Wall on the mexico/united states border

In summary: Hello,In summary, you say that a wall should not be built because there are legal ways to enter the country and it would create a bad image for America.
  • #1
Besides the cost, what is wrong with building a wall on the Mexico/America border? I don't see how this could be morally wrong, or wrong in any other way besides the cost of the thing.
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  • #2
Well if the build it out of stone, with towers and ramparts, and crenelations and merlons (rather than iron and barbed wire), and give it a fancy name like the Great Mexican-American Friendship Wall, then it just might become a tourist attraction. :rolleyes:
  • #3
That is funny. But do you not have a reason why this would be wrong to do? I seriously can not think of a reason.
  • #4
It seems correct to me. We have enemies that we don't want to enter our country, so why the heck should we just have open borders?
  • #5

I think, It's better to leave open borders for whatever reason. South, Central Americans and Mexicans, partially shape U.S's economy. They work really hard for low wages, like slaves. They just work for a better life. Everyone deserves freedom and good life. Life is only one, and why should you spend it all, living in poor countries of tropical South America. U.S is based upon freedom. U.S's government left open borders so they take advantage of it. Good. Haven't you ever taken advantage of something that gets you a better living? Only Native Americans are real citizens of U.S's territory, though stupid government treats them like animals. How'bout you? If you can scarcely earn money for goods, wouldn't you try to move somewhere else, thinking of easier and richer life, or rather stay to the very end, always thinking from where to get some food?

  • #6
So you are saying that we should have open borders because it gives us people that will work as hard as slaves for cheap prices? Now that seems immoral to me. There are legal ways to enter our country, and I would assume that if an immigrant were to enter our country legally then they would have a much better life here.
  • #7
Maybe it's just because Bush suggest and anything a high ranking poltican makes has to have a useless and pointless argument.
  • #8
I don't have a serious moral objection to the issue, but I think that spending a lot of time and money building such a wall would create a bad image of our nation (well, not that its is a good one now). America is supposted to be the land of opportunity, so I don't think walling people out is a good idea. Think about how our country was founded.
  • #9
I don't really see your point Kb, because there is perfectly legal ways to become an american citizen. The only bad thing about the idea that I can see is how expensive it would be.
  • #10
Nothing000 said:
So you are saying that we should have open borders because it gives us people that will work as hard as slaves for cheap prices? Now that seems immoral to me. There are legal ways to enter our country, and I would assume that if an immigrant were to enter our country legally then they would have a much better life here.
Alot of them need money right away to eat, and the registration process to become a US citizen takes months
  • #11
scott1 said:
Maybe it's just because Bush suggest and anything a high ranking poltican makes has to have a useless and pointless argument.

Do you have an argument about why a wall should not be built?
  • #12
yomamma said:
Alot of them need money right away to eat, and the registration process to become a US citizen takes months

Yes, but after a while it would even out because we would let more immigrants into the country legally because there would be very few entering illegally.
  • #13
who needs a wall when you can use landmines? No one will dare cross a landmine field, this I promise.
  • #14
cyrusabdollahi said:
who needs a wall when you can use landmines? No one will dare cross a landmine field, this I promise.

I know you are joking, but I don't see your point.
  • #15
Nothing000 said:
Do you have an argument about why a wall should not be built?
No it's just another useless argument started by polticans to use as fuel against each other.
  • #16
cyrusabdollahi said:
who needs a wall when you can use landmines? No one will dare cross a landmine field, this I promise.
I got a better idea have get http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-52_Stratofortress" and use those instead no one will get illegeal close to crossing the broder with those.
And maybe have some nukes on them too.
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  • #17
I think landmines will suffice scott1, :rolleyes:
  • #18
cyrusabdollahi said:
who needs a wall when you can use landmines? No one will dare cross a landmine field, this I promise.

