Volumes of Solid of Revolution

In summary: So R = 6 - x, and r = 6 - 4 = 2. ThusV = \pi\int_{0}^{4} (6-x)^2 - 2^2 dx = \pi\int_{0}^{4} (32 - 12x + x^2) dx = 32\pi x - 6\pi x^2 + \frac{\pi x^3}{3} |_{0}^{4} = \frac{208\pi}{3}In summary, the question involves finding the volume of a solid generated by revolving the region bounded by y = x, x = 0, and y = 4 around the line x = 6
  • #1
I have a volume problem that I has been bothering me for a while now, as I have just not been able to figure it out.

The question involves finding the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by y = x, y = 0, and y = 4 around the line x = 6. I tried doing [tex]\int[/tex]
[tex]^{4}_{0}[/tex]16 - (4-y)[tex]^{2}[/tex] dy + [tex]\int[/tex][tex]^{4}_{0}[/tex]36-16 dy but that did not work out. I am fairly sure that the part of it that is giving me problems is the little extra area between x = 6 and x = 4, as the y = x and x =6 do not intersect due to the y = 4 boundary...

There is also another question like this that has been giving me problems, involving fining the volume of the solid generated by x = y^2 and x = 4 around the line x = 6; would this be done the same way?


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  • #2
By what you wrote, I would think the solid is being revolved around x=6; therefore, you need to use the formula V= pi* the integral of [R(x)]^2-[r(x)]^2 and little r is the distance from the solid to the axis of revolution. So the shape meets at (4,4) as the end point with a difference of 2 units to x=6.

I hope this helps.
  • #3
Oops, I seem to have left out the pis in the original post...

So, now I tried using (6-x) for R(x) and 2 for r(x) and integrating from 0 to 6, but I end up with 48 pi... The answer is supposed to be 208(pi)/3... What am I doing wrong?
  • #4
Which one is 208 pi/3? The first or second? Also, the shell method maybe easier to use.
  • #5
Maple is telling me the answer is (224/3)*pi
  • #6
The first one is supposed to be 208(pi)/3, or at least that is what it says in my textbook.
  • #7
Flaneuse said:
I have a volume problem that I has been bothering me for a while now, as I have just not been able to figure it out.

The question involves finding the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by y = x, y = 0, and y = 4 around the line x = 6. I tried doing [tex]\int[/tex]
[tex]^{4}_{0}[/tex]16 - (4-y)[tex]^{2}[/tex] dy + [tex]\int[/tex][tex]^{4}_{0}[/tex]36-16 dy but that did not work out. I am fairly sure that the part of it that is giving me problems is the little extra area between x = 6 and x = 4, as the y = x and x =6 do not intersect due to the y = 4 boundary...

There is also another question like this that has been giving me problems, involving fining the volume of the solid generated by x = y^2 and x = 4 around the line x = 6; would this be done the same way?

I don't believe you have posted the problem correctly. What you have described is the region between two parallel lines (y = 0 and y = 4), cut somehow by the line y = x. This does not determine a finite region.

Also, for future reference, use one pair of [ tex] and [ /tex] tags for the entire integral. You are putting way too many pairs of them, which results in a garbled-up mess. Here is your first integral (which probably has nothing to do with this problem):

[tex]\int_{0}^{4} 16 - (4-y)^{2} dy[/tex]

Double-click the integral to see the LaTeX script that generates this integral.
  • #8
Well, I have rechecked the problem's statement in my textbook, and that is exactly what it says. I was assuming though that it meant for me to revolve a triangular area (bounded by y = x, y = 0, y= 4, and x=6) around x = 6.

And thank you for the help with the typing of the integrals :]. Goodness knows I needed it.
  • #9
In that case, I think your book has a typo. The region bounded by y = x, x = 0, and y = 4 is probably what they meant.

Probably the most natural way to do this is to use circular washers, disks with holes in them. The volume of a typical volume element is
[tex]\Delta V = \pi (R^2 - r^2) \Delta x[/tex]

Here, R is the radius from the axis of rotation (the line y = 6) to the line y = x, and r is the radius from the axis of rotation to the line y = 4.

FAQ: Volumes of Solid of Revolution

What is the definition of "Volumes of Solid of Revolution"?

Volumes of Solid of Revolution refer to the volume of a three-dimensional solid that is created by rotating a two-dimensional shape around an axis. This concept is often used in calculus to solve problems involving finding the volume of irregular objects.

How is the volume of a solid of revolution calculated?

The volume of a solid of revolution is calculated using the disk method or the shell method. In the disk method, the volume is calculated by summing up the volumes of infinitesimally thin disks stacked on top of each other. In the shell method, the volume is calculated by summing up the volumes of infinitesimally thin cylindrical shells stacked next to each other.

What is the difference between the disk method and the shell method?

The disk method is used when the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the base of the solid, while the shell method is used when the axis of rotation is parallel to the base. The disk method is also known as the method of cross-sections and is more commonly used for finding the volume of solids with circular bases. The shell method is used for finding the volume of solids with non-circular bases.

What are the common shapes used in volumes of solid of revolution problems?

The most common shapes used in volumes of solid of revolution problems are circles, rectangles, and semicircles. These shapes are often rotated around a given axis to create solids with circular, rectangular, or cylindrical cross-sections.

How is the concept of volumes of solid of revolution applied in real life?

Volumes of solid of revolution have many real-life applications, such as in engineering and architecture. For example, finding the volume of a water tank, a cylindrical pillar, or a curved roof can all involve using the concept of volumes of solid of revolution. This concept is also used in manufacturing and design processes to calculate the volume of irregularly shaped objects.
