
We live in the world of real atoms and molecules, under protection of thick layer of atmosphere. There will be no this protection, there would be no neither us, nor our discussion. But we know about spatial structure of atoms and molecules very a little.
Physicists consider, that the cubic cell of diamond contains eight atoms of carbon, which are located on equal distances from neighbours. Chemists consider, that the cubic cell of diamond contains four formula units, i.e. four molecules.
Forces, which connect two atoms of carbon in a molecule, many times more, than forces between two atoms from the neighbouring molecules. The electronic microphoto of diamond does not help neither that, nor another. I think, that neither the gravitons, nor Higgs particles, also will not clear up the collected problems.
I, for example, calculate the sizes and the form of atoms with four methods – on a spectrum of radiation, on density, on parameters of crystal lattice, and on behaviour of atoms in structure of compounds. But even after the exact coordination of all parameters of atom in polytronic model, I cannot tell with full confidence, that it is the final form of atom.
In this picture there is not very important component, which would help to understand a principle of construction of ensemble. But, as long as, all invented particles (and all future particles) do not concern to this component, I do not see prospect in using these particles in development of my model.
I managed mathematically to show, that between mass and a square of inverse time there is a quantitative connection. But, you see, we at all do not understand, what is inverse time, not speaking about its measurement.
Best regards
  • #38
To have an opportunity to move in any direction any particle should have components of fluctuations conterminous with a force vector. If such a component is absent then the particle cannot move in this direction.
Since the vector of force may have an any direction, than fluctuations in a particle should have components of all directions. To this condition in the maximal degree corresponds the spherical (pseudo spherical) form of atom as the sum of all component.

  • #39
Too see what makes the atoms perfectly spherical and how they originate you may explore the link below.
You’ll see that not only atoms are spherical. You’ll see how the spherical shapes are created.
  • #40
Recently, the book BEYOND THE BRAIN by Stanislav Grog is published in Russian.
You can find something interesting in this book concerning your theory.
  • #41
As always Michael F. Dmitriyev induces extremely actual task and as always he makes it carelessly. The name of this task – diffraction.
If we shall throw the BALL into a wall, from a wall the SAME BALL will jump aside. It is the MECHANICAL PRINCIPLE.
If we shall direct onto a surface of crystal a photon (or x-ray quantum, or electron), from a surface of crystal the SAME photon never will jump aside. From a surface of crystal OTHER photon (or x-ray quantum, or electron) "will be scattered". It is the NONMECHANICAL PRINCIPLE, but also not purely WAVE.
First two theories of diffraction have been offered two centuries ago – in 1800 by Th. Young and in 1816 by A.Fresnel. Since then, the great variety of such theories, but without essential difference from initial variants, is offered. Studying these theories everyone can draw the conclusion, that for every length wave of light, for each gamma-quantum or particle it is possible to write the individual theory of diffraction. We shall directly tell – a sad situation.
The word-combination the QUANTUM-MECHANICAL PRINCIPLE is erroneous in principle.
Now the main methods of research of structure of crystals are the method of diffraction of X-rays, a method of diffraction of slow electrons and a method of electronic microscopy. These three methods allow receiving almost identical results about a residence of atoms in crystal.
But the same methods can give also the information about the form of atoms and, probably, about internal structure of atoms.
This is my opinion.
But, to extract this information, the new theory of diffraction is necessary essentially.
  • #42
As always Michael F. Dmitriyev induces extremely actual task and as always he makes it carelessly.
May be. But I guess: nobody do not know how an objects move.
I know this.
  • #43
a model of the atom has progressed over the years to fit scientific laws, but scientists have not seen it before.

i believe that they are working on a telescope half a mile long so we can actually see the real atom.
  • #44
“A model of the atom has progressed over the years to fit scientific laws, but scientists have not seen it before.”

Alack, the scientists don’t see it and at present.
Indirect arguments, that the form of atom is not spherical it is possible to find, for example, at research of red border of a photoeffect for various crystallographic planes of monocrystals, or at research of superficial reconstruction of faces of crystal at various temperatures.
  • #45
^ scientists have not seen it, how can it be determined that they are crystalline? :confused:

