Wall Adapter Question: How is 1A Output Possible?

In summary, when the voltage decreases, the current must increase to maintain the same power being delivered to the load. This is true for wall adapters that only put out 1 amp, but it may not be the best option for devices that need more power.
  • #1
Sir Physics
Hey guys and gals - I was constructing a circuit yesterday and a question developed in my mind. Power out of an outlet is about 120 VAC at like 20 amps as most all of you probably know. So if current MUST increase when voltage decreases how are there wall adapters that only put out 1 amp when it should be a lot more?

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  • #2
The outlet may be rated for 20 amps but that's not what will be drawn. The outlet can only handle 20 amps safely. The outlet must be connected to a breaker that is 20 amps or smaller if your house is wired correctly. That means that the breaker will trip before the outlet can draw more than what it is rated for.

Sir Physics said:
So if current MUST increase when voltage decreases how are there wall adapters that only put out 1 amp when it should be a lot more?

What you are talking about are maximums. The wall adapter is rated for 1 amp but whatever connects to it may only draw 200mA. You could short the adapter and it will draw much more than 1 amp before it burns. If the adapter can draw 2400 Watts before it burns then it will trip the breaker too (120VAC*20Amps =2400W).

AC to DC converters typically lower the voltage in addition to rectifying AC but that does not mean that they must increase the current. It depends on what the connected device will draw.
  • #3
So if current MUST increase when voltage decreases..

That's only true if you want the same power delivered to the load. P=IV

In most (but not all!) situations it's best to think of the power supply as the thing that determines the voltage and the load determines the current and power drawn from that supply.

Example: My mobile phone charger is rated at 5V 2A but my phone typically only draws 1A from the charger. If I switch my phone on when it's charging the current goes up (some used to charge the battery and some to run the phone). When I disconnect my phone the current falls to zero (obviously).
  • #4
Ahhhhh - that makes sense - Thanks for all the help!
  • #5

I can explain the concept of voltage and current and how it relates to wall adapters. Voltage and current are two different properties of electricity. Voltage is the measure of the force or pressure that pushes electricity through a circuit, while current is the measure of the amount of electricity flowing through the circuit.

In the case of wall adapters, the voltage coming out of the outlet is indeed around 120 volts. However, the amount of current that is drawn from the outlet depends on the resistance of the circuit. The higher the resistance, the lower the current will be.

Wall adapters are designed to have a high resistance, which limits the amount of current that can flow through them. This is why they are able to provide an output of only 1 amp, even though the voltage from the outlet is much higher.

In addition, wall adapters also have built-in components such as diodes and transformers that help regulate the voltage and current to ensure that the appropriate amount of electricity is delivered to the device being charged.

So in short, the 1 amp output from a wall adapter is possible because of the design and components used to regulate the voltage and current. It is not a result of the voltage decreasing, but rather the resistance of the circuit limiting the flow of current. I hope this explanation helps to clarify your question.

FAQ: Wall Adapter Question: How is 1A Output Possible?

1. How is 1A output possible for a wall adapter?

The 1A output of a wall adapter is possible through a process called current limiting. This involves the use of a regulator circuit, which controls the amount of current flowing through the adapter. By limiting the current to 1A, the adapter is able to provide a stable and safe power output.

2. What does 1A output mean for a wall adapter?

The 1A output of a wall adapter refers to the amount of current that the adapter is able to provide. This is typically measured in amperes (A) and is a measure of the rate at which electrical energy is transferred. In this case, the adapter is capable of providing 1 ampere of current to the device it is powering.

3. Can a wall adapter with 1A output charge multiple devices at once?

Yes, a wall adapter with 1A output is typically capable of charging multiple devices at once, as long as the total current required by the devices does not exceed 1A. However, it is important to note that charging multiple devices may result in slower charging times for each individual device.

4. Is 1A output safe for all devices?

The 1A output of a wall adapter is generally considered safe for most devices, as it is within the standard range for most electronic devices. However, it is important to check the specific charging requirements of your device to ensure that it can safely handle 1A of current. Using an adapter with a higher output than what your device can handle may result in damage.

5. How does the 1A output of a wall adapter compare to other outputs?

The 1A output of a wall adapter is considered a standard output and is typically suitable for charging most electronic devices. However, there are also adapters with higher outputs, such as 2A or 2.4A, which can charge devices at a faster rate. It is important to check the specific charging requirements of your device to determine the most appropriate output for efficient and safe charging.
