Volume of Solid Generated by Revolving y = x³ around x = 2

In summary, the conversation revolves around calculating the volume generated by rotating the region between the lines y = 0 and y = 1 around the line x = 2 using the washer method or the shell method. The resulting volume is found to be 3pi/5. The difference between the two methods is that the disks/washers rotate perpendicular to the axis of rotation while the shells rotate parallel to it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

y = x³ y= 0 and x = 1

and its revolved around the line x = 2

okay i have drawn the graph of y = x³ and other paramaters, but when i get ther area being rotated it produces a hollow center. how do i go about finding the volume?

would it be a washers i don't understand the gap between the line x = 2 and x = 1?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes there will be a hollow centre. The solid of revolution generated looks like a ring. You can use the washer method of calculating volume. First find the volume generated rotating f(y) (express y=f(x) in terms of x first) around x=2 for the region defined within the range of y=0 and y=1. When that is done, subtract the unwanted volume which corresponds to the hollow centre beteen the lines x=2 and x=1. You don't have to use calculus to do this one, just use the formula for volume of cylinder.
  • #3
using washer and shell


i got 3pi / 5
  • #4
So you chose the shell method. I agree with your result.

To use the disk/washer method, the infinitesimal slices are taken perpendicular to the rotation axis, so we would have to integrate in the y-direction. The limits of integration would now be y = 0 to y = 1. The "washers" would be disks with an outer radius following the y = x^3 curve and an inner radius for the hole following the x = 1 curve. So the washers have holes of constant radius 2 - 1 unit. The outer radius curve will have to be inverted into x = y^(1/3); since it is to the left of x = 2, the outer radius will be 2 - y^(1/3).

This makes the infinitesimal volume of a washer

[tex]dV = [\pi(r_{outer})^2 - \pi(r_{inner})^2] dy
= [\pi(2 -y^{1/3})^2 - \pi(1)^2] dy [/tex]

The volume integral is then

[tex]V = \pi \int_{0}^{1} 4 - 4y^{1/3}+ y^{2/3} - 1 dy[/tex] ,

which also gets you [tex]V = \frac{3\pi}{5}[/tex]. But shells is definitely the easier method for this one...
  • #5
Another way to think about it (but exactly the same as the washer method) is this:

1. Suppose you rotate the area above the line y= 0, from x= 0 to x= 1, about the line y= 2. What volume would it have? (That's simply a cylinder- area= [itex]\pi r^2 h[/itex].)

2. Suppose you rotate the area above the curve y= x3, from x= 0 to x= 1, about the line y= 2. What volume would that have?

Now subtract the two.
  • #6
so do disk and washer rotate perpendicular to rotation of axis and shell rotates paralell
  • #7
That's correct, and that is why the variable of integration depends on which method is used.

FAQ: Volume of Solid Generated by Revolving y = x³ around x = 2

1. How do I find the volume of a solid produced?

The volume of a solid produced can be found by using the formula V = lwh, where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height of the solid.

2. What units should I use when finding the volume of a solid produced?

The units used for volume are typically cubic units, such as cubic meters or cubic centimeters. Make sure to use consistent units for all measurements in the formula.

3. Can I use the same formula to find the volume of any type of solid?

Yes, the formula V = lwh can be used to find the volume of any type of solid, as long as its shape can be represented by a rectangular prism.

4. What if the solid produced has irregular dimensions?

If the solid has irregular dimensions, you can use the water displacement method to find its volume. This involves submerging the solid in a known volume of water and measuring the change in volume after the solid is added.

5. Is there a way to check if my calculated volume is accurate?

Yes, you can double check your calculated volume by using a different formula, such as the volume of a cylinder or cone, if applicable. You can also compare your results with the volume of a similar object or the expected volume based on the dimensions of the solid.