ROTFL :biggrin:

I meant, let them come in whatever way they desire.
Everyone comes, because like Kb said, US is like a land of opportunity and better life. English is the easiest to learn I think, and one more important thing I learned a few weeks ago. People want things that are hard to get. Other nations don't use visas for travelers and workers, (some of them do though) that's the reason they for example don't travel to Germany, France or any west European country. They think that, since US uses visas it's a cool country, I want to go there. And at last, not many countries have skyscrapers, that's also nice, and shows power in some ways. I think Mexicans don't try to come legally because maybe visas are hard to get in Mexico? Anyway, US slowly becomes a spanish country, or maybe major cities like NYC, Miami, LA, so on. I don't know, but People are not only rushing to US but also to Great Britain and others, although maybe less. See, everyone wants to live their lives in a good way, I just can't imagine how people in Africa come, suffer all the life, die without even experiencing what the world has to offer. ****ty life out there.

  • #19
Nothing000 said:
Yes, but after a while it would even out because we would let more immigrants into the country legally because there would be very few entering illegally.
You're missing the point-- they can't register legally...they have to eat and have some place to stay, and they're making no money where they're at, so they cross the border. It costs time and money to register.
  • #20
yomamma said:
You're missing the point-- they can't register legally...they have to eat and have some place to stay, and they're making no money where they're at, so they cross the border. It costs time and money to register.

But if illegal imigrants quite coming over here then we would increase the amount of imigrants that we would let in legally. So I think you are missing the point.
  • #21
scott1 said:
I got a better idea have get http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-52_Stratofortress" and use those instead no one will get illegeal close to crossing the broder with those.
And maybe have some nukes on them too.

I have no idea what the hell you guys are talking about. When did violence come into this? There is a difference in killing people for crossing an imaginary line, and creating a real line that people simply can not cross.
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  • #22
Nothing000 said:
But if illegal imigrants quite coming over here then we would increase the amount of imigrants that we would let in legally. So I think you are missing the point.
they won't 'quite' coming over here. The problem is, is that we are making too big of a deal about it.
  • #23
yomamma said:
they won't 'quite' coming over here. The problem is, is that we are making too big of a deal about it.

I still don't understand why building a wall would be wrong to do.
  • #24
Nothing000 said:
I have no idea what the hell you guys are talking about. When did violence come into this? There is a difference in killing people for crossing an imaginary line, and creating a real line that people simply can not cross.
It was a joke.:biggrin:
  • #25
Nothing000 said:
So you are saying that we should have open borders because it gives us people that will work as hard as slaves for cheap prices? Now that seems immoral to me. There are legal ways to enter our country, and I would assume that if an immigrant were to enter our country legally then they would have a much better life here.

Well, they came here illegally on their own accord. So they are, by no means, slaves. They use our hospitals, school systems, and law enforcement and cost of millions of dollars. So do they get low wages, yes. Is it totally unfair, no. They should, get no wage and booted out of the country. So the fact that they get anything other than jail is win win for them.
  • #26
cyrusabdollahi said:
Well, they came here illegally on their own accord. So they are, by no means, slaves. They use our hospitals, school systems, and law enforcement and cost of millions of dollars. So do they get low wages, yes. Is it totally unfair, no. They should, get no wage and booted out of the country. So the fact that they get anything other than jail is win win for them.

Well, that is a little harsh about just booting them out of the country. But I think we should create a system where they never have to enter the country illegally. And I think that the only way to achieve that (and enforce it) is by stopping abilitity of them entering the country illegally. It is kind of like the way that the government looks at the war on drugs: If you can't stop the demand, try to stop the supply.
I know you guys are going to say that the war on drugs was and is a complete failure. But it is a little different, because I think that building this wall actually would stop the ability of immigrants to enter illegally, whereas you can't really just stop people from producing drugs, because drugs like cocaine and heroin can simply be derived from natural plants that can easilly be grown.
  • #27
You think a wall is going to stop them. They come illegally in the back of bigrigs. Are you going to stop all bigrigs from crossing the boarder? A wall won't do anything other than waste A LOT of money, period.
  • #28
That is a very vallid point you make. Does anyone have any statistics on how most illegal imigrants enter the country? Is there any way for the government to actually find out how most of the immigrants enter?
  • #29
Honestly, just give them a damn work permit and leave them the hell alone. They came to do work, not cause trouble.
  • #30
Hello once more,

cyrusabdollahi said:
Well, they came here illegally on their own accord. So they are, by no means, slaves. They use our hospitals, school systems, and law enforcement and cost of millions of dollars. So do they get low wages, yes. Is it totally unfair, no. They should, get no wage and booted out of the country. So the fact that they get anything other than jail is win win for them.