help me please. :smile:
  • #46
Michael, how is consistent your “I know this” with following:
In the modern electronic theory of atom affirms, that all electrons in atoms are identical, but each electron takes own residence. Change of a residence of electron results either in radiation, or to absorption of quantum of light. In the given concept, radiation and absorption of quantums of light is considered as change of characteristics of electric dipoles "electron- nucleus". The reason of change of a residence of electron can be usual heating or cooling of atom, i.e. pumping-in or pumping-out photons.
Let's present mentally experiment with single atom, which warmed up to some temperature and is in vacuum. During some time the atom will radiate photons.
I hope, you will not begin to approve, that the atom is stuffed with photons, as a tin of sprats?
The length of a wave of radiation depends on initial temperature of atom. For each electron in atom there is a short-wave border of radiation (term T), higher which, the atom does not radiate any more photons, and simply throws out too restless electron outside.
Thus, if you agree with the modern theory, then you accept the concept of "a tin of sprats" concerning electrons in atom, but do not suppose the same concept concerning photons.
But the matter is, for example, that atom of hydrogen, after loss of the unique electron, should lose an opportunity to absorb and radiate photons.
It does not occur.
The difference between a photon and an electron consists in, that the first at once has speed of light, but has not charge and rest mass, whereas the second has not speed of light, but has a charge and rest mass.
Existence of photon and electron is consequence of final size of speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum. Therefore, for example, at disappearance of charges in process of annihilation an electron and a positron, the radiation continues to exist and after process of annihilation.
According to the modern theory of beta-decay, an electron (positron) and electronic anti-neutrino (neutrino) do not exist in nucleus of atoms, and are formed at moment of a start of decay, as a result of weak interaction. I.e. the standard theory does not suppose the concept of "a tin of sprats" concerning electrons (positrons) in a nucleus of atom.
Rather illogical position concerning to the same object – concerning to atom.
Now I want to repeat base idea of the polytronic concept:
The electron and positron, in such kind, how they exist outside of atoms, are not components of atoms – the electron and positron are the limiting variants of photons, in which the energy is rolled into ring forms by means of some force.
This force needs to be investigated there, where it exists, i.e. on a surface of atoms and molecules. Therefore, it is necessary to develop special experiments, which would exclude an opportunity of mechanistic interpretation of diffraction.
  • #47
oops...i just read that you said it was 'possible'.
  • #48
Why the titmouse that has flown through a window leaf, tries to fly out into street through glass in a window?
As soon as we have started talking about light, I would like to cite an instance of successful comparison: the theory is a spectral resolution of scientific sight.
The good theory should be capable give the exhaustive answer in many areas of science, and, first of all, it should be focused on the solution of secret of the alive matter. Therefore any author of new ideas should be quite good erudite not only in the exact sciences, but also in areas, which the official science ranks as a category pseudoscientific and mystical.
Already enough long time I try to collect in one theme “Puzzles of angular acceleration” various and conflicting ideas with hope, that, eventually, something will be crystallized.
Given below idea is intended for this theme, but I think, it will be interesting and here.
it is shown, that the photon consist of two parts: first half of photon has been named, as compressing concerning speed of light, the second – as decompressing.
this idea has been advanced in more detail and with application of mathematical ways for finding-out of the nature of gravitational field.
Anyway, it has been established, that expression of gravitation and mass through angular acceleration does not give the exhaustive answer to the problem of space and time.
Now I want to offer for discussion a variant of interaction of space and time, which, as consequence, follows from dipole of speed of light.
Speed of light in vacuum "c" is natural border of interface between two worlds, or, we shall tell so, between two polar conditions of the universe.
On the one side of border there is a condition (c+0), on the other side – a condition (c–0). Accordingly, the width of border between the worlds is equal to zero.
Inhabitants of the first world live in motionless (c+0)–space and with mobile, so they imagine it, time.
Inhabitants of the second world live in motionless (c–0)–space and also with mobile, so they imagine it, time.
The hypothetical exterior observer, could see, that in one world the space is motionless, whereas in the other – time is motionless.
In our world the space is a continuity, in which any conditions for atoms are allowed, but only one condition for photons. In the parallel world any conditions for photons, but only one condition for atoms are allowed.
I would like to warn, that attempts to draw these two worlds on a paper will not give any result. These two worlds exist in each other and cannot exist each without other.
Excuse, but I have the same brain, as well as at other people, therefore to describe the parallel world with the help of analogies of our world it is impossible.
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  • #49
The electron and positron, in such kind, how they exist outside of atoms, are not components of atoms – the electron and positron are the limiting variants of photons, in which the energy is rolled into ring forms by means of some force.
You’re know my point:
Any particle is the set or combination of photons, i.e. the wave of some frequency.
The ring is a particular form of particles. Only charged particles can have such the form.