Warp Drive System: Could Powerful Lasers Reach Warp Speed?

In summary, this is a very preliminary theory that suggests using lasers to create a warp drive system, which has some significant practical difficulties.
  • #1
This is a very blunt guess, but since light can warp space-time a bit better then gravity, and that light is a ripple in hyper space. Could it be possible for 14 powerful lasers that are guided by "mirrors" around the ship to form a circle powerful enough to reach warp speed? The idea of a big ring made of matter spinning is discouraging.

Even better, could this warp drive system skip the need of exotic matter completely?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A ripple in hyper space? What is hyper space? You talk about as though it were something other than science fiction. Since it IS fiction, you can have it do anything you like.
  • #3
Hyper space is a theory where the laws merge together in a higher dimensional space.

Since light is theoretically a ripple in N-dimensions, I was wondering if using lasers can replace the current warp design(in making at NASA)

There must be someone who's more of an expert in this matter than I.

I know it's scifi, but the math still has to work. The Riemann metric tensor still had to exist. (am I going down the wrong track?)
  • #4
jackyruth said:
Hyper space is a theory where the laws merge together in a higher dimensional space.

Since light is theoretically a ripple in N-dimensions, I was wondering if using lasers can replace the current warp design(in making at NASA)

There must be someone who's more of an expert in this matter than I.

I know it's scifi, but the math still has to work. The Riemann metric tensor still had to exist. (am I going down the wrong track?)

If this is purely science fiction then anything generally goes. But if you are being serious, I recommend checking your source of information.

There has been a lot hype about NASA supposedly building a warp drive technology. From what I've heard this is VERY preliminary and almost all theoretical with a few small lab experiments. So don't get your hopes up or think that we'll all be flying to Alpha Centauri in 20 years.
  • #5
jackyruth said:
This is a very blunt guess, but since light can warp space-time a bit better then gravity,
Spacetime warping is gravity.

jackyruth said:
and that light is a ripple in hyper space.
Not sure what you mean by hyper space, but a ripple in spacetime would be a gravitational wave. Light is a wave in the electromagnetic field.

jackyruth said:
Could it be possible for 14 powerful lasers that are guided by "mirrors" around the ship to form a circle powerful enough to reach warp speed? The idea of a big ring made of matter spinning is discouraging.

Even better, could this warp drive system skip the need of exotic matter completely?
Unfortunately no. If we can solve the practical problems (heat melting stuff), it would essentially just shift the ship's center of mass, at least if the power source for the lasers is located on the ship. If the lasers are fired at the ship from a bunch of other ships, then it could give the ship a small push, but the effect of capturing the light in a "mirror ring" would, as far as I can tell, only slow the acceleration by making the ship heavier.
  • #6
jackyruth said:
Hyper space is a theory where the laws merge together in a higher dimensional space.
This isn't a term that physicists use. The only thing I've heard of that sounds similar to what you've said is that the five string theories in 9+1 spacetime dimensions and a supergravity theory can be unified by adding one more spatial dimension to the theories. I don't think that's useful here.

jackyruth said:
...the current warp design(in making at NASA)
They're not anywhere near being able to actually make one.

FAQ: Warp Drive System: Could Powerful Lasers Reach Warp Speed?

What is a warp drive system?

A warp drive system is a theoretical concept in physics that would allow for faster-than-light travel by manipulating space and time. It is often depicted in science fiction as a means of traveling across vast distances of space in a relatively short amount of time.

How does a warp drive system work?

The exact mechanics of a warp drive system are still largely unknown, as it is currently only a theoretical concept. However, it is based on the idea of creating a "warp bubble" around a spacecraft that would contract space in front of the vessel and expand space behind it, allowing it to move faster than the speed of light.

Could powerful lasers be used to achieve warp speed?

There is ongoing research into the potential use of powerful lasers to achieve warp speed, but it is still a highly speculative concept. Some theories suggest that lasers could be used to create the necessary energy to form a warp bubble, but it is currently not known if this is feasible or even possible.

What are the challenges of creating a functional warp drive system?

The biggest challenge of creating a functional warp drive system is the immense amount of energy that would be required. The amount of energy needed to create a warp bubble that could transport a spacecraft would be equivalent to the mass-energy of Jupiter. Other challenges include finding a way to control and maintain the warp bubble, and the potential negative effects on the surrounding space and time.

Is a warp drive system possible?

The possibility of a warp drive system is still a subject of much debate and research in the scientific community. While there are theoretical concepts and hypotheses, it is unknown if a functional warp drive system can be created with our current understanding of physics. Further research and advancements in technology will be needed to determine the feasibility of a warp drive system.

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