Want to go to eng grad school, will a bad lab grade affect this?

In summary: Some programs may be more lenient, but most programs will want to see evidence of your ability to do well in a variety of courses.
  • #1
I am currently a senior at a no name liberal arts college studying math and physics. I am unsure about want I want to do in the future, but I am considering engineering for graduate school in the far future. Field yet to be determined.

Last year I took an advance physics lab course and absolutely bombed the class because I bit off more than I could chew in terms of all the classes I was taking. I ended up with a C for a final grade :(*

I don't really want to take the class again because I really didn't like it. Next semester is the last chance I have to retake it in hopes of getting a better grade. My question is, is it worth retaking? Will engineering graduate schools really care that *I bombed one class if I did well in all my other classes? Will I still have a good shot at getting into the top 75 engineering grad programs with this one C?*I'd prefer not to take the class again, especially final semester of senior year, because it's a lot of work.*

Just to give you some background, I've gotten A's and A-'s in all of my other physics classes. Similar with math (except 1B and 1 B-). My GPA is 3.72.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
One bad grade will not keep you from getting into a good graduate program.

It's a pattern of bad grades that's a problem.
  • #3
Eng grad school and bad grades

I'm an undergrad senior who is a *physics major. I plan on going into engineering for graduate school.

Last year I took an advance physics lab course and got a C because I was overworked.

I don't really want to take the class again because I really didn't like it. My question is, should i retake the class? Especially since it's a lab course and engineering is all about applications? Will engineering graduate schools really care that *I got a C if I did well in all my other classes? Will I still have a good shot at getting into the top 30 grad schools?*

Just to give you some background, I've gotten A's and A-'s in all of my other physics classes. Similar with math (except 1B and 1 B-). My GPA is 3.72.
  • #4
Graduate admissions generally looks at the over-all candidate; this includes your transcript(s), test scores (GRE, etc), and letters of recommendation. How you did in one isolated course is not likely to make a difference.
  • #5

I would say that your lab grade may affect your chances of getting into engineering graduate school, but it is not the only factor that admissions committees will consider. Your overall GPA, as well as your performance in other relevant courses, will also play a role in their decision.

It is understandable that you do not want to retake the class, especially in your final semester of senior year. However, if you are truly interested in pursuing engineering in graduate school, it may be worth considering retaking the class to improve your grade and show your dedication to the field.

If you do choose not to retake the class, make sure to highlight your strengths in other areas, such as your strong performance in other physics and math courses. You can also showcase your skills and passion for engineering through research projects, internships, and extracurricular activities.

Ultimately, admissions committees will be looking for well-rounded candidates who have a strong academic background, as well as relevant experience and a clear interest in the field. So, while your lab grade may have an impact, it is not the only determining factor in your application. Focus on showcasing your strengths and passion for engineering, and you will have a good shot at getting into top graduate programs.

FAQ: Want to go to eng grad school, will a bad lab grade affect this?

1. Will a bad lab grade affect my chances of getting into grad school for engineering?

It depends on how bad the grade is and how it compares to your overall academic performance. Admissions committees typically consider a variety of factors, including GPA, letters of recommendation, and research experience. A lower lab grade may not necessarily disqualify you, but it could weaken your application.

2. Can I still get into a good engineering grad school if I have a low lab grade but strong overall GPA?

Again, it depends on the specific program and their admissions criteria. Some schools may weigh lab grades more heavily than others. It's important to highlight your strengths in other areas, such as coursework, research experience, and extracurricular activities. Additionally, a strong personal statement can help explain any discrepancies in your grades.

3. Will retaking a lab course improve my chances of getting into grad school for engineering?

If you are concerned about a low lab grade affecting your application, retaking the course and earning a higher grade could demonstrate your dedication and improvement. However, it's important to also consider the time and resources needed to retake a course, and whether it will significantly impact your overall GPA.

4. Should I address a bad lab grade in my application or personal statement?

If there were extenuating circumstances that led to a lower lab grade, it may be worth mentioning in your application or personal statement. However, be careful not to make excuses or dwell on the grade too much. Instead, focus on your strengths and how you have grown and learned from the experience.

5. Are there any other factors besides lab grades that I should be concerned about when applying to engineering grad school?

Yes, admissions committees consider a range of factors in addition to grades, such as letters of recommendation, research experience, GRE scores, and personal statements. It's important to have a well-rounded application and highlight your strengths in all areas to increase your chances of acceptance.

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