Want to get into computer science Ph.D

In summary, Monte Carlo is seeking advice on how to bridge his background in biology with his desire to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science. He is unsure of which courses to focus on to improve his chances of admission and is also concerned about the importance of GRE scores. Some schools prioritize undergraduate research, but GRE scores and GPA are also taken into account. A minimum GRE score of 700 is preferred, with higher scores being better. The preparation time for the GRE varies depending on the individual's skills, with some needing months of preparation and others doing well with minimal preparation.
  • #1
Hello, World!

I'm taking computer science courses at undergrad level and want to get into computer science Ph.D. program. I have M.A. in biology, so I'm curious if anybody has good ideas on how to bridge the fields. How much do admission committees care about GRE? What courses in comp sci I should focus on to bolster the chances of admission? I'm lost, so I'm looking for any advice I can get.


Monte Carlo
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  • #2

Monte_Carlo said:
I'm taking computer science courses at undergrad level and want to get into computer science Ph.D. program.
Just about every school I looked at for a phD (from top 10 down to ranked 50) had a computational biology program, often run out of their CS department.

What courses in comp sci I should focus on to bolster the chances of admission?
Numerical analysis and data visualization courses will probably help you, as will making sure you've got all your basics covered (so algorithms, data structures, maybe intro theory, databases, and operating systems-> look at the schools quals and see what areas you'll have to take grad courses in. Pick up undergrad courses accordingly. ).
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  • #3

Thanks for replying.

How important are GRE scores? Do admission committees look for Computer Science subject test scores or undergrad coursework with high grades will suffice? Do schools focus on GRE quantitative part exclusively or verbal score matters as well?
  • #4

Depends on the school/your application/etc. A decent amount of kids at my school get into the grad school mostly because they picked up an adviser in undergrad and he or she is pushing the grad school to accept them. (I don't think my app. even went to the committee.)
Some schools say that undergrad research is the most important thing, but many use GREs and GPA as filters. Most schools require GREs and some require the CompSci GREs. The quantitative is more important, but most want to see decent verbal scores (like minimally over 50th/70th percentile).
  • #5

For a person in my circumstances, what is a high GRE quantitative score? If I take Comp Sci GRE, what score is about reasonable?
  • #6

Monte_Carlo said:
For a person in my circumstances, what is a high GRE quantitative score? If I take Comp Sci GRE, what score is about reasonable?
>700 is the minimum most schools want to see, so think >750 and the higher the better. Mostly the same for GRE comp sci (>700, >750 better).
  • #7

In your opinion, how long should it take to prepare for verbal and quantitative GRE? By that I mean how many days and hours of study per day? Because of school-work hiatus, I don't remember any SAT words and such.
  • #8

ZPlayer said:
In your opinion, how long should it take to prepare for verbal and quantitative GRE? By that I mean how many days and hours of study per day? Because of school-work hiatus, I don't remember any SAT words and such.
It's all a matter of how good you are to begin with. Some people need a few months, some take a year of prep courses, and some show up cold and do fine. Minimally, buy one of the good computer versions and do some prep on those, see where you're at, and make a decision from there. I used the prep books and was completely thrown off my game for the actual exam.

FAQ: Want to get into computer science Ph.D

What is a computer science Ph.D?

A computer science Ph.D is a degree program that focuses on advanced research and study in the field of computer science. It typically takes 4-5 years to complete and involves coursework, research, and a dissertation.

What are the admission requirements for a computer science Ph.D program?

The specific admission requirements may vary among universities, but generally, applicants should have a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field, strong academic performance, research experience, and letters of recommendation. Some programs may also require GRE scores and a statement of purpose.

What career opportunities are available with a computer science Ph.D?

A computer science Ph.D can open up a variety of career opportunities in academia, research, and industry. Graduates may become professors, researchers, data scientists, software engineers, or work in other roles that require advanced knowledge in computer science.

What skills are necessary to succeed in a computer science Ph.D program?

To succeed in a computer science Ph.D program, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a solid background in mathematics and computer science, are essential. Good time management, organization, and communication skills are also important for completing coursework, research, and writing a dissertation.

How can I prepare for a computer science Ph.D program?

To prepare for a computer science Ph.D program, it is important to have a strong foundation in computer science and mathematics. Participating in research projects, attending conferences and seminars, and gaining practical experience through internships or jobs can also help prepare for the rigor of a Ph.D program. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the research interests of potential advisors and reaching out to them for advice and guidance can also be beneficial.

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