Volume in phase space- Louviles theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses a proof of Liouville's theorem, which states that the volume in phase space acts as an incompressible fluid. The proof uses Hamilton's equations to show that the Jacobian of the phase-space volume element does not change due to the flow of particles, supporting the theorem's statement. However, there is some confusion about the assumptions made and the logical steps taken in the proof. Overall, the conversation provides a deeper understanding of the content and implications of the theorem.
  • #1
I was looking at the following proof of Louviles theorem :
we define a velocity field as V=(dpi/dt, dqi/dt). using Hamilton equations we find that div(V)=0. using continuity equation we find that the volume doesn't change.
I couldn't figure out the following :

1- the whole point was to show that volume in phase space acts as an incompressible fluid,
but the proof assumed that the current field J is equal to v*constant -assumed ρ=const

2- after that using the continuity equation we said that dρ/dt = 0 so the volume must not change.
I couldn't understand the logical jump over here

I hope someone here can help me understand, thanks in advance!
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  • #2
The problem is often the statement of the theorem. Here's as I understood it's content best (I don't remember, where I've found this derivation).

First of all a set of phase-space variables ##(q_i,p_i)## define a ##2f##-dimensional manifold, called phase space. The Hamilton canonical equations of motion
$$\dot{q}_i = \partial_{p_i} H, \quad \dot{p}_i=-\partial_{q_i}H$$
define a flow in phase space.

Now consider each point in some volume of phase space as a particle of a fluid (moving not in usual configuration space but in ##2f##-dimensional phase space!). Now consider an infinitesimal volume element in phase space at time ##t=0## and think about how the volume changes when we let each of its points "flow" according to the Hamiltonian equations. The volume change involves the Jacobian
$$J(t)=\mathrm{det} \frac{\partial(q,p)}{\partial(q_0,p_0)}.$$
The infinitesimal change when going from ##t## to ##t+\mathrm{d} t## is given by
$$J(t+\mathrm{d} t)=\det \frac{\partial(q+\mathrm{d} q,p+\mathrm{d} p)}{\partial(q_0,p_0)} = J(t) \mathrm{det} \left (\hat{1} + \frac{\partial(\mathrm{d} q,\mathrm{d} p)}{\partial(q_0,p_0)} \right)= J(t) \left [1+\frac{\partial \mathrm{d} q_j}{\partial q_j} + \frac{\partial \mathrm{d} p_j}{\partial p_j} \right ].$$
In the last step we have expanded the determinant up to order ##\mathrm{d} q,\mathrm{d} p##. Now this gives together with
$$\frac{\partial \mathrm{d} q_j}{\partial q_j} = \mathrm{d} t \frac{\partial^2 H}{\partial p_j \partial q_j}, \quad \frac{\partial \mathrm{d} p_j}{\partial p_j}=-\mathrm{d} t \frac{\partial^2 H}{\partial q_j \partial p_j}.$$
This gives
$$J(t+\mathrm{d} t)-J(t)=0 \; \Rightarrow \; \dot{J}=0.$$
The Jacobian thus doesn't change due to the flow, and this means that the phase-space volume element ##\mathrm{d}^f p_0 \mathrm{d}^f q_0=\mathrm{d}^f p \mathrm{d}^f q##. The flow of the particles in phase space is thus an incompressible flow, and that's the intuitive content of Liouville's theorem.

FAQ: Volume in phase space- Louviles theorem

What is phase space in science?

Phase space in science refers to a mathematical concept used to describe the state of a physical system. It is a multi-dimensional space where each point represents a possible state of the system. Phase space can be used to analyze the behavior and evolution of a system over time.

What is volume in phase space?

Volume in phase space refers to the amount of space occupied by a physical system in phase space. It is a measure of the possible states of the system and can be used to calculate the system's density and distribution.

What is Louvile's theorem and how does it relate to volume in phase space?

Louvile's theorem is a fundamental principle in classical mechanics that states that the volume of a system in phase space is conserved over time. This means that as a system evolves, its volume in phase space remains constant. This theorem is important in understanding the behavior of physical systems and their conservation laws.

Why is volume in phase space important in studying physical systems?

Volume in phase space is important in studying physical systems because it provides a way to describe and analyze the behavior of a system over time. It allows scientists to make predictions about the future state of a system based on its current state and helps to identify patterns and relationships between different systems.

How is volume in phase space calculated and measured?

Volume in phase space can be calculated using mathematical equations and formulas, depending on the specific system being studied. It can also be measured experimentally by tracking the evolution of a system and determining its volume in phase space at different points in time.

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