I don't quite agree with you. First of all, ill people wouldn't come, why should school loose so much money, suppose govt gives 600$ per student, and as far as I think, students don't use even half of it a year. Lunch costs a few dollars, so that's probably one of the few things that takes up some money. Else, how do they cost millions of dollars? Alright, let's throw them all out but first, take this thing every one has to say twice a day out of the schools
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all. "
Or at least modify the oath, because if US gov is to be selfish and greedy for money, Nation isn't under God anymore. This nation had been risen upon Catholic religion, but people took adventage of freedom it gifted them with. God wouldn't protect scoffers. Anyway it should be modified once US became halfly a pagan nation, mainly thanks to the Bushs - murderers and when the creation stopped being taught in schools.


ps. What's a country? Why countries exist? What are your views of nationalism?
  • #31
I don't quite agree with you. First of all, ill people wouldn't come, why should school loose so much money, suppose govt gives 600$ per student, and as far as I think, students don't use even half of it a year. Lunch costs a few dollars, so that's probably one of the few things that takes up some money. Else, how do they cost millions of dollars? Alright, let's throw them all out but first, take this thing every one has to say twice a day out of the schools

No, go read about the situation in the boarder states and the millions each year illegals are costing the hard working tax payers.

Alright, let's throw them all out but first, take this thing every one has to say twice a day out of the schools

Let's not, there not legal American citizens, or even legal citizens visiting. They deserve freedom and liberty, yes. My tax money? NO!

Or at least modify the oath, because if US gov is to be selfish and greedy for money, Nation isn't under God anymore. This nation had been risen upon Catholic religion, but people took adventage of freedom it gifted them with. God wouldn't protect scoffers. Anyway it should be modified once US became halfly a pagan nation, mainly thanks to the Bushs - murderers and when the creation stopped being taught in schools.

Selfish and greedy? The US government isint a soup kitchen. What? Don't impose your religion on me. Go read your bible, you've been thinking for yourself far too much tonight. The devil has gotten into you. You and your religious bable are not welcomed here.
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  • #32
just for the record, i read the other day that most illegal immigrants come acorss legally. then their visas or whatever expire and they're supposed to go home... they just don't. then they're classified as illegal immigrants. sooo... a big wall isn't going to help prevent anyone from coming except the really really desperate ones. we'll still have a big problem and have just wasted loads of money for small gain.
  • #33
First off there is the bad image. Regardless of the US excepting more people through legal means building a large wall to keep people out doesn't exactly inspire trust and confidence in people. Intentions become nearly meaningless when dealing with perceptions. And if the US doesn't place a barrier on the northern border aswell, an area where there isn't much worry of illegal entry, then perceptions paint the US as racist aswell. I think that the US likely suffers enough already from the perception of being racist imperialists.

Second, there is the cost. Let's see here... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/02/26/MNGHIHDUQF1.DTL
Here's an article on a plan that has already passed the House. It proposes a wall that will only cover 700 of the 1,952 miles of border area between the US and Mexico at a price tag of 2.2 billion dollars. So we have an estimate of 2.2 billion for only one third of a complete wall. The figure could easily wind up being twice that. Then there are the difficulties that could and probably would arise which comes to my third point.

Third point is the actual execution of such a plan. Aside from protestors the builders would also have to deal with coyotes, drug runners, and the mafia all of whom have an interest in making sure the wall isn't built. I'm quite sure that there would be sabotage and the builders would possibly even be in danger of attacks.
  • #34
I'm wondering how this thread became such a successful illegal migrant from P & R.
  • #35
Well, at least the illegals will have a job when they build the wall. They don't even have to cross the boarder. Who do you think will build it, John Q American? Fat chance.

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