Water Bottle: relationship between Volume and Time

In summary, the water leaks out of a bottle faster the deeper the water is and the smaller the hole in the bottom of the bottle.
  • #1
To all who have given up their time to help. Could you please have a look at my experiment, I am really stuck with this and don't know how to go on with it. I am unable to find a suitable equation to prove it mathematically as there is a varying change in both time taken and the pressure inside the bottle, could anyone please give me a hint so I can get on with it

Homework Statement

To investigate the relationship between the initial volume and the time it takes for the water to leak out of a hole beneath the bottle.
Dependent Variable: Time it takes for all the water to flow out of the bottle
Independent Variable: Initial Volume of Water
Controlled Variable:Bottle and Gap size
800 30.38
700 27.78
600 24.98
500 21.54
400 18.57
300 14.52
200 11.69
100 6.69
50 3.78

A certain volume of water is poured into a bottle with a blocked hole in the bottom.
unblock the hole and start the timer.
Measure the time it takes for the water to stop drippiing.

Homework Equations

p = ρgh?

Thank you so much
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  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi srsthsr! welcome to pf! :smile:

(have a rho: ρ :wink:)

if A is the cross-section area of the bottle, and if V and h are the height and the volume of the water, and B is the cross-section area of the hole,

then V = Ah …

so what is dV/dt? :smile:
  • #3

tiny-tim said:
hi srsthsr! welcome to pf! :smile:

(have a rho: ρ :wink:)

if A is the cross-section area of the bottle, and if V and h are the height and the volume of the water, and B is the cross-section area of the hole,

then V = Ah …

so what is dV/dt? :smile:

Thank you so much for the reply.
However, I think I am missing something out.
if V=Ah then dV/dt = Adh/dt + hdA/dt right? how does it relate to B which is the cross section area of the hole? I am missing something out

I found out that the hight at Vol 800ml is 14.45 cm, the radius of the bottle is 4.77465, area cross section A is 225, and Area cross section B is 3.519...
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  • #4
hi srsthsr! :smile:
srsthsr said:
if V=Ah then dV/dt = Adh/dt + hdA/dt right?

I found out that the hight at Vol 800ml is 14.45 cm, the radius of the bottle is 4.77465, area cross section A is 225, and Area cross section B is 3.519...

then dA/dt = 0, so it's just dV/dt = Adh/dt :wink:
how does it relate to B which is the cross section area of the hole?

it doesn't

dV/dt = Adh/dt is just geometry

now you need a physics equation relating dV/dt to h and B :smile:

(in english: how does the loss of water depend on the depth and on B?)
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
hi srsthsr! :smile:

then dA/dt = 0, so it's just dV/dt = Adh/dt :wink:

it doesn't

dV/dt = Adh/dt is just geometry

now you need a physics equation relating dV/dt to h and B :smile:

(in english: how does the loss of water depend on the depth and on B?)

I am sooooooo sorry for the late reply
I still however don't get it, i mean the depth? and the size of the hole? I am really confused :cry: i can't seem to find out the equation anywhere! i don't even know where to start looking =[...

Thank you so much for helping me out!
  • #6
well, say it in English …

how does the amount of water leaking out depend on the depth (the height) of water and on the size of the hole?
  • #7
okay... in English... the bigger the hole the more amount of water leaks out in a certain amount of time. The greater the depth, the more pressure, also the more amount of water leaking out...
I get it, but i can't find an equation to relate all of them together and prove that the numbers that i got from the experiment actually is correct (to an extent) =[
  • #8
hi srsthsr! :smile:
srsthsr said:
The greater the depth, the more pressure, also the more amount of water leaking out...

right! :smile:

so you need two equations, one to tell you the https://www.physicsforums.com/library.php?do=view_item&itemid=80" , and one to tell how the pressure affects the speed

i] pressure = ρgh (ρ is density)

ii] https://www.physicsforums.com/library.php?do=view_item&itemid=115"
… the bigger the hole the more amount of water leaks out in a certain amount of time.

this is just geometry … if you know the speed, then just write out the definition of flow …

iii] flow = volume per time = area times distance per time = area times speed :wink:
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  • #9
Thank you for the rapid response, the problem is though, that the speed is not constant and varies as pressure and volume changes doesn't it?... how would I find the average speed?
  • #10
srsthsr said:
Thank you for the rapid response, the problem is though, that the speed is not constant and varies as pressure and volume changes doesn't it?... how would I find the average speed?

