W/Z Boson Decays: Quark-Antiquark Pairs to Hadron Jets

In summary, the process of quark decay into hadrons is called fragmentation or hadronization. This is a complicated process that involves three models: string fragmentation, independent fragmentation, and cluster fragmentation. In string fragmentation, a string connecting a quark and an anti-quark carries energy and can break, generating new pairs of quarks. This process continues until only on-mass shell hadrons remain. Another way to understand this is to compare it to the neutralization of atoms in electromagnetism. Quarks carry color, and in order for them to be neutral, they must be combined in a way that cancels out their colors. This process is necessary because the only stable particle under strong force is color-singlet.
  • #1
Dominant decays of W/Z bosons are quark aintiquark pairs which decay into jets of hadrons.

But how can a quark decay into a hadron?

Surely as hadrons are bound states of quarks then hadrons are heavier and so quark->hadrons violates mass conservation (energy conservation).

I know I'm wrong but i can't see why.

what am I missing?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
the process of quark->hadron is called fragmentation/hadronization. this precess is complicated. basically, there are three models: string fragmentation, independent fragmentation and cluster fragmentation. for string fragmentation, the basic idea is: two quark-anit quark connected by
a string(because colour flux), the string carries energy(1 GeV/fm).as the quark-anti quark move apart, the potential energy stored in string increases, and then the string may break down then another two pair quark-anti quark are generated. (just image a string is break, and then a new pair quarks are generated at the each end of new string), this process recycled untile on-mass shell hadrons remain. so this hadron corresponding to a small piece of string with two quarks at each of end the string. these hadrons are mostly pions. this ideal also is called lund model

but i am not a theorist and maybe there are some misunderestanding
  • #3
Another way to think of this is to consider the electromagnetisim. Atoms tend to be neutral instead of being charged.

The only stable particle charged under strong force is color-singlet. Quarks carry color (the "charge" for strong force), r/g/b. one quark cannot be color-singlet. You have to take several quarks together, to make their colors "cancel" each other.

FAQ: W/Z Boson Decays: Quark-Antiquark Pairs to Hadron Jets

What is a W/Z boson decay?

A W/Z boson decay is a process in which a W or Z boson particle, which carries the weak nuclear force, decays into other particles. This decay occurs when the boson interacts with other particles and changes into different particles.

What are quark-antiquark pairs?

Quarks are fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons. They can also combine with their antiparticle, the antiquark, to form mesons or baryons. Quark-antiquark pairs are created during W/Z boson decays as the boson transforms into other particles.

What are hadron jets?

Hadron jets are streams of particles that are created from the decay of a single highly energetic particle, such as a W/Z boson. These particles are bound together by the strong nuclear force and are typically composed of quarks and gluons.

Why is the study of W/Z boson decays important?

Studying W/Z boson decays allows scientists to better understand the fundamental particles and forces that make up our universe. This research can also provide insights into the behavior of particles at high energies and help test the predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics.

How do scientists study W/Z boson decays?

Scientists study W/Z boson decays by conducting experiments at particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider. These experiments involve colliding particles at high energies and analyzing the resulting particle interactions to observe the decays of W/Z bosons. Advanced statistical analyses and computer simulations are also used to interpret the data and make conclusions about the nature of these decays.

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