Want to relax and be happy? Listen to Death Metal

In summary, participants in a psychological test were shown a neutral image and a violent image, with most people showing a bias towards processing the violent image. This is known as binocular rivalry and is thought to be a biological response to perceived threat. Interestingly, fans of violent music did not show a desensitization to violence, contrary to concerns from certain groups.
  • #1

Each participant was played Happy or Eaten through headphones, while they were shown a pair of images - one to each eye. One image showed a violent scene, such as someone being attacked in a street. The other showed something innocuous - a group of people walking down that same street, for example.

"It's called binocular rivalry," explained Dr Sun. The basis of this psychological test is that when most people are presented with a neutral image to one eye and a violent image to the other - they see the violent image more.

"The brain will try to take it in - presumably there's a biological reason for that, because it's a threat," Prof Thompson explained.

"If fans of violent music were desensitised to violence, which is what a lot of parent groups, religious groups and censorship boards are worried about, then they wouldn't show this same bias. "But the fans showed the very same bias towards processing these violent images as those who were not fans of this music."

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Likes Greg Bernhardt
Science news on Phys.org
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
Interesting, but I'd rather listen to Melodic or Symphonic metal 😄

well you must go further to the dark side if you wish to obtain enlightenment ;)
  • Haha
Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #4
BWV said:
well you must go further to the dark side if you wish to obtain enlightenment ;)
This had to be you
  • #5
Well, that's quite right for me. However, I don't listen to death metal often now. My wife and child always ask me to change the music if I play them too long. LOL.

Related to Want to relax and be happy? Listen to Death Metal

1. How can listening to death metal help me relax and be happy?

Listening to death metal can help you relax and be happy by providing an outlet for negative emotions and stress. The intense and fast-paced music can be cathartic and allow you to release tension and feel a sense of release. Additionally, the aggressive nature of the music can help you feel empowered and in control of your emotions.

2. Is death metal suitable for everyone looking to relax and be happy?

No, death metal may not be suitable for everyone. Some people may find the music too intense or overwhelming, and it may have a negative effect on their mood. It's important to find the type of music that works best for you and brings you joy and relaxation.

3. Can listening to death metal actually make me happier?

Yes, listening to death metal can actually make you happier. Research has shown that listening to music you enjoy can increase the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and happiness. Additionally, the intense nature of death metal can provide a sense of excitement and joy.

4. Are there any potential negative effects of listening to death metal for relaxation?

While listening to death metal can have positive effects on relaxation and happiness for some individuals, it may have negative effects on others. Some people may find the music too aggressive or disturbing, which can lead to increased stress and anxiety. It's important to listen to your body and choose music that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.

5. Is there any scientific evidence to support the benefits of listening to death metal for relaxation?

Yes, there is scientific evidence to support the benefits of listening to death metal for relaxation. Studies have shown that listening to heavy metal music can reduce feelings of anger and increase feelings of relaxation and happiness. Additionally, researchers have found that heavy metal music can help individuals cope with difficult emotions and provide a sense of catharsis.

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