Voids, dark energy and tidal forces...?

In summary, the article explores the concepts of cosmic voids, dark energy, and tidal forces, highlighting their roles in the universe's structure and expansion. Voids are large, empty spaces between galaxies, while dark energy is the mysterious force driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. Tidal forces, resulting from gravitational interactions, influence the motion of celestial bodies. Together, these phenomena contribute to our understanding of cosmic dynamics and the overall evolution of the universe.
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TL;DR Summary
Voids, dark energy and tidal forces...?
I would like to ask you some questions I have about some interesting work I was reading (https://arxiv.org/abs/1205.4238 & https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/527/4/11962/7457744) where the authors analysed the effects of dark energy in the shape and evolution of voids

Apparently, they established a relation between dark energy, voids' ellipticity and tidal forces. I have a question about this, since it was not entirely clear to me:

Does it mean that dark energy (or the accelerated expansion of the universe) contributes to increase the ellipticity of voids? Then, does dark energy increase the tidal forces of the void (so that a greater dark energy density in the universe would result in more intense tidal forces in the void)?

FAQ: Voids, dark energy and tidal forces...?

What is a cosmic void?

A cosmic void is a vast, empty region of space with very few galaxies, stars, or other forms of matter. These voids are some of the largest structures in the universe and can span tens to hundreds of millions of light-years. They are surrounded by denser regions of galaxies and are an essential feature of the large-scale structure of the cosmos.

What is dark energy, and how does it affect the universe?

Dark energy is a mysterious form of energy that makes up about 68% of the universe. It is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe. Unlike dark matter, which exerts gravitational pull, dark energy has a repulsive effect, pushing galaxies apart and influencing the overall dynamics of cosmic evolution.

How are voids detected in the universe?

Voids are detected using large-scale surveys of galaxies and other cosmic structures. By mapping the distribution of galaxies, astronomers can identify regions with significantly lower density, which are the voids. Techniques such as redshift surveys and gravitational lensing are commonly used to study these vast empty spaces.

What are tidal forces, and where do they occur?

Tidal forces are the result of the gravitational interaction between two bodies, where the gravitational pull on one side of an object is different from the pull on the other side. This differential force can stretch and distort objects. Tidal forces are commonly observed in the interaction between celestial bodies, such as the Earth and the Moon, where they cause ocean tides, and in more extreme cases, they can affect stars and galaxies during close encounters.

How do tidal forces influence cosmic structures?

Tidal forces can have significant effects on cosmic structures, especially during close encounters between galaxies. These forces can distort and reshape galaxies, trigger star formation, and even lead to the merging of galaxies. In smaller scales, tidal forces can disrupt star systems and cause phenomena like tidal heating, which can affect the geological activity of moons and planets.