i don't understand … why do you want to find the average speed? :confused:

all the question asked for was …
srsthsr said:
To investigate the relationship between the initial volume and the time it takes for the water to leak out of a hole beneath the bottle.
  • #11
OK, I will give it a try, I think I've found out what you meant =P thank you! will reply soon =]
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  • #12
Okay I tried out your equation, but the constant from Bernoulli's equation keeps changing.
Could you please tell me what I did wrong?
1) Flow rate of 0.8L
2)speedxarea(of hole)=volume/time
so speed=2.63e-5/0.0056x2x3.1416=7.484e-4
3) P=pgh=1x9.81x0.1445=1.417545
4)using Bernoulli's equation along any streamline of a steady incompressible non-viscous flow: constant=2.8351
5)Flow=Vol/t=speed x area
6)so speed=V/at
7)rearranging equation, 2(pgh)+(0.5(V/at)^2) should equal to 2.8351, but it doesn't for other values! i.e. Vol=0.7L and time=27.78, =[ please help
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  • #13
hi srsthsr! :smile:

no, your v in https://www.physicsforums.com/library.php?do=view_item&itemid=115" has to be the instantaneous velocity at time t …

your data …
srsthsr said:
Dependent Variable: Time it takes for all the water to flow out of the bottle
Independent Variable: Initial Volume of Water

… are giving you initial volume over total time,

which gives you an average velocity instead :redface:
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  • #14
then what should i do? I am so confused ;(
  • #15
you need to go back to your data and find dV/dt as a function of the volume V …

for example, you could draw a graph and measure the slope :wink:
  • #16
OKAY, will do that, i have a plotted graph already, however, isn't the relationship parabolic? or is it a straight line?
once i get dV/dT which is A(dh/dt) then do i divide the answer by A and then that would give me dh/dt or in english, rate of change of height per time... which is the instantaneous speed?

I hope i am not being too much of a trouble for you =[

Be back soon, looking forward to your reply =]
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  • #18
the area of the hole!
  • #19
no that can't be right …

look at the dimensions …

dh/dt is a speed (L/T), so (dh/dt)B would be speed times area (L3/T) :redface:

so you need an extra … ? :smile:
  • #20
AHHHH, I am going crazy =/... ok L^3/T is the rate of flow... but we want velocity... so do i times it by 1/h? i don't know... and what does the gradient represent, i understand that its Adh/dt so what does Adh/dt mean? =[ this is confusing me so much i don't know what to do!
  • #21
hi srsthsr! :smile:

it's really very logical :wink:

dV/dt = Adh/dt

ie flow rate = bottle area times bottle speed


flow rate = hole area times hole speed

ie dV/dt = Bv

so v = … ? :smile:

(btw, this is all geometry, not physics!)

(and next you put this v into Bernoulli's equation)
  • #22
so r u saying that (dV/dt)/B is v? and i just put that into the equation and i get the constant?

also, is the P in Bernoulli's equation the same as pgh?
  • #23
srsthsr said:
is the P in Bernoulli's equation the same as pgh?

yes :smile:
so r u saying that (dV/dt)/B is v? and i just put that into the equation and i get the constant?

Bernoulli will give you an equation in h, so you'll need v as a function of h, not of V, won't you? :wink:

FAQ: Water Bottle: relationship between Volume and Time

What is the relationship between the volume of a water bottle and the time it takes to empty?

The relationship between the volume of a water bottle and the time it takes to empty depends on several factors, such as the size and shape of the bottle, the type of liquid inside, and the force applied to the bottle. Generally, the larger the volume of the bottle, the longer it takes to empty, and the smaller the volume, the shorter the time it takes. However, other factors may also play a role in the rate of emptying.

Does the shape of a water bottle affect the time it takes to empty?

Yes, the shape of a water bottle can affect the time it takes to empty. Bottles with wider openings or larger diameters will allow water to flow out faster compared to bottles with narrow openings or smaller diameters. This is because wider openings allow for more air to enter the bottle, creating equal pressure and pushing the water out faster.

How does the type of liquid in a water bottle affect the time it takes to empty?

The type of liquid in a water bottle can affect the time it takes to empty. Thicker liquids, such as juice or soda, will take longer to empty compared to water or other thin liquids. This is because thicker liquids have a higher viscosity, meaning they are more resistant to flow and require more force to be poured out.

What is the role of gravity in the relationship between volume and time for a water bottle?

Gravity plays a crucial role in the relationship between volume and time for a water bottle. Gravity is what pulls the water down towards the ground, creating the force needed to push the water out of the bottle. The greater the volume of water, the greater the force of gravity, and the longer it will take for the bottle to empty.

Can the force applied to a water bottle affect the relationship between volume and time?

Yes, the force applied to a water bottle can affect the relationship between volume and time. The more force applied, the faster the water will pour out of the bottle, and the shorter the time it will take to empty. This is why squeezing a water bottle or pouring it from a greater height will result in a faster emptying time compared to simply pouring it out gently.
