Was Einstein a Spiritual Atheist?

In summary, this conversation discusses the attitude of Albert Einstein towards religion and his views on the divine. He was not a believer in the orthodox sense and his ideas could be considered as a continuation of a line traced back to Philo of Alexandria and Baruch Spinoza. His scientific and religious thinking was deeply rooted in the Hellenic culture. He rejected the notion of a personal 'God' and had great respect for Spinoza. Some quotes by Einstein show his belief in a magnificent structure of the world, rather than a personal God. Overall, it can be concluded that Einstein was a spiritual weak atheist. A new paper has been submitted on this topic and the conversation also mentions a book by Max Jammer and the views of Stephen
  • #1
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Albert Einstein - a Pious Atheist
V. Djokovic, P. Grujic
21 pages
(Submitted on 29 Jun 2007)

"We consider Einstein's attitude with regard to religion both from sociological and epistemological points of view. An attempt to put it into a wider socio-historical perspective has been made, with the emphasis on his ethnic and religious background. The great scientist was neither anatheist nor a believer in the orthodox sense and the closest labels one might apply would be pantheism/cosmism (ontological view) and agnosticism (epistemological view). His ideas on the divine could be considered as a continuation of a line that can be traced back to Philo of Alexandria, who himself followed the Greek Stoics and Neoplatonists and especially Baruch Spinoza. Einstein's scientific (or rational) and religious (or intuitive) thinking was deeply rooted in the Hellenic culture."

a new paper in the history-of-physics preprint archive
any comment?
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  • #2
I think that Einstein would have preferred the agnostic/epistemological view. He seemed devoted to epistemology, and indeed his presentation at Mach's memoriam was dedicated to it. I feel that (since the mid '30s at least) we have indeed entered another prolonged period in which an incremental improvement (GR vs Newtonian gravitation) has been enshrined as an ultimate revelation, and that sheepish attitudes have stifled advancement. I may be wrong, but I fear I am right, and that canonization of past ideas will cripple us and prevent advances.
  • #3
Einstein rejected the notion of a personal 'God', so he was definitely a (weak) atheist (lack of belief). He had great respect for Spinoza and his ideas.


There is an interesting book on the subjected called "Einstein and Religion" by Max Jammer. Here are some quotes by Einstein:

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can see it."

"I have never imputed to Nature a purpose or a goal, or anything that could be under stood as anthropomorphic. What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism."

By 'religion' and 'God' Einstein meant something entirely different form what is conventionally meant, just like Stephen Hawking is not really a theist, even though the ending of A brief History of Time might imply such.

I would say that Einstein was a spiritual weak atheist.

Related to Was Einstein a Spiritual Atheist?

What religion did Albert Einstein believe in?

Albert Einstein identified as a pious atheist, meaning he believed in a higher power or cosmic force but did not adhere to any particular religion.

Did Albert Einstein believe in God?

Albert Einstein believed in a God that was represented by the laws of nature and the universe, rather than a personal deity with human-like characteristics.

Was Albert Einstein against religion?

Albert Einstein was critical of organized religion and its dogmas, but he also recognized the value of religious teachings and practices for some individuals.

Did Albert Einstein ever change his views on religion?

Throughout his life, Albert Einstein's views on religion evolved and became more nuanced. He remained a pious atheist, but he also recognized the limitations of human understanding and the mysteries of the universe.

How did Albert Einstein's religious beliefs influence his scientific work?

Albert Einstein's belief in a higher power and a harmonious universe inspired his curiosity and passion for understanding the laws of nature. He saw science as a way to uncover the mysteries of the universe and gain a deeper understanding of the divine.
