Volume & Pressure: Calculate Cubic Feet of Air for 100 PSI Tank

In summary, Gokul says that if you want to know the volume of air it takes to bring the pressure in a container filled to 100 PSI to a given temperature, you use Boyle's Law and plug in the pressure, temperature, and container size.
  • #1
Hi people. I need some assistance for a problem that is beyond me. If I have a container that measures one cubic foot, and I fill it to 100 PSI, how many cubic feet of air is it holding? I'm not a student and you're not doing my homework for me, this is for an air tank I am building and I don't know the math. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer. If this is the wrong place to ask this question, please accept my apologies.

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  • #2
Moving to general physics...
  • #3
You need to specify something extra for the question to make sense. A one cubic foot container contains one cubic foot of air, by definition. Are you asking how what volume of air at a certain temperature and pressure would you need to bring the pressure in the one cubic foot container to 100 PSI? Or conversely are you asking what volume one cubic foot of air at 100 PSI would fill at room temperature and pressure? Are you always talking about room temperature and pressure or some other temperature and pressure?
  • #4
I suspect the OP wants to know the volume of air it takes at STP. This volume would be roughly 100/14.7 (about 6.8) cu. ft. It follows from Boyle's Law PV = constant.
  • #5
OK. Temperature is constant, room temp. The container hods one cubic foot at room temp, sea level air pressure. If I pumped air into it at room temperature, sea level, how much air would I be adding to make the gauge read 100 PSI?
  • #6
Like Gokul already mentioned, it's solved using Boyle's law:

[tex]P_1 V_1 = P_2 V_2 [/tex]

[tex](14.7 \frac{Lb_f}{in^2}) V_1 = (100 \frac{Lb_f}{in^2})(1 ft^3)[/tex]

[tex]V_2 = 6.80 ft^3 [/tex]

Since you are using it as a tank, that may or may not be a useable amount depending on what you are doing with the tank. Just thought I'd mention that. Good luck.
  • #7
Gokul answered your question in anticipation. Boyle's Law says PV=const. so the volumes will be in the same ratio as the pressures. As 1 atmosphere pressure is 14.7 PSI, you require 100/14.7 * 1 cubic foot = 6.8 cu. feet of standard pressure air (assuming you want to keep everything at the same temperature, of course.)
  • #8
Thanks all. That answers my question.
  • #9
Note that the pressure terms are absolute. If 100PSI is gauge reading then volume the container holds is 114.7/14.7 = 7.8cu.ft
  • #10
I hope MastaFace doesn't blow him/herself up. Fiddling with tanks and pressures can be dangerous and requires due attention to safety precautions, and he/she doesn't seem to know a lot about it...
  • #11
Gack. Good catch on the mistake Quark. I wish I could edit my original post.
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Related to Volume & Pressure: Calculate Cubic Feet of Air for 100 PSI Tank

1. How is volume calculated for a 100 PSI tank?

In order to calculate the volume of air in a 100 PSI tank, you need to know the pressure and temperature of the air inside the tank. You can use the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Rearranging this equation to solve for volume, we get V = nRT/P. By plugging in the known values for pressure and temperature, you can calculate the volume of air in cubic feet.

2. What is the formula for converting PSI to cubic feet?

There is no direct formula for converting PSI (pounds per square inch) to cubic feet. As mentioned in the previous answer, you can use the ideal gas law to calculate the volume of air in a tank with a given pressure. If you are looking to convert a volume of air in cubic feet to PSI, you can use the formula PSI = (V * P)/(n * T), where V is the volume in cubic feet, P is the pressure, n is the number of moles of gas, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

3. How does pressure affect the volume of air in a tank?

According to Boyle's Law, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure. This means that as the pressure of the air in a tank increases, the volume will decrease and vice versa. This relationship is also evident in the ideal gas law, where pressure is directly related to volume. As pressure increases, the volume will decrease and vice versa, assuming all other variables (temperature and number of moles) remain constant.

4. Does temperature affect the volume of air in a tank?

Yes, temperature does affect the volume of air in a tank. As mentioned in the previous answers, temperature is a variable in the ideal gas law. As temperature increases, the volume of a gas will also increase, assuming all other variables (pressure and number of moles) remain constant. This is because as temperature increases, the particles of gas gain more kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and take up more space.

5. Can you calculate the volume of air in a tank without knowing the pressure or temperature?

No, you cannot accurately calculate the volume of air in a tank without knowing its pressure and temperature. The ideal gas law requires both of these variables to be known in order to calculate volume. Without this information, the volume calculation would be incomplete and not accurate.

